Comparative Literature: Comparative Literature MA, PhD Courses

Students should consult the Comparative Literature website for the list of currently offered courses.

Course CodeCourse Title
The Bases for Comparison
COL1900HReading and Research for the MA
Special Topics Course
COL4000YPracticum on Research and Bibliography in Comparative Literature
COL5016HDramatic Text and Theoretical Communication: Bertolt Brecht, Robert Lepage, and Robert Wilson
COL5018HGender and Agency
COL5032HFeminist Approaches to Medieval Literature
COL5033HVisual Portraitures in Contemporary Autobiographical Narratives
The Two Avant-Gardes
COL5081HBenjamin’s Arcades Project
COL5086HLiterature, Culture, and Contact in Medieval Iberia
The Problem of Translation: Historical, Theoretical, and Pragmatic Perspectives
COL5100HThe Late Barthes: The Neutral, Mourning, and Photography
COL5101HDiasporic Cities: Itinerant Narratives of Metropoles by Travellers and Expatriates
COL5109HJean-Luc Nancy: Retreating the Aesthetic
Post-Capitalist Fantasy: Culture, Politics, Subjectivity
COL5111HRevenge, Resistance, Race, and Law
COL5117HFreud and Psychoanalysis
COL5122HText and Digital Media
COL5124HPublic Reading: Literature and the Formation of Critical Publics
COL5125HLiterature, Trauma, Modernity
Sports Narrated: Literary and Interdisciplinary Explorations
COL5127HQueer Ethics and Aesthetics of Existence
COL5128HTragedy: Instantiations of a Dramatic Form in Theatre, Philosophy, Opera, and Popular Cinema
COL5129HNew Addictions for the Anthropocene
COL5131HNon Disclosure Acts
COL5132HOne Philosopher and One Artist: Towards a New Practice of Comparison
COL5133HComparative Modernisms
Climate Genres
Aesthetics of Space, Place, and Power
Dramaturgy of the Dialectic
Critical Race Theory
COL5140HBeckett and Philosophy
COL5141HBeyond the Anthropocene: New Directions in Environmental Humanities
COL5143HDramaturgies of the Dialectic Part I: Hegel: The End of Art and the Endgame of Theater
COL5144HDramaturgies of the Dialectic Part II: Tragedy and Philosophy after Hegel
COL5145HPoetics of Personhood
COL5142HWomen and Sex and Talk
COL5146HWritten in Blood: Caribbean Readings in Conflict and Healing
COL5147HBooks at Risk
COL5148HPost-Conflict Literatures: Europe, Africa, and the Americas
COL5149HThe Art of Combat: Violence, Culture, and Competition
COL5150HThe Palliative: Art, Politics, Ecology, Medicine
COL5151HThe Theatre of Science
COL5153HLyric: Politics and Poetic Form
JCD5135HRace, Politics, and Jewishness
JCD5136HMigration and Memory: Narratives of Jewish Exile and Displacement
JCO5121HClassics and Theory Seminar
JCY5116HFreud: Case Histories
JFC1813HLittérature de contact et pensée anthropologique en France du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle /
Literature of Contact and Anthropological Thought, 16th–18th Century
Feminism and Postmodernism: Theory and Practice
Collections of Knowledge: Encyclopedism and Travel Literature in Early Modern Europe (1500–1800)
JFC5120HThe Gift / Le Don 
Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials
JFC5136HAllegory and Allegorism in Literature and Fine Arts
Critical Theory in Context: The French-German Connection
Comparative Totalitarian Culture
Revolutionary Women’s Cultures in East Asia, Early to Mid 20th Century
The Passage from History to Fiction
Theories of the Novel