CHL5691H: MScCH Optional Practicum

MScCH students may choose an optional practicum which involves either: more advanced and demonstrably different work in the same field as the required practicum; or may be in one of the other MScCH fields. For example, students in the Wound Prevention and Care (WPC) field, after completing the required practicum may choose between a second different practicum in WPC, or a practicum in Health Practitioner Teacher Education or Family and Community Medicine, depending upon their academic needs and interest. The optional practicum in the specialty area follows the same basic structure as the required practicum; however, the activity itself will differ by field. Students are required to spend a minimum of 160 hours involved in an appropriate practicum to earn the 0.5 FCE credit. Like the required practicum, the optional practicum must have a field supervisor.

Credit/No Credit
This continuous course will continuously roll over until a final grade or credit/no credit is entered.
St. George
In Class