| Old English I |
| Introduction to Old English II: Beowulf |
ENG1006H | York’s Plays and Records |
ENG1012H | Writing the Self in Late-Medieval England: Hoccleve and Kempe |
ENG1100H | Topics in Canadian Literature |
ENG1101H | Topics in Canadian Literature |
ENG1102H | Topics in Canadian Literature |
ENG1200H | Topics in African Canadian Literature |
ENG1300H | Topics in Asian Canadian Literature |
| The Canterbury Tales |
ENG1582H | Piers Plowman |
ENG2012H | Life-Writing in Early Modern England |
ENG2017H | Early Modern Asexualities |
ENG2100H | Topics in American Literature |
ENG2200H | Topics in African American Literature |
| Early Modern Manuscripts |
ENG2300H | Topics in Asian American Literature |
ENG2472H | Milton |
ENG2486H | Early Modern Theater Theories |
ENG2499H | Shakespeare's Tragedies |
ENG2506H | Shakespeare’s Theatrical (After) Lives |
ENG2509H | Shakespeare and the Book |
ENG3045H | The Comic Novel from Fielding to Austen |
ENG3100H | Topics in Indigenous Literature |
ENG3302H | Being There: Liveness and Presence ca. 1750–1830 |
ENG3338H | Satire and the Great Laughter Debate |
ENG3707H | Literature and Censorship, 1640–1860 |
ENG4100H | Topics in Diasporic, Postcolonial, and Transnational Literature |
ENG4101H | Topics in Diasporic, Postcolonial, and Transnational Literature |
ENG4200H | Topics in Caribbean Literature in English |
ENG4211H | Romanticism and Translation |
| Early Nineteenth-Century Environmental Literature |
ENG4300H | Topics in African Literature in English |
ENG4400H | Topics in South Asian Literature in English |
ENG4404H | Victorian Memory/Victorian Forgetting |
ENG4405H | Genres of the Victorian Novel |
| Victorian Fiction and the Fragility of the Social |
| Romantic Memory |
| Romantic Pastoral Revisited |
| Empire of Steam: Romanticism, Technology, and Modernity |
ENG4770H | Aesthetics and Ethics: the Late Victorians |
| Marx and the American Renaissance |
ENG5021H | Black Forms: Critical Race Theory and Diasporic Literature |
ENG5042H | Justice and Form in Contemporary Canadian Ecopoetry |
ENG5047H | Class, Culture, and American Realism |
ENG5078H | Postcolonial Ecocriticism |
ENG5080H | Assembling the Afro-Métis Syllabus |
ENG5088H | Kind of Like: Difference, Similarity, Comparison |
ENG5100H | Topics in Medieval Literature |
ENG5101H | Topics in Medieval Literature |
ENG5102H | The Problem of Elsewhere |
ENG5115H | The Satanic Verses and the Public Life of Books |
ENG5200H | Topics in Early Modern Literature |
ENG5201H | Topics in Early Modern Literature |
ENG5202H | Topics in Early Modern Literature |
ENG5203H | Topics in Early Modern Literature |
ENG5204H | Topics in Early Modern Literature |
ENG5300H | Topics in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature |
ENG5400H | Topics in Romantic and Victorian Literature |
ENG5401H | Topics in Romantic and Victorian Literature |
ENG5500H | Topics in Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature |
ENG5501H | Topics in Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature |
ENG5502H | Topics in Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature |
ENG5503H | Topics in Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature |
| American Pastoral |
ENG5712H | Cinema of Refusal: Inuit Modernity and Visual Sovereignty |
ENG5802H | Global Protest Cultures |
| James Joyce: Modernism, Modernity, Mythology |
ENG6014H | Adapting Short Fiction |
ENG6015H | Experimental Narrative and/as Narrative Theory |
ENG6064H | The Theory of the Novel |
ENG6100H | Topics in Genre and Form |
| Writing a Journal Article |
ENG6182H | Eating Well |
ENG6188H | Land, Myth, and Translation in a Time of Crisis |
| History and Structure of the English Language: Post-1500 |
| Diasporic Englishes |
ENG6492H | Speaking of What’s Next: Climate and Dystopia in Near Future Fiction |
| Psychogeography and the Mapping of Literary Space |
| Dystopian Fiction and Unsettled Space |
| Creative Nonfiction |
ENG6519H | Postcolonial Theory and the World Literature Debates |
ENG6532H | Writing More-than-Human Lives |
ENG6544H | Queer, Trans, and Feminist Historiographies |
| Law and Literature |
| Social Robots in the Cultural Imagination |
ENG6820H | The Novel of Sexual Ideas |
| Workshop in Creative Writing |
ENG6960H | Advanced Creative Writing Workshop |
| Critical Topographies: Theory and Practice of Contemporary Literary Studies in English |
ENG7000Y | Special Reading Course |
ENG7100H | Topics in Interdisciplinary Methods |
ENG7101H | Topics in Interdisciplinary Methods |
ENG7102H | Topics in Interdisciplinary Methods |
ENG7103H | Topics in Interdisciplinary Methods |
ENG7104H | Topics in Interdisciplinary Methods |
ENG7105H | Topics in Interdisciplinary Methods |
ENG8100H | Topics in Digital Literature |
ENG9100H | Topics in Theory |
ENG9101H | Topics in Theory |
ENG9102H | Topics in Theory |
ENG9400H | Essential Skills Workshop Series |
| Professional Development |
| Teaching Literature |
JLE5220H | Tricksters and Confidence Men |
| The Passage from History to Fiction |