Medical Biophysics

Medical Biophysics: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation


Degree Programs

Medical Biophysics

MSc and PhD

Combined Degree Programs

MD / PhD

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:


The Department of Medical Biophysics is an interdisciplinary graduate department dedicated to fundamental and translational research in biomedicine, with a particular focus on cancer. Research is carried out in the extensive facilities provided in the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Research Institute, and the Hospital for Sick Kids Research Institute, as well as at other hospital locations.

The department accepts students in the biological and life sciences as well as in physics, engineering, and the mathematical sciences. It offers opportunities for research addressing fundamental problems in medical science: projects which cut across the conventional boundaries of biology, physics, engineering, chemistry, and medicine are encouraged. The department focuses on basic and applied research related to cancer, but also addresses neuroscience and cardiovascular medicine. Medical Biophysics research themes include biomedical imaging, cancer diagnosis and therapy, cancer mechanisms and models, cardiovascular sciences, data science and computational biology, image-guided therapy and device development, neuroscience, stem cells and regenerative medicine, and structural biology. For detailed information, please visit the departmental website.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 634-8751 or (416) 634-8755

Department of Medical Biophysics
MaRS Centre, Princess Margaret Cancer Research Tower
101 College Street, Suite 15-701
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L7

Medical Biophysics: Graduate Faculty

Medical Biophysics: Medical Biophysics MSc

The objective of the MSc program is for students to acquire written and oral scholarly research skills in Medical Biophysics. Students carry out a research project (which is usually laboratory-based), prepare a research thesis, take graduate-level courses, and attend and participate in research seminars. Students select from a flexible, modular curriculum and participate in department-wide Medical Biophysics Graduate Student Seminars which develop skills in cross-disciplinary communication.

All MSc students carry out a thesis project in a laboratory that they select by means of a rotations program on entry to the department. Through this project they acquire knowledge in the design of experiments and in the interpretation and critical analysis of research findings. Students submit a thesis that reports critically on their research and pass an oral examination. They are guided by a supervisory committee through which they have access to the wide range of expertise in our faculty.

Students participate in student symposium, invited lecture series, and research seminars throughout their program. They are encouraged to reclassify (transfer) into the PhD program through an examination during Year 2, taken about 20 months after entry.

Master of Science

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Medical Biophysics' additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants from diverse academic backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete a total of 2.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MBP1015Y Biophysics Seminar (1.0 FCE). Note that students must attend this continuous course until their degree program is completed.

    • MBP1200H Scientific Exposition and Ethics (0.25 FCE).

    • MBP1201H Biostatistics (0.25 FCE).

    • One of the following two options:

      • a biology-stream module (0.25 FCE) or

      • a graduate course (0.25 FCE) chosen in consultation with the department that provides a foundation in biology.

    • The balance of 0.75 FCE is chosen from any of the other course modules; or (with departmental approval) graduate courses in another department.

    • Modules are taken within courses. See the course list below.

  • Successful completion of an oral examination of the student's research thesis.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Medical Biophysics: Medical Biophysics PhD

The objective of the PhD program is to prepare students for a career in biomedical research. It is designed to provide both a broad knowledge of biomedical science and advanced training in basic research at a subspecialty level. Thesis work may address fundamental and/or translational problems in the biology, diagnosis, and therapy of cancer, as well as areas of neuroscience and cardiovascular medicine. By the end of the program, graduates will have acquired the ability to conduct independent theoretical and/or experimental research which makes an original contribution to the field, prepare publications, and give public presentations of their work at national and international venues.

These objectives are met through a combination of coursework, teaching, and research seminars, mentored laboratory research, and preparation of manuscripts for publication. Graduates may attain professorial positions in academic research and teaching institutions, hospital laboratories, and in the medical device, pharmaceutical, and biomedical science and information industries, including startup companies which they have founded.

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of three routes: 1) following completion of an MSc degree into the four-year full-time program; 2) transfer from the University of Toronto MSc program; or 3) direct entry following completion of a BSc degree.

PhD Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Medical Biophysics' additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants may be admitted following completion of an MSc degree program in biological, physical, chemical, or medical sciences from a recognized Canadian university or equivalent.

  • Admission to the PhD program is highly selective and attainment of minimum admission requirements does not guarantee acceptance.

Completion Requirements

  • All students, regardless of entry option, complete the same program requirements.

  • Considering the broad range of topics available for thesis research and the different backgrounds of students admitted, each student, in consultation with their supervisor, will plan a program of study that provides the appropriate background for the area of investigation.

  • All PhD students will participate in MBP1015Y Biophysics Seminar regardless of whether or not they have previously received credit for it.

  • Students who transfer/reclassify into the doctoral program will receive credit for all courses taken during their MSc program in Medical Biophysics.

  • Except by special arrangement, students are required to attend the research institute or campus laboratory and participate full-time until all program requirements are completed.

  • Coursework. Students must complete a total of 3.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MBP1015Y Biophysics Seminar. Note that this is a continuous course which students must attend until their degree is completed.

    • MBP1200H Scientific Exposition and Ethics.

    • MBP1201H Biostatistics.

    • One of the following two options:

      • a biology-stream module (0.25 FCE) or

      • a graduate course (0.25 FCE) chosen in consultation with the department that provides a foundation in biology.

    • The balance of 1.75 FCE is chosen from any of the other course modules; or (with departmental approval) graduate courses in another department.

  • Students must complete all required coursework by the end of Year 3 in order to achieve candidacy. Upon achieving candidacy, completion is noted on the student's transcript.

  • Students must take a PhD Qualifying Examination in Year 2.

  • Successful completion of a Doctoral Final Oral Examination of the student's research thesis.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Transfer)

Transfer Requirements

  • Applicants may be accepted into the PhD program via transfer from the University of Toronto Medical Biophysics MSc program with an A– average and by successfully defending a research proposal during a reclassification oral examination within 20 months in the program.

Completion Requirements

  • All PhD students will participate in MBP1015Y Biophysics Seminar regardless of whether or not they have previously received credit for it.

  • Students who transfer/reclassify into the doctoral program will receive credit for all courses taken during their MSc program in Medical Biophysics. See the course requirements above for the PhD program. Students must have an A– average in these courses.

  • Students will defend a research thesis at the Doctoral Final Oral Examination conducted by Medical Biophysics and the School of Graduate Studies.

  • Except by special arrangement, students must attend the research institute or campus laboratory and participate full-time until all program requirements are completed.

  • Coursework. Students must complete a total of 3.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MBP1015Y Biophysics Seminar. Note that this is a continuous course which students must attend until their degree is completed.

    • MBP1200H Scientific Exposition and Ethics.

    • MBP1201H Biostatistics.

    • One of the following two options:

      • a biology-stream module (0.25 FCE) or

      • a graduate course (0.25 FCE) chosen in consultation with the department that provides a foundation in biology.

    • The balance of 1.75 FCE is chosen from any of the other course modules; or (with departmental approval) graduate courses in another department.

    • Students must complete all required coursework by the end of Year 4 in order to achieve candidacy. Upon achieving candidacy, completion is noted on the student's transcript.

  • Successful completion of a Doctoral Final Oral Examination of the student's research thesis.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


PhD Program (Direct-Entry)

Transfer Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Medical Biophysics' additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Outstanding students may be admitted directly to the PhD program following completion of a BSc degree with an A– average in biological, physical, chemical, or medical sciences from a recognized Canadian university or equivalent.

  • Applicants holding bachelor’s degrees from non-Canadian universities must provide Graduate Record Examination scores (General and Subject) with their application.

  • Admission to the PhD program is highly selective and attainment of minimum admission requirements does not guarantee acceptance.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must successfully defend a research proposal during a qualifying oral examination within 18 months of entry into the program.

  • Students will defend a research thesis at the Doctoral Final Oral Examination conducted by the Department of Medical Biophysics and the School of Graduate Studies.

  • Except by special arrangement, students must attend the research institute or campus laboratory and participate full-time until all program requirements are completed.

  • Coursework. Students must complete a total of 3.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • MBP1015Y Biophysics Seminar. Note that this is a continuous course which students must attend until their degree is completed.

    • MBP1200H Scientific Exposition and Ethics.

    • MBP1201H Biostatistics.

    • One of the following two options:

      • a biology-stream module (0.25 FCE) or

      • a graduate course (0.25 FCE) chosen in consultation with the department that provides a foundation in biology.

    • The balance of 1.75 FCE is chosen from any of the other course modules; or (with departmental approval) graduate courses in another department.

    • Students must complete all required coursework by the end of Year 4 in order to achieve candidacy. Upon achieving candidacy, completion is noted on the student's transcript.

  • Students must take a PhD Qualifying Examination in Year 2.

  • Successful completion of a Doctoral Final Oral Examination of the student's research thesis.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


Medical Biophysics: Medical Biophysics MSc, PhD Courses

Each September the department publishes a list of specific modules available to students during the following two academic years. Please consult with the department.

Course CodeCourse Title
Biophysics Seminar
MBP1017HElectron Cryomicroscopy for Protein Structure Determination
MBP1200HScientific Exposition and Ethics
MBP1300HQuantitative Cancer Genomics
MBP1301HRadiation Oncology: Clinical and Experimental Radiobiology
MBP1302HStructural Biology and Proteomics
MBP1303HCell Signaling and Metabolism
MBP1304HPredictive Oncology and Therapeutics
MBP1305HExperimental Models for Cancer Research
MBP1306HCancer Epigenetics
MBP1307HDevelopment, Stem Cells, and Cancer
MBP1308HRadiation Biology and DNA Repair
MBP1309HClinical Imaging for Physical Scientists
MBP1310HCancer Immunotherapy
MBP1311HTumour Microenvironment
MBP1400HAdvanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MBP1401HAdvanced Ultrasound
MBP1402HBiological Imaging
MBP1403HBiophysics of Focused Ultrasound, Thermal Biophysics
MBP1404HBasics of Cell and Molecular Biology
MBP1405HIntroduction to Bio-Microscopies
MBP1406HIntroduction to Biophotonics
MBP1407HMagnetic Resonance Imaging — Overview
MBP1408HMedical Device Commercialization Essentials
MBP1409HMedical Device Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MBP1410HNanotechnology for Medicine
MBP1411HOverview of Medical Imaging
MBP1412HUltrasound — Overview
MBP1413HBiomedical Applications of AI
MBP1414HReading Special Topics
MBP1415HRadiotherapy Physics
MBP1416HAnatomy and Physiology (for Non-Specialists or Physicists)
MBP1417HIntroduction to Health Physics