Neuromodulation: Master's Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must meet the admission requirements of both the home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization (CS).

  • Applicants must apply to and be admitted to both the CS and a participating master's degree program.

Completion Requirements

  • The thesis topic must be in the neurotechnology/neuromodulation area. Participating students are encouraged to have a co-supervisor or a member of their supervisory committee with research expertise in an area of study different from their home department.

  • The course BME1500H Topics in Neuromodulation is mandatory for all students. Students must attend all lectures in the course and present a project for course evaluation.

  • In addition, all master's-level students must complete at least 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) chosen from the list of courses approved by CNMI (see below for a complete list of approved elective courses).

  • Students must attend the professional development workshops organized by CNMI as part of the CS.

  • Participating students from graduate units in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering cannot count the modular (0.25 FCE) MSC courses that are not letter graded towards the total FCE requirements of their home program.

  • Participating Institute of Medical Science students may double-count the courses taken as part of the CS towards their degree, except for some of the 0.25 FCE modular MSC courses, which are not letter graded. These students should consult with their graduate coordinator or the CNMI program coordinator to confirm this before opting for the modular elective courses.