Next-Generation Precision Medicine

Next-Generation Precision Medicine: Introduction

Lead Faculty of the Collaborative Specialization


Participating Degree Programs

Chemistry — PhD
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry — PhD
Molecular Genetics — PhD
Pharmaceutical Sciences — PhD

Supporting Units

Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences;
Precision Medicine Initiative at U of T (PRiME)


The graduate programs listed above participate in the doctoral Collaborative Specialization (CS) in Next-Generation Precision Medicine, which offers the opportunity for cross-disciplinary research leading to doctoral degrees.

This CS is designed to foster cross-disciplinary training and collaboration across diverse departments at the University. The academic research focus is on cutting-edge technologies and methods to develop novel therapeutic strategies, create new tools for disease diagnosis, and enable a deeper understanding of disease biology through integration of principles and methods across the physical and life sciences and engineering.

Future advances in precision medicine will require a multidisciplinary perspective and creative solutions beyond conventional genomics and mutational profiling. This CS aims to equip researchers with novel approaches to address unmet human health challenges by providing an understanding of commercialization and translation activities that will help advance research discoveries into impactful outcomes.

Upon successful completion of the PhD degree requirements of the participating home graduate unit and the CS, students will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Next-Generation Precision Medicine” on their transcript.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 978-5516

Collaborative Specialization in Next-Generation Precision Medicine
144 College Street, room 904
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3M2

Next-Generation Precision Medicine: Doctoral Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must meet the admission requirements of both the home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization (CS).

  • Applicants must apply to and be admitted to both the CS and a participating doctoral degree program.

  • Applicants must be supervised by a core faculty member of the CS and are encouraged to have a co-supervisor or a member of their supervisory committee with research expertise in a different field of study.

  • Applicants must have a thesis project focused on drug discovery, diagnostic development, or another topic related to next-generation precision medicine.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must meet the degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies, the participating home graduate program, and the collaborative specialization.

  • The student’s thesis in their home program must be in the area of next-generation precision medicine.

  • The plan of study will include at least 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) (combined course modules and seminar course as described below):

    • Students must complete PHM1500H Next-Generation Precision Medicine Seminar Series, offered through the Graduate Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

    • Course modules (0.25 or 0.5 FCE each) will be offered through the CS and participating departments. Students must take any (one or two) of the modules recognized by the CS for a total of 0.5 FCE.


Next-Generation Precision Medicine: Courses

Required Course

Course CodeCourse Title
PHM1500HNext-Generation Precision Medicine Seminar Series

Modular Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
CHE1125HModelling and Optimization in Biochemical Networks
CHE1134HAdvances in Bioengineering
CHE1333HBiomaterials Engineering for Nanomedicine
CHE1334HOrgan-on-a-Chip Engineering
CHE1450HBioprocess Engineering
CHE1471HModelling in Biological and Chemical Systems
CHM1056HTechniques for Studying the Chemical, Structural, and Dynamic Properties of Biomolecules
JTC1331HBiomaterials Science
LMP2342HIntellectual Property Fundamentals
LMP2343HApplied Intellectual Property
LMP2345HProcurement, Privacy, and Regulatory Affairs
LMP2346HGrant Writing
LMP2347HEconomics of Healthcare
MMG1319HGenomics of Infectious Diseases
MMG1324HMitochondrial Genetics in Health and Disease
MMG3204HPractical Applications of Genome Interpretation
MMG3205HResearch Topics in Medical Genomics
PHM2101HPharmaceutical Sciences Module: Precision in vitro Diagnostics