Neuroscience: Courses

Neuroscience courses offered by the participating units are listed below. Not all courses are offered each year.

Course CodeCourse Title
APD3286HDevelopmental Neurobiology
CSC2506HProbabilistic Learning and Reasoning
CSC2515HIntroduction to Machine Learning
CSC2523HObject Modelling and Recognition
CSC2545HKernel Methods and Support Vector Machines
DEN1009HPain: From Basic Science to Patient Care
Craniofacial Neurophysiology: Sensory, Pain, and Neuromuscular Functions
Neural Engineering
Current Topics in Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology
Molecular and Biochemical Basis of Toxicology
Fundamentals of Neuroscience: Cellular and Molecular
Fundamentals of Neuroscience: Systems and Behaviour
JPB1071HAdvanced Topics: Computational Neuroscience
Advanced Topics: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
LMP1209HNeurodegenerative Disease — Mechanisms, Models, and Methods
Studies in Schizophrenia
Molecular Approaches to Mental Health and Addictions
Neuroimaging Methods Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Individualized Reading/Research Course (requires prior permission of the Neuroscience Program Director)
MUS7110HNeurosciences of Music: Scientific Foundations, Clinical Translations
Neuroscience Distinguished Lecture Series (Master's)
Neuroscience Distinguished Lecture Series (Doctoral)
PCL3100HBehavioural Pharmacology I
PCL3101HBehavioural Pharmacology II
Advanced Topics: Neuroendocrinology
Advanced Topics: Experimental Cell Physiology
Advanced Topics: Somatosensory and Pain Neuroscience
Advanced Topics: The Hippocampus from Cell to Behaviour
Advanced Topics: Critical Assessment of Ion Channel Function
Advanced Topics: Molecular Basis of Behaviour
Biology In Time
Systems Level Neuroplasticity
Mechanistic Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Neural Disorders
Fundamentals of Ion Channel Function
PSY1200HSelected Topics in Psychology
Mechanisms of Behaviour
Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience I
Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience II
Advanced Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience III
PSY5120HAdvanced Topics in Animal Behaviour and Motivation I
Advanced Topics in Animal Behaviour and Motivation II
Advanced Topics in Neuropsychology I
Higher Cognition
Advanced Topics in Perception I
Advanced Topics in Perception II
Advanced Topics in Perception III
Advanced Topics in Cognition I
Advanced Topics in Cognition II
Advanced Topics in Cognition III
Advanced Topics in Development I
Advanced Topics in Development II
Disordered and Restorative Motor Control
Introduction to Cognitive Rehabilitation Neuroscience I: Basic Science to Clinical Applications

Other Courses

Courses not specifically in neuroscience which do not fulfil the requirements as neuroscience courses but might be useful for neuroscience students.

Course CodeCourse Title
Developmental Biology
Speech Physiology and Acoustics