Minimum Admission Requirements
In addition to the admission requirements of the home graduate unit, sufficient linguistic knowledge, textual training, and familiarity with relevant scholarship in order to carry out graduate work in Jewish Studies within the chosen field are required.
Completion Requirements
Completion of CJS2000H, the core research colloquium in Jewish Studies that runs biweekly throughout the year.
Two half courses (1.0 full-course equivalent [FCE]), one within and one outside of the student's home unit, taught by a member of the CJS faculty (may count towards the course requirements of the student's home unit).
A doctoral dissertation that deals substantively with topics in Jewish Studies and is supervised or co-supervised by a Jewish Studies graduate faculty member.
Students will be required to give one presentation at the Jewish Studies graduate student conference over the course of their doctoral program. The conference will be held each year in the spring. The paper presentation must be completed before the completion of the doctoral program.