Minimum Admission Requirements
- Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the JD program, the School of Graduate Studies, and the MA program.
Academic Path to Completion
Every CDP involves a specific combination of approved degree programs. The CDP requirements build on those of the two separate degree programs. Each CDP has a unique pattern of academic activity year by year.
Year | Progression | Specific Requirements |
| | |
| - JD program requirements.
- MA program requirements.
| - Complete 44 JD credits including a moot, an extended paper, a perspective course, and an international/comparative/transnational (ICT) course. Students graduating in 2017 or later must complete 45 JD credits.
- 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) toward the MA program requirements (1.5 FCE in each of Years 2 and 3) including ENG6999Y, and at least 1.0 FCE in law and literature program courses.
- Complete a JD Directed Research project (at least 3 JD credits) or an MA English reading course (0.5 FCE) on a topic related to law and literature.
Program Length
3 years
Time Limit
4 years