Resuscitation Sciences: Doctoral Level

Admissions to the collaborative specialization in Resuscitation Sciences have been administratively suspended.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Collaborative specializations are administered under the auspices of the School of Graduate Studies.

  • Applicants must be accepted for admission to a participating graduate unit and comply with the admission procedures of that unit before applying to the Collaborative Specialization in Resuscitation Sciences.

  • Applicants must submit the following to the collaborative specialization committee:

    • a resumé or curriculum vitae (CV)

    • a personal statement explaining how their course of study and specific research interests relate to resuscitation science

    • a letter of recommendation from a faculty member, usually the thesis supervisor in a thesis-based graduate program, commenting on the student's academic abilities, and likelihood for research success in the field of resuscitation sciences.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must register in the degree program through one of the participating home graduate units. They must meet all respective degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and their participating home graduate unit.

  • In addition to meeting the home graduate unit program requirements, students will be required to:

    • take the core course MSC4001H Foundations in Resuscitation Science Research (doctoral students who have already taken this course as part of their master's program will be exempted)

    • take MSC4002H Advanced Topics in Resuscitation Science Research, a type 2 graduate seminar series

    • complete a thesis in the area of resuscitation sciences

    • attend at least 75% of the SRD4444H Resuscitation Sciences Graduate Seminar Series over two consecutive years

    • present their research at least twice at either the Resuscitation in Motion scientific meeting or in the Foundations MSC4001H core course.