Linguistics: Linguistics MA, PhD Courses

Course descriptions and other information are available each spring from the Coordinator of Graduate Studies. Not all courses are offered in a given year. Students should consult the departmental website.

Course CodeCourse Title
Field Methods
JFL1107HComputational Methods for Linguists
JFL1207HAdvanced Computational Methods for Linguists
Language Acquisition
Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory
Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure
Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning
Sound Patterns in Language
Syntactic Patterns
Introduction to Semantics
LIN1070HLanguage Processing
LIN1103HIntroduction to Analysis and Argumentation
LIN1104HQuantitative Methods in Linguistics
Advanced Quantitative Methods in Linguistics
LIN1106HIntroduction to Experimental Design
LIN1107HComputational Methods in Linguistics
LIN1111HAcoustic Phonetics
LIN1112HPhonetic Analysis
Phonological Theory
Introduction to Syntactic Theory
Morphology: Morphosyntactic Issues
Urban Dialectology
Language Variation and Change: Theory and Analysis
Advanced Phonetics
Advanced Phonology I
Advanced Phonology II
Advanced Syntax I
Advanced Syntax II
Advanced Semantics I
Advanced Semantics II
LIN1255HAdvanced Language Variation and Change I
LIN1256HAdvanced Language Variation and Change II
LIN1271HAdvanced Psycholinguistics I
LIN1272HAdvanced Psycholinguistics II
LIN1276HTopics in Speech Perception
Reading Seminar
Research Seminar
LIN2100YLinguistic Forum
Junior Forum
Generals Paper I
Generals Paper II