The department offers a selection of courses each year from the following list with the possibility of additions. The core courses will be offered each year. Consult the department for courses offered in the current academic year.
Course Code | Course Title |
Statistics for Life and Social Scientists | |
STA1008H | Applications of Statistics |
JAS1101H | Topics in Astrostatistics |
Applied Multivariate Analysis | |
Applied Stochastic Processes | |
Theory and Methods for Complex Spatial Data | |
STA2047H | Stochastic Calculus |
STA2051H | Topics in Numerical Methods in Data Science |
STA2052H | Statistics, Ethics, and Law |
STA2053H | Special Topics in Applied Statistics |
Fundamentals of Statistical Genetics | |
Methods of Applied Statistics I | |
Computational Techniques in Statistics | |
Statistical Methods for Machine Learning and Data Mining | |
Probability Theory I | |
Mathematical Statistics I | |
STA2162H | Statistical Inference I |
STA2163H | Online Learning and Sequential Decision Theory |
Methods of Applied Statistics II | |
Time Series Analysis | |
STA2209H | Lifetime Date Modelling and Analysis |
Probability Theory II | |
Mathematical Statistics II | |
STA2311H | Advanced Computational Methods for Statistics I |
STA2312H | Advanced Computational Methods for Statistics II |
Data Science Methods, Collaborations, and Communication | |
STA2500H | Loss Models |
Advanced Topics in Actuarial Science | |
Stochastic Models in Investments | |
Applied Probability for Mathematical Finance | |
Credibility Theory and Simulation Methods | |
Applied Time-Series Analysis | |
Life Insurance Mathematics | |
Data Science for Risk Modelling | |
Insurance Risk Management | |
STA2546H | Data Analytics in Practice |
Industrial Seminar Series | |
Finance and Insurance Case Studies | |
Information Visualization | |
Industrial Internship | |
Numerical Methods for Finance and Insurance | |
Teaching and Learning of Statistics in Higher Education | |
Computational Inference and Graphical Models | |
Advanced Theory of Statistics | |
Monte Carlo Methods | |
Supervised Reading Project I | |
Supervised Reading Project II | |
Supervised Reading Project for an Advanced Special Topic | |
Research Topics in Mathematical Finance | |
Research Topics in Statistical Machine Learning | |
STA4372H | Foundations of Statistical Inference |
Note: The following modular courses are each worth 0.25 full-course equivalent (FCE).
Course Code | Course Title |
Statistical Dependence: Copula Models and Beyond | |
Functional Data Analysis and Related Topics | |
Topics in Stochastic Processes | |
Applied Stochastic Control: High Frequency and Algorithmic Trading | |
Non-stationary Time Series Analysis | |
Extreme Value Theory and Applications | |
Topics in Likelihood Inference | |
Insurance Risk Models I | |
Topics in Insurance Risk Modelling II | |
Logical Foundations of Statistical Inference | |
Modelling and Analysis of Spatially Correlated Data | |
Multiple Hypothesis Testing and its Applications | |
Topics in Probabilistic Programming | |
Foundations and Trends in Causal Inference | |
Robust Statistical Methods | |
STA4519H | Optimal Transport: Theory and Algorithms |
The Measurement of Statistical Evidence | |
Bayesian Computation with Massive Data and Intractable Likelihoods | |
Advanced Topics in Statistical Genetics | |
Demographic Methods | |
STA4526H | Stochastic Control and Applications in Finance |
STA4527H | Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications |
STA4528H | Dependence Modelling With Application to Risk Management |
STA4529H | Applications of Nonstandard Analysis to Statistics and Probability Theory |
STA4530H | Derivatives for Institutional Investing |
STA4531H | Information Geometry |