This series of centrepiece courses is designed to grant our students a more in-depth appreciation and understanding of the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industry in a corporate and/or industrial setting, and to apply their knowledge and skills in a real-world context. Students are required to complete two 4-month full-time Work Term placements that are arranged by the course coordinator to ensure that the role, responsibilities and activities are at a graduate level. Credit-granting responsibilities reside with the course instructor, based on assignments and feedback from students' Work Term supervisors.
Required preparatory exercises and assignments must be completed in the Summer and Fall sessions, leading up to the start of the placement in Winter/Spring, in order for students to qualify for Work Term I. These preparatory requirements can involve résumé workshops, one-on-one meetings with members of the MBiotech team, attendance at the annual Career Day, and more.
Students in Work Term II may continue with the same employer from Work Term I, or alternatively with a new employer or department. Students' performance and their work experiences is evaluated in a manner similar to that for Work Term I.
Note: BTC1920Y, Work Term III is an optional elective course that extends the placement experience to a full 12 months' duration. Students taking Work Term III share their experiences by means of a mandatory Networking Night component in late November.
Students receive credit/no credit grades for all three courses.