The course is designed to maximize the value and learning that each student obtains from your internship. You'll do that by demonstrating and expanding your skills and knowledge, partially gained from first-year MBA course and co-curricular experiences, and partly by on the job learning from your internship. Note that you can learn much more from your experience than just new skills and knowledge about your role, firm and industry. Beyond those, you can also significantly increase your insight into yourself, by engaging in exercises designed to ensure that you take the time to reflect on your experience. Another potential benefit from the internship is expanding your network and improving your comfort and capability in reaching out to and connecting with people who you don’t know. Students will be coached in this process by Internship Advisors who will meet with students three times throughout the course. Students are expected to work with your Internship Advisors to develop abilities in goal setting; recognition of strengths and weaknesses, identification of obstacles to success and development of a plan to overcome those obstacles; receiving feedback about performance; and making adjustments based on that feedback. At the conclusion of the course, students will provide a summary of what you learned during the internship.