
Neuromodulation: Introduction

Lead Faculty of the Collaborative Specialization

Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

Participating Degree Programs

Biomedical Engineering — MASc, PhD
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry — MASc, PhD
Electrical and Computer Engineering — MASc, PhD
Materials Science and Engineering — MASc, PhD
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering — MASc, PhD
Medical Science — MSc, PhD

Supporting Units

University of Toronto CRANIA Neuromodulation Institute (CNMI);
Institute of Biomedical Engineering


The primary goal of the Collaborative Specialization in Neuromodulation is to introduce students to various neuromodulation modalities, provide students with the knowledge to be prepared for research or industrial endeavours in neuromodulation, and provide hands-on experience performing neuromodulation research.

Essentially, this specialization will train future researchers and clinicians alongside engineers and provide students with cross-disciplinary exposure to the various aspects of neuromodulation-based therapeutic innovation.

The collaborative specialization is open to master’s and PhD students in the participating graduate degree programs listed above. Upon successful completion of the degree requirements of the home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization, students will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Neuromodulation” on their transcript.

Contact and Address


Suhail Asrar, Program Coordinator
CRANIA NeuroModulation Institute (CNMI)
Toronto Western Hospital
399 Bathurst Street, McLaughlin Wing, 14th Floor, Room 14MC413
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2S8

Neuromodulation: Master's Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must meet the admission requirements of both the home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization (CS).

  • Applicants must apply to and be admitted to both the CS and a participating master's degree program.

Completion Requirements

  • The thesis topic must be in the neurotechnology/neuromodulation area. Participating students are encouraged to have a co-supervisor or a member of their supervisory committee with research expertise in an area of study different from their home department.

  • The course BME1500H Topics in Neuromodulation is mandatory for all students. Students must attend all lectures in the course and present a project for course evaluation.

  • In addition, all master's-level students must complete at least 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) chosen from the list of courses approved by CNMI (see below for a complete list of approved elective courses).

  • Students must attend the professional development workshops organized by CNMI as part of the CS.

  • Participating students from graduate units in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering cannot count the modular (0.25 FCE) MSC courses that are not letter graded towards the total FCE requirements of their home program.

  • Participating Institute of Medical Science students may double-count the courses taken as part of the CS towards their degree, except for some of the 0.25 FCE modular MSC courses, which are not letter graded. These students should consult with their graduate coordinator or the CNMI program coordinator to confirm this before opting for the modular elective courses.


Neuromodulation: Doctoral Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must meet the admission requirements of both the home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization (CS).

  • Applicants must apply to and be admitted to both the CS and a participating doctoral degree program.

  • Students who have already taken the CS during their master’s degree program will not be eligible to take it again during their PhD.

Completion Requirements

  • The thesis topic must be in the neurotechnology/neuromodulation area.

  • Participating students are encouraged to have a co-supervisor or a member of their supervisory committee with research expertise in an area of study different from their home graduate unit.

  • The course BME1500H Topics in Neuromodulation is mandatory for all students. Students must attend all lectures in the course and present a project for course evaluation.

  • In addition, all doctoral-level students must complete at least 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) chosen from the list of courses approved by CNMI (see below for a complete list of approved elective courses).

  • Students must attend the professional development workshops and seminars organized by CNMI as part of the CS.

  • In addition, doctoral students must attend the Annual CRANIA Research Day every year and are encouraged to present their research work at least once.

  • Participating students from graduate units in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering cannot count the modular (0.25 FCE) MSC courses that are not letter graded towards the total FCE requirements of their home program.

  • Participating Institute of Medical Science students may double-count the courses taken as part of the CS towards their degree, except for some of the 0.25 FCE modular courses, which are not letter graded. These students should consult with their graduate coordinator or the CNMI program coordinator to confirm this before opting for the modular elective courses.


Neuromodulation: Courses

Required Course

Course CodeCourse Title
BME1500HTopics in Neuromodulation

Elective Courses

Biomedical Engineering

Course CodeCourse Title
BME1466HAdvanced Topics on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
BME1472HFundamentals of Neuromodulation Technology and Clinical Applications
BME1473HAcquisition and Processing of Bioelectric Signals
BME1802HApplying Human Factors to the Design of Medical Devices
JEB1444HNeural Engineering
JPB1071HAdvanced Topics: Computational Neuroscience

Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

Course CodeCourse Title
CHE1333HBiomaterials Engineering for Nanomedicine
CHE1334HOrgan-on-a-Chip Engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Course CodeCourse Title
ECE516H1Intelligent Image Processing
ECE537H1Random Processes
ECE1475HBio Photonics
ECE1647HIntroduction to Nonlinear Control Systems
ECE1656HNonlinear Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems
ECE1774HSensory Cybernetics
ECE1777HComputer Methods for Circuit Simulations

Materials Science and Engineering

Course CodeCourse Title
JMB1050HBiological and Bio-Inspired Materials
MSE1038HComputational Materials Design

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Course CodeCourse Title
MIE1080HIntroduction to Healthcare Robotics
MIE1208HMicrofluidic Biosensors
MIE1232HMicrofluidics and Laboratory-on-a-Chip Systems
MIE1359HEngineering Cell Biology and Micro-Nanoengineered Platforms

Medical Science

Course CodeCourse Title
MSC1085HMolecular Approaches to Mental Health and Addictions
MSC1087HNeuroimaging Methods Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MSC1102HPsychiatric Implications of Traumatic Brain Injury
MSC1104HNeurodegenerative Disease
MSC1109HIntroduction to Neuroimaging
MSC1113HRadiomics and Machine Learning for Medical Imaging