Management, Rotman School: Management MBA Extended Full-Time Courses

Required Courses

Weighting for 1000-level courses is determined by the second digit of the four-digit course number as follows:

Second DigitCourse Weight
one credit hour
two credit hours
three credit hours


Course CodeCourse Title
Business Ethics
RSM1165HLeveraging Diverse Teams
RSM1201HFoundations of Strategic Management
Managerial Economics
RSM1211HEconomic Environment of Business
RSM1215HDecision Making with Models and Data
RSM1220HFinancial Accounting and Reporting: A Global Perspective
Managerial Accounting
RSM1231HFinance I: Global Markets and Valuation
Finance II: Corporate Finance
Operations Management
RSM1250HManaging Customer Value
RSM1260HLeading People in Organizations
RSM1282HStatistics for Management
RSM2622HLeadership Development Lab

Elective Courses

Shared with the full-time MBA program. See the full-time MBA course section.