Biomedical Engineering: Doctoral Level

Admissions to this collaborative specialization have been administratively suspended.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants who wish to enrol in the collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.

  • Applicants must be graduates in dentistry, engineering, engineering science, medicine, or one of the physical or biological sciences and must be accepted to the Collaborative Specialization in Biomedical Engineering through one of the collaborating graduate units (home graduate units) listed above.

  • Before PhD students are accepted, the collaborative specialization committee must be satisfied with the applicant's ability to undertake advanced graduate studies.

Completion Requirements

  • A qualifying examination may be required by the collaborating unit.

  • Students admitted to the collaborative specialization who are admitted to a PhD program in their home unit will be subject to the requirements of the collaborating unit. The plan of study for each PhD student registered in the Collaborative Specialization in Biomedical Engineering must be approved by the collaborating unit and the collaborative specialization committee; the plan of study will normally comprise at least 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) and a thesis.

    • Engineering and physical science students will be required to take a biological sciences course such as JPB1022H Human Physiology as Related to Biomedical Engineering (or an equivalent).

    • Biological science students will be expected to take a physical sciences course such as JPB1055H Bioengineering for Life Scientists (or an equivalent).

    • Students will be expected to take BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution and pursue a thesis topic relevant to biomedical engineering.

  • In addition to the 1.0 FCE, students are required to participate in two seminar courses: one of BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar series, and JDE1000H Ethics in Research.

  • Each PhD student is normally required to have a supervisory committee consisting of at least three persons, including a supervisor who has an appropriate graduate appointment and who is also a member of the graduate faculty in the home unit. When appropriate, an additional member of the supervisory committee may be from outside the University of Toronto, with approval from the School of Graduate Studies.

  • For doctoral degrees, the examination committee will be constituted according to procedures in the home graduate unit and will include a member from that collaborating unit.