Neuroscience courses offered by the participating units are listed below. Not all courses are offered each year.
Course Code | Course Title |
APD3286H | Developmental Neurobiology |
CSC2506H | Probabilistic Learning and Reasoning |
CSC2515H | Introduction to Machine Learning |
CSC2523H | Object Modelling and Recognition |
CSC2545H | Kernel Methods and Support Vector Machines |
DEN1009H | Pain: From Basic Science to Patient Care |
Craniofacial Neurophysiology: Sensory, Pain, and Neuromuscular Functions | |
Neural Engineering | |
Current Topics in Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology | |
Molecular and Biochemical Basis of Toxicology | |
Fundamentals of Neuroscience: Cellular and Molecular | |
Fundamentals of Neuroscience: Systems and Behaviour | |
JPB1071H | Advanced Topics: Computational Neuroscience |
Advanced Topics: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology | |
LMP1209H | Neurodegenerative Disease — Mechanisms, Models, and Methods |
Neuroanatomy | |
Studies in Schizophrenia | |
Molecular Approaches to Mental Health and Addictions | |
Neuroimaging Methods Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging | |
Individualized Reading/Research Course (requires prior permission of the Neuroscience Program Director) | |
MUS7110H | Neurosciences of Music: Scientific Foundations, Clinical Translations |
Neuroscience Distinguished Lecture Series (Master's) | |
Neuroscience Distinguished Lecture Series (Doctoral) | |
PCL3100H | Behavioural Pharmacology I |
PCL3101H | Behavioural Pharmacology II |
Advanced Topics: Neuroendocrinology | |
Advanced Topics: Experimental Cell Physiology | |
Advanced Topics: Somatosensory and Pain Neuroscience | |
Advanced Topics: The Hippocampus from Cell to Behaviour | |
Advanced Topics: Critical Assessment of Ion Channel Function | |
Advanced Topics: Molecular Basis of Behaviour | |
Biology In Time | |
Systems Level Neuroplasticity | |
Mechanistic Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience | |
Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Neural Disorders | |
Fundamentals of Ion Channel Function | |
PSY1200H | Selected Topics in Psychology |
Mechanisms of Behaviour | |
Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience I | |
Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience II | |
Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience III | |
PSY5120H | Advanced Topics in Animal Behaviour and Motivation I |
Advanced Topics in Animal Behaviour and Motivation II | |
Advanced Topics in Neuropsychology I | |
Audition | |
Higher Cognition | |
Attention | |
Memory | |
Advanced Topics in Perception I | |
Advanced Topics in Perception II | |
Advanced Topics in Perception III | |
Advanced Topics in Cognition I | |
Advanced Topics in Cognition II | |
Advanced Topics in Cognition III | |
Advanced Topics in Development I | |
Advanced Topics in Development II | |
Disordered and Restorative Motor Control | |
Introduction to Cognitive Rehabilitation Neuroscience I: Basic Science to Clinical Applications |
Other Courses
Courses not specifically in neuroscience which do not fulfil the requirements as neuroscience courses but might be useful for neuroscience students.
Course Code | Course Title |
Developmental Biology | |
Speech Physiology and Acoustics | |
Aphasia |