Education, Francophonies and Diversity

Education, Francophonies and Diversity: Introduction

This information is available in French.

Lead Faculty of the Collaborative Specialization

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)

Participating Degree Programs

Curriculum and Pedagogy — MA, MEd, PhD
French Language and Literature — MA
Language and Literacies Education — MA, MEd, PhD
Social Justice Education — MA, MEd, EdD, PhD


The Collaborative Specialization in Education, Francophonies and Diversity will critically examine educational issues in the context of Francophone linguistic minorities in Ontario, in Canada, and in the world, with the notions of equity, diversity, and minoritization at the core of this critical examination. The emphasis will be on understanding social practices in education, looking specifically at how difference gets constructed, problematized, and transformed.

Upon successful completion of the requirements of the home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization, students will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Education, Francophonies and Diversity” on their transcript.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 978-1975

Collaborative Specialization in Education, Francophonies and Diversity
Centre de recherches en éducation franco-ontarienne (CREFO)
Ontario institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West, 6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6 Canada

Education, Francophonies and Diversity: Master's Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must apply to and be accepted by both their home program and the Collaborative Specialization in Education, Francophonies and Diversity.

  • In addition to corresponding to all home program requirements, applicants must submit:

    • a curriculum vitae

    • a personal statement explaining how their program of study and specific research interests relate to Francophone linguistic minorities education.

Completion Requirements

  • Complete the core course CRE1001H Séminaire d’études : Éducation, francophonies et diversité.

  • Complete two Education, Francophonies and Diversity elective courses (1.0 FCE).

  • Attend at least three sessions in the CREFO Conference Series. Students who are enrolled in an MA or MEd program with a Major Research Project (MRP) component must present their research paper at the CREFO Conference Series (SRM3333H Master's Seminar Series).

  • Prepare a thesis or major research paper (depending on the requirements of the home graduate unit) which relates to the focus of the collaborative specialization. Students will be supervised by one of the collaborative specialization's core faculty in their home graduate unit.


Education, Francophonies and Diversity: Doctoral Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must apply to and be accepted by both their home program and the Collaborative Specialization in Education, Francophonies and Diversity.

  • In addition to corresponding to all home program requirements, applicants must submit:

    • a curriculum vitae

    • a personal statement explaining how their program of study and specific research interests relate to Francophone linguistic minorities education.

Completion Requirements

  • Complete the core course CRE1001H Séminaire d’études : Éducation, francophonies et diversité.

  • Complete two Education, Francophonies and Diversity elective courses (1.0 FCE).

  • Attend at least three sessions in the CREFO Conference Series. Students must present their research paper at the CREFO Conference Series (SRM4444H Doctoral Seminar Series).

  • Prepare a thesis which relates to the focus of the collaborative specialization. Students will be supervised by one of the collaborative specialization's core faculty in their home graduate unit.


Education, Francophonies and Diversity: Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please consult the respective graduate unit's course schedule for details.

Core Course

Course CodeCourse Title
Séminaire d’études : Éducation, francophonies et diversité

Elective Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Les fondements du curriculum et de la pédagogie
L'éducation pour l'anti-oppression en milieu scolaire
Études culturelles et éducation
La recherche qualitative en éducation : bases théoriques et pratiques
Identité collective et éducation minoritaire de langue française
CTL3200HAnalyse du discours
CTL3201HBilinguisme et éducation
CTL3202HPolitique et aménagement linguistique
CTL3203HLes approches pédagogiques plurilingues et pluriculturelles en éducation
SJE1415HMéthodologies narratives en éducation : récits, contre-récits, et récits alternatifs RM
SJE1418HSociologie de l’enfance, éducation, et inégalités entre élèves
Introduction à la sociologie de l'éducation
L'école, la participation parentale et la communauté
Langue, culture, et éducation