Minimum Admission Requirements
Applicants who wish to enrol in Musculoskeletal Sciences must apply to and be admitted to both a graduate degree program in one of the participating units and to the collaborative specialization. In addition to the application requirements of the home degree program, the collaborative specialization requires:
a curriculum vitae (CV)
a one-page letter explaining how the applicant's plan of study and specific research interests relate to musculoskeletal science
a letter of recommendation from a faculty member (if possible the thesis supervisor in a thesis-based graduate program), commenting on the applicant's academic abilities and likelihood for research success.
Completion Requirements
Meet all requirements of the home degree program and the collaborative specialization.
Complete the required core course: LMP1211H Foundations In Musculoskeletal Science.
Attend and participate in 12 seminars of the SRM3335H Master’s Seminar Series — Compulsory Attendance.
Complete a thesis or major project or placement in the area of musculoskeletal sciences under the supervision of a collaborative specialization core faculty member.