East Asian Studies: East Asian Studies MA, PhD Courses

The following courses may be offered by the department. Not all courses are offered every year. Please consult the department's website for a current course listing.

Cultural Studies

Course CodeCourse Title
Classical Chinese I
Classical Chinese II
Chinese Cultural and Historical Studies
Environmental Criticism
Violence, Justice, the Human
EAS1336HMemory and Trauma in Critical East Asian Historical Perspective
EAS1337HDiaspora and Transpacific Studies
EAS1338HAsian Feminist Epistemologies: Theory and Embodiment
Topics in Chinese Art Theories
Chinese Cultural Studies Seminar: May Fourth
EAS1430HHong Kong Cinema and Adaptation
EAS1431HAdvanced Seminar in Japanese Cinema
Korean Cultural Studies Seminar
Rethinking Realism in 20th Century Korea
Crisis, Population, Archive
EAS1445HOn the Organic: Land and Labour Power
Sound Studies and Modern Japan
Future, Architecture, Japan
Contemporary Cultural Theories
Samurai Culture
EAS1530HSound Matters
EAS1531HOcean Media: Islanding, Space, Modernity
Critical Approaches to East Asia
EAS2323HRethinking Chinese Cultural History


Course CodeCourse Title
EAS1130HRethinking China's Cultural Revolution: History, Politics, and Theory
From Republic to People's Republic: The Chinese Revolution from 1895 to the Present
EAS1173HModern Korean History Seminar
EAS1173YModern Korean History Seminar
EAS1174YRethinking Empire in East Asia
Comparative Historical Socialisms in East Asia and Beyond
EAS1411HArt and Archaeology of Early China
Special Topics in Archaeology of Ancient China
Critique of Everyday Life and Capitalism
EAS1426HTransition, Subjectivity, Revolution
EAS1427HThe Production of Difference and the Logic of Capital
The Communist Hypothesis and Asia
EAS1471HIssues in Political Economy of South Korea
EAS1472HCold War in the Pacific
EAS1496HHistory of the Chinese Book
EAS1543HEmpire, Ethnicity, and Translation in Inner Asian and Chinese History


Course CodeCourse Title
Reading Japanese for Graduate Purposes
Modern Standard Japanese I
Modern Standard Japanese II
Modern Standard Japanese III
EAS1304HModern Standard Japanese IVa
Modern Standard Japanese IVb
Japanese I for Students with Prior Background
Modern Standard Japanese II Prior Background
Modern Standard Korean I
Modern Standard Korean II
EAS1623YModern Standard Korean III
EAS1631YAccelerated Modern Standard Korean I and II
Accelerated Modern Standard Korean II
Modern Standard Chinese I
Modern Standard Chinese II
Modern Standard Chinese III
Modern Standard Chinese I for Students With Background in Chinese
Modern Standard Chinese IVa
Modern Standard Chinese IVb


Course CodeCourse Title
Chinese Poetics
EAS1137YChinese Poetics
EAS1151HChinese Poetry I
EAS1152HChinese Poetry II
Writing as Technology in Modern China
EAS1408HIdentity and Diaspora in Modern Taiwanese Literature
Korean Literary Translation
Mid-century Modernism in the Koreas: Literature, War, and Decolonization
The City, Body, and Text in Modern Japanese Literature
Mahayana Sutra Literature
Writing Women in Premodern China
EAS1541HA Comparative History of Reading in East Asia and Beyond
EAS1542HManchu Language and History
EAS1550HHong Kong Literature
Diasporic Cities: Itinerant Narratives of Metropoles by Travellers and Expatriates
The Rhetoric of Photography

Philosophy and Religion

Course CodeCourse Title
EAS1407HTextual Analysis of Classical Chinese Philosophy

Research Seminars

Course CodeCourse Title
Special Topics in Chinese Studies
EAS1100YSpecial Topics in Chinese Studies
Special Topics in Chinese Culture
EAS1116YSpecial Topics in Chinese Culture
Topics in Medieval China
Reading and Major Research Paper
EAS1150YReading and Major Research Paper
Special Topics in Korean Studies
MA Thesis
Special Topics in Japanese Studies
Japanese Source Materials and Reference Works
Readings in Japanese Documentary Source Materials
Special Topics in East Asian Studies
East Asian Studies Bibliography, Reference, and Research Methodology