RSM5001H: Strategy 1

In this course, you will gain fluency in fundamental concepts, frameworks and methodologies useful to managers in crafting and executing business strategy. You will develop the ability to generate and evaluate strategic decisions in terms of positioning a company relative to external and internal factors to create sustainable value for shareholders and other constituents. Multi-business companies must also develop a corporate strategy to deliver value by focusing on interdependencies among the business units within a firm. As part of this journey, you will also understand what persistent performance differences are, why the field of strategy is focused on understanding them, and how they relate to the firm-level objective of maximizing profits. And you will become literate in the field of strategic management, including a grasp of its intellectual history, a solid understanding of its central ideas including the most up-to-date theories of strategy, and a good sense of how research insights are ultimately "commercialized" by strategy practitioners — a crucial skill to enable you to gain personal competitive advantage through evaluation and early adoption of new scholarly ideas throughout your career.

St. George
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