French Language and Literature: French Language and Literature MA, PhD Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please consult the department regarding course availability.

Core Courses

Linguistics Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Linguistics Seminar I: Phonetics and Phonology /
Séminaire de linguistique I : Phonétique et phonologie
Linguistics Seminar II: Syntax /
Séminaire de linguistique II : Syntaxe
Linguistics Seminar III: Experimental and Corpus Linguistics for the Study of French /
Séminaire de linguistique III : Linguistique expérimentale et linguistique de corpus

Literature Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Literature Seminar I: Literary Theory
Literature Seminar II: Literary Periods
Literature Seminar III: Literary Genres

Linguistic and Literature Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Research Methodology in Literature and Linguistics /
Méthodes de recherche

Elective Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please consult the department regarding course availability.

Linguistics Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
FRE1075HTopics in Theoretical French Linguistics
FRE1076HTopics in Methodological Approaches to French Linguistics
Phonological Problems: Creoles with a French Lexical Basis /
Problèmes de phonologie : les créoles à base lexicale française
Arguments, Structures, and Representations in French /
Arguments, structures et représentations en français
Bilingual Language Acquisition /
Bilinguisme et acquisition du langage
FRE1141HLinguistics Seminar III: Experimental and Corpus Linguistics for the Study of French
FRE1147HQuestions and Answers: Syntactic, Phonological, and Discursive Aspects
FRE1148HPostverbal Subjects in French (and Beyond) /
Les sujets postverbaux en français (et au-delà)
Medieval French Language /
Initiation au français médiéval

Literature Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
FRE1050HTopics in Arts and Literature in the French-Speaking World
FRE1051HTopics in French and Francophone Literatures
FRE1312HEmancipation and Erudition: Christine de Pisan /
Émancipation et érudition : Christine de Pisan
Théorie de l'histoire
Baudelaire and Symbolist Modernity (1850-1900) /
Baudelaire et la modernité symboliste (1850–1900)
Forms and Narrative Pathways of the Extreme Contemporary Novel /
Formes et voies romanesques de l'extrême contemporain
Literature and Ethics: New Texts, New Perspectives /
Littérature et éthique : nouveaux textes, nouvelles problématiques
FRE2011HWriting Atheism: Literary and Philosophical Perspectives /
Écrire l’athéisme : perspectives littéraires et philosophiques
About the Intimate in France: Contemporary Women Writers /
Autour de l'intime en France: les écrits contemporains des femmes
Configurations of Sexual Gender in Contemporary Prose by Women Writers /
Configurations du genre sexuel dans la prose contemporaine des femmes
The Novel and Social Criticism in the 20th and 21st Centuries /
Roman et critique sociale aux XXe et XXIe siècles
FRE2099HNovel and Document in the Extreme Contemporary /
Roman et document dans l'extrême contemporain
From Text to Image: Photographs and Cinematic Adaptations in Various Contemporary Texts /
Du texte à l'image : photographies, adaptations cinematographiques, illustrations et peintures dans quelques textes contemporains
FRE2102HIndigenous Cultural Productions Made in French /
Enjeux des productions culturelles autochtones de langue française au Canada
Writing One's Self: From Textual Representation to Visual Representation of the Living Subject /
Écritures du moi : de la représentation textuelle à la représentation visuelle du sujet écrivant
FRE2109HHistory of Cultural and Literary Practices of Women in Quebec (1830-1960) /
Histoire des pratiques littéraires et culturelles des femmes au Québec (1830–1960)
FRE2123HTraversing the Social Frontier: The Figure of the Transclass in Literature (19th-21st Centuries) /
Passer la frontière sociale : la figure du transclasse dans la littérature (XIXe–XXIe siècles)
FRE2202HLiterature and the Press in Quebec (20th-21st Centuries) /
Littérature et presse au Québec (XXe–XXIe siècles)

Other Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Reading Course
Research Essay
Research Essay
FSL6000HReading French Course for Graduate Students

Joint Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Littérature de contact et pensée anthropologique en France du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle /
Literature of Contact and Anthropological Thought, 16th–18th Century
Feminism and Postmodernism: Theory and Practice
Collections of Knowledge: Encyclopedism and Travel Literature in Early Modern Europe (1500–1800)
JFC5120HThe Gift / Le don
Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials
JFC5136HAllegory and Allegorism in Literature and Fine Arts
JFF1101HThe Art of Exploration: How to Think the World
JFL1107HComputational Methods for Linguists
JFL1207HAdvanced Computational Methods for Linguists
JRL1101HTopics in Romance Laboratory Phonetics and Phonology I: Theory
Second Language Acquisition of Romance Phonology

Cross-Listed Courses

Book History and Print Culture

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Book History
Book History in Practice
Advanced Seminar in Book History and Print Culture

Medieval Studies

Course CodeCourse Title
MST3232HVernacular Literature in Medieval Europe: Status and Function
Book History and Print Culture
Middle French Literature

Sexual Diversity Studies

Course CodeCourse Title
Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Sexual Diversity Studies