DEN1001H: Graduate Research Dissemination Seminars

Graduate Research Dissemination Seminars is required as part of the program for all graduate students at the Faculty of Dentistry. This course is primarily student-led with students providing the seminar content and chairing sessions. The course is designed to provide graduate students with an opportunity to present their research in a safe environment and to receive tailored and individualized feedback to improve their performance. The submission of an abstract of the presentation on Quercus is mandatory, at least a week before the presentation. Each student will have 20 minutes to present their research, and this will be followed by a 5-minute question period. Following the presentation, the student will meet with at least one of the Course Directors for 30 minutes to review student performance and to provide feedback. During that meeting, no comments will be made about the research content presented. As part of this course, the student will also be required to chair an oral session to experience timekeeping monitoring, audience management, and questions fielding. All sessions will take place online through Zoom to increase accessibility. MSc students register in DEN1001H while PhD students register in DEN1100H.

This continuous course will continuously roll over until a final grade or credit/no credit is entered.
St. George
In Class