UTM Env Mgt (Maj) HBA / MScSM: Requirements

Minimum Admission Requirements

To be considered for conditional admission to the MScSM program and the CDP, applicants must meet the following admission requirements:

  • Be admitted to the HBA degree program and the Environmental Management major program.
  • Meet the admission requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and the MScSM program.
  • Be enrolled full-time and in good standing in the HBA program:
    • Have either completed or are currently enrolled in a minimum of 15.0 total full-course equivalents (FCEs).
    • Have a minimum annual grade point average (AGPA) of 3.7 in their most recent 5.0 FCEs.

To be given full, unconditional admission to the MScSM program, applicants must meet the following admission requirements:

  • Be conferred with the HBA degree.
  • Successfully complete 1.0 graduate FCE in MScSM courses.

Academic Path to Completion

Every CDP involves a specific combination of approved degree programs. The CDP requirements build on those of the two separate degree programs. Each CDP has a unique pattern of academic activity year by year.

YearProgressionSpecific Requirements
  • Normally, 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) towards the HBA program requirements.
  • Students must complete a minimum of 2.0 FCEs in core courses:
    • Introduction: ENV100Y5 (1.0 FCE).
    • Foundation: 1.0 FCE chosen from ANT102H5, ECO100Y5, GGR111H5, PHL105Y5, POL112H5, POL113H5, POL114H5, SOC100H5.
  • Normally, 5.0 FCEs towards the HBA program requirements.
  • Students must complete a minimum of 2.5 FCEs in core courses:
    • Environmental Management: ENV201H5 (0.5 FCE).
    • Social Science/Humanities: 1.0 FCE chosen from ANT204Y5, ANT241Y5, ENG259H5, ENV250Y5, GGR202H5, GGR207H5, GGR208H5, GGR209H5, GGR210H5, GGR267H5, GGR269H5, GGR278H5, GGR288H5, PHL273H5.
    • Science: 0.5 FCE chosen from BIO205H5, ERS201H5, GGR201H5, GGR214H5, GGR217H5, GGR227H5, PHY237H5.
    • Analytical and Research Methods: 0.5 FCE chosen from GGR276H5, GGR277H5, GGR278H5, STA220H5, or another program-relevant 200/300-level research methods course, with the program advisor’s permission.
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  • Normally, 5.0 FCEs each year towards the HBA program requirements.
  • In order to be eligible for the CDP, students must have completed a minimum of 15.0 FCEs by the end of Year 3.
  • Students must complete all HBA program requirements (20.0 FCEs) by the end of Year 4, in order to fulfil the conditions of the MScSM offer.
  • Students must complete a minimum of 3.5 FCEs in core courses:
    • Environmental Management Perspectives: 1.0 FCE chosen from ANT357H5, ENV310H5, ENV393H5, HIS318H5, HIS319H5.
    • Social, Economic, and Policy Perspectives: 1.5 FCEs chosen from ANT357H5, ANT368H5, ANT370H5, ECO373H5, ENV310H5, ENV320H5, ENV345H5, ENV351H5, ENV420H5, ENV425H5, ENV452H5, GGR318H5, GGR329H5, GGR333H5, GGR348H5, GGR349H5, GGR361H5, GGR365H5, GGR370H5, GGR418H5, GGR419H5, GGR425H5, GGR426H5, JGE378H5, MGT394H5, PHL373H1, POL343Y5, SOC339H5, SOC349H5, SOC356H5, WRI375H5.
    • Scientific Perspectives: 0.5 FCE chosen from BIO333H5, BIO464H5, ENV495H5, ENV496H5, ERS313H5, ERS315H5, ERS321H5, GGR305H5, GGR307H5, GGR309H5, GGR311H5, GGR317H5, GGR337H5, GGR374H5, GGR377H5, GGR384H5, GGR484H5; JGE378H5, SCI395H5, SCI396H5.
    • Field, Project-Based, and Research Perspectives: 0.5 FCE chosen from ENV299Y5, ENV331H5, ENV332H5, ENV399Y5, GGR379H5, GGR389H5, JEG400Y5, JEG401Y5, or another program-relevant field, experiential, or research course, with the program advisor’s permission.
  • Students apply to the CDP and MScSM program at the end of Year 3. Students accepted to the CDP will receive a conditional offer of admission to the MScSM program.
  • In Year 4, students complete 1.0 FCE in MScSM courses, chosen from EES1124H, EES1125H, ENV1002H, ENV1704H, ENV1707H, SSM1010Y, SSM1020H, SSM1030H, SSM1040H, SSM1050H, SSM1060H, SSM1070H, SSM1080H, SSM2010H, SSM2020H, or another program-relevant graduate course with the MScSM program director’s permission.
  • Once accepted to the CDP, students will work with the MScSM director to choose appropriate graduate-level courses to complete during their final undergraduate year.
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  • Students complete all MScSM program requirements with advanced standing of 1.0 FCE granted.
  • Students complete an additional 8.0 FCEs towards the MScSM program requirements.