Biomedical Engineering (Collaborative Specialization)

Biomedical Engineering: Introduction

Effective September 1, 2024, admissions are administratively suspended.

Lead Faculty of the Collaborative Specialization

Applied Science and Engineering

Participating Degree Programs

Biochemistry — MSc, PhD
Biomedical Engineering — MASc, PhD
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry — MASc, PhD
Chemistry — MSc, PhD
Dentistry — MSc, PhD
Electrical and Computer Engineering — MASc, PhD
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology — MSc, PhD
Materials Science and Engineering — MASc, PhD
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering — MASc, PhD
Medical Biophysics — MSc, PhD
Medical Science — MSc, PhD
Pharmaceutical Sciences — MSc, PhD
Physics — MSc, PhD
Physiology — MSc, PhD
Rehabilitation Science—MSc, PhD


The graduate programs listed above participate in the Collaborative Specialization in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto. This specialization offers the opportunity for research in biomedical engineering leading to master’s and doctoral degrees. The collaborative specialization is housed in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME).

Biomedical engineering is a multidisciplinary field that integrates engineering with biology and medicine. It uses methods, principles, and tools of engineering, physical sciences, and mathematics to solve problems in the medical and life sciences. Biomedical engineering consists of the application of the concepts and methods of engineering and physics to the study of living systems, to the enhancement and replacement of those systems, to the design and construction of systems to measure basic physiological parameters, to the development of instruments, materials, and techniques for biological and medical practice, and to the development of artificial organs. By its nature the field is interdisciplinary and involves close collaboration between many departments of the university and associated hospitals.

Upon successful completion of the degree requirements of the participating home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization, students will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Biomedical Engineering” on their transcript.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 978-4841
Fax: (416) 978-4317

Collaborative Specialization in Biomedical Engineering
Institute of Biomedical Engineering
University of Toronto
Rosebrugh Building, Room 407, 164 College Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G9 Canada

Biomedical Engineering: Master's Level

Admissions to this collaborative specialization have been administratively suspended.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants who wish to enrol in the collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.

  • Applicants must be graduates in dentistry, engineering, engineering science, medicine, or one of the physical or biological sciences and must be accepted to the Collaborative Specialization in Biomedical Engineering through one of the collaborating graduate units (home graduate units) listed above.

Completion Requirements

Students register in the School of Graduate Studies through their home graduate unit; they will meet all respective degree requirements as described by SGS and the collaborative specialization committee. As part of these requirements:

  • The program of study for each MASc or MSc degree student registered in the collaborative specialization must meet the requirements of the collaborating unit and will normally comprise at least 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) and a thesis in the biomedical field.

    • Engineering and physical science students will be required to take a biological sciences course such as JPB1022H Human Physiology as Related to Biomedical Engineering (or an equivalent).

    • Biological science students will be expected to take a physical sciences course such as JPB1055H Bioengineering for Life Scientists (or an equivalent).

    • Students will be expected to take BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution and pursue a thesis topic relevant to biomedical engineering.

  • In addition to the 2.0 FCEs, students registered in a graduate degree program involving research are required to participate in two seminar courses: one of BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar Series and JDE1000H Ethics in Research.

  • Students are required to have a supervisory committee approved by the collaborative specialization committee and consisting of a supervisor from IBME, with a cross-appointment in the home unit, and other members from other collaborating units as required.

  • The examination committee will be constituted according to procedures in the home graduate unit and will include a member from that collaborating unit.


Biomedical Engineering: Doctoral Level

Admissions to this collaborative specialization have been administratively suspended.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants who wish to enrol in the collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.

  • Applicants must be graduates in dentistry, engineering, engineering science, medicine, or one of the physical or biological sciences and must be accepted to the Collaborative Specialization in Biomedical Engineering through one of the collaborating graduate units (home graduate units) listed above.

  • Before PhD students are accepted, the collaborative specialization committee must be satisfied with the applicant's ability to undertake advanced graduate studies.

Completion Requirements

  • A qualifying examination may be required by the collaborating unit.

  • Students admitted to the collaborative specialization who are admitted to a PhD program in their home unit will be subject to the requirements of the collaborating unit. The plan of study for each PhD student registered in the Collaborative Specialization in Biomedical Engineering must be approved by the collaborating unit and the collaborative specialization committee; the plan of study will normally comprise at least 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) and a thesis.

    • Engineering and physical science students will be required to take a biological sciences course such as JPB1022H Human Physiology as Related to Biomedical Engineering (or an equivalent).

    • Biological science students will be expected to take a physical sciences course such as JPB1055H Bioengineering for Life Scientists (or an equivalent).

    • Students will be expected to take BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution and pursue a thesis topic relevant to biomedical engineering.

  • In addition to the 1.0 FCE, students are required to participate in two seminar courses: one of BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar series, and JDE1000H Ethics in Research.

  • Each PhD student is normally required to have a supervisory committee consisting of at least three persons, including a supervisor who has an appropriate graduate appointment and who is also a member of the graduate faculty in the home unit. When appropriate, an additional member of the supervisory committee may be from outside the University of Toronto, with approval from the School of Graduate Studies.

  • For doctoral degrees, the examination committee will be constituted according to procedures in the home graduate unit and will include a member from that collaborating unit.


Biomedical Engineering: Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Students should contact the BME office for details.

Course CodeCourse Title
Graduate Seminar
Graduate Seminar
Clinical Engineering Instrumentation I
Clinical Engineering Surgery
Clinical Engineering Instrumentation II
Genomics and Synthetic Nucleic-Acid Technologies
Regenerative Medicine: Fundamentals and Applications
Protein Engineering
Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy: Theory and Application to Live Cell Imaging
Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution
BME1478HCoding for Biomedical Engineers
Experimental Design and Multivariate Analysis in Bioengineering
Practice in Clinical Engineering
Applied Mathematics
Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering
Transport Phenomena
Chemical Properties of Polymers
Advances in Dental Materials Science
Bone Interfacing Implants
Electromagnetic Theory
Analog Circuit Design I
Bio Photonics
Information Theory
Signal Processing
Detection and Estimation Theory
Introduction to Nonlinear Control Systems
Molecular Assemblies: Structure/Function/Properties
Medical Imaging
Neural Engineering
Sensory Communications
Biological and Bio-inspired Materials
Current Topics in Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology
Molecular and Biochemical Basis of Toxicology
Fundamentals of Neuroscience: Cellular and Molecular
Fundamentals of Neuroscience: Systems and Behaviour
Human Physiology as Related to Engineering II
Bioengineering for Life Scientists
Applied Surface Chemistry
Biomaterials Science
Advanced Dynamics
MIE1052HSignal Processing for Bioengineering
Advanced Classical Thermodynamics
Advanced Fluid Mechanics I
Analytical Electron Microscopy
Recent Developments in Dosage Form Design
Theoretical Physiology
Fundamentals of Ion Channel Function
Theory and Research in Rehabilitation Science