DEN2052Y: Surgical Orthodontics II

This course is the second clinically intensive collaborative educational component of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontic graduate programs. It investigates in detail and involves the surgical educational component of the patients prepared in DEN2051Y. It involves both OMFS and Orthodontic residents to a comprehensive, detailed, and innovative clinic. This part will detail the final presurgical orthodontic preparation, presurgical orthognathic surgery preparation, and post-operative aftercare all provided in the clinics. Operative orthognathic surgery (assisted by orthodontic residents) takes place at Mount Sinai or Humber River hospitals. Milestones in orthognathic surgery and in surgical orthodontics are met through clinic, seminar, and operating room interactions. Residents will be exposed and utilize the OMFS Digital Laboratory where they will have, special access to participate in the complete experience of digital planning: virtual surgical preparation, surgical guide fabrication, surgical orthodontic diagnosis, and treatment. Participation and presentation in joint seminars by guests, staff, and Fellows of both the orthodontic and OMFS programs will occur.

St. George
In Class