APHD: Counselling Psychology MEd and EdD; Fields: Counselling and Psychotherapy; Global Mental Health and Counselling Psychology; Guidance and Counselling; School Psychology Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please review the course schedule on the Registrar’s Office and Student Experience website.

Course CodeCourse Title
APD1202HTheories and Techniques of Counselling and Psychotherapy — Part I
Practicum I: Interventions in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy
Counselling Topics in Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Diversity
Critical Multicultural Practice: Diversity Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Ethical Issues in Professional Practice in Psychology and Psychotherapy
Couples Counselling
Fostering Black Mental Health from Childhood to Emerging Adulthood Through Anti-Racist Practices
APD1232HMindfulness Interventions in Counselling and Psychotherapy
APD1235HTechnology, Play, and Social Media in Adolescence
Brief Strategies in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Practicum in Adult Counselling and Psychotherapy
Individual Reading and Research in Counselling Psychology: Master's Level
APD1260HFamily Therapy
Group Work in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Educational and Psychological Testing for Counselling
Career Counselling and Development: Transition from School to Work
APD1267HEmotion-Focused Therapy
Career Counselling and Development: Transitions in Adulthood
APD1270HTrauma Informed Interventions
APD1271HPerspectives on Executive Functions in Education: From Theory to Practice
APD1277HGlobal Indigenous Healing in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Cognitive Therapy
APD1282HIntroduction to Global Mental Health and Counselling Psychology
APD1283HPeer and Video-Based Counselling with Practicum Field-Based Learning in Global Mental Health
Indigenous Studies in Mental Health and Disability Justice
APD1302HTheories and Techniques of Counselling and Psychotherapy — Part II
APD1902HTheories and Techniques of Counselling in a Global Context
APD2286HGlobal Indigenous Healing in Counselling and Psychotherapy
APD2291HIntroduction to Global Mental Health and Counselling Psychology
Interpretation of Educational Research
APD2298HPeer and Video-Based Counselling with Practicum Field-Based Learning in Global Mental Health
APD3115HResearch Proseminar in Counselling and Psychotherapy
APD3116HProseminar ll: Practice-Based Research in School and Counselling Psychology
APD3160HAdvanced Family Therapy
APD3163HAdvanced Multicultural Counselling and Psychotherapy
APD3178HAdvanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
A Foundation of Program Evaluation in Social Sciences (RM)
Advanced Psychotherapy Seminar
Advanced Practicum in Clinical and Counselling Psychology
APD3260HPsychodiagnostic Systems
APD3261HClinical Supervision and Consultation Practicum
Internship in Clinical and Counselling Psychology
EdD Internship
Additional PhD Practicum
APD3401HAssessment with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children, Youth, and Families
APD3402HIntervention with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children, Youth, and Families
APD3403HEdD Internship in School Psychology
APD5000H to APD5050HSpecial Topics in Applied Psychology and Human Development: Master's Level
APD6000H to APD6016HSpecial Topics in Applied Psychology and Human Development: Doctoral Level
JOI3228HMixed Methods Research Design in Social Sciences (RM)
JOI3229HMeta-Analysis for Research in Psychology and Education (RM)
JOI6000HAdvanced Quantitative Research Methods Courses

Individual Reading and Research Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
APD2252HIndividual Reading and Research in Human Development and Applied Psychology: Master's Level
APD2252HIndividual Reading and Research in Human Development and Applied Psychology: Doctoral Level