Indigenous Health

Indigenous Health: Introduction

Effective September 2021, admissions to this collaborative specialization (CS) have been administratively suspended. The CS will close on August 31, 2028.

Lead Faculty of the Collaborative Specialization

Public Health

Participating Degree Programs

Adult Education and Community Development — MA, MEd, PhD
Anthropology — MA, MSc, PhD
Counselling and Clinical Psychology — MA, PhD
Counselling Psychology — MEd, EdD
Geography — MA, PhD
Medical Science — MSc, PhD
Nutritional Sciences — MSc, PhD
Public Health Sciences— MPH, PhD
Social Justice Education — MA, MEd, EdD, PhD

Supporting Units

Indigenous Studies program (undergraduate), Faculty of Arts and Science


The Collaborative Specialization in Indigenous Health (CSIH) is situated in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the Waakebiness Institute for Indigenous Health (WIIH). The main objective is to provide training in Indigenous health research and practice for graduate students across U of T, while enhancing mutually beneficial and authentic relationships with Indigenous peoples, communities, and organizations.

Upon successful completion of the degree requirements of the participating home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization, students will receive the notation "Completed Collaborative Specialization in Indigenous Health" on their transcript.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 978-8502
Fax: (416) 978-1883

Collaborative Specialization in Indigenous Health
c/o Waakebiness Institute for Indigenous Health (WIIH)
University of Toronto
155 College Street, 4th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5T 3M7

Indigenous Health: Master's Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants who wish to enrol in a collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.

  • Applicants must submit a completed Collaborative Specialization in Indigenous Health (CSIH) application form (Word) to the CSIH committee.

Completion Requirements

  • All master's students in the collaborative specialization will take the core course CHL5520H Indigenous Health that runs in August annually.

  • In home graduate units where a thesis or major research paper is required, it must deal with an Indigenous health topic. At least one member of the student's thesis committee must be a core faculty member of the collaborative specialization.

  • In home graduate units where students undertake a practicum or equivalent, it must focus on an Indigenous health topic and be supervised by a core faculty member of the collaborative specialization.

  • Students in coursework-only programs must complete additional coursework in approved Indigenous health electives. For the MEd in Adult Education and Community Development and the MEd in Social Justice Education (Coursework Only Option), 1.0 FCE in additional courses in Indigenous Health are required.

  • Students must participate in at least 80% of the Research Seminar Series, held monthly, as well as participate in at least one Indigenous land-based activity.

  • Students must complete the requirements of the collaborative specialization in addition to those requirements for the degree program in their home graduate unit.


Indigenous Health: Doctoral Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants who wish to enrol in a collaborative specialization must apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specialization and a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.

  • Applicants must submit a completed Collaborative Specialization in Indigenous Health (CSIH) application form (Word) to the CSIH committee.

Completion Requirements

  • All doctoral students in the collaborative specialization will take the core course CHL5520H Indigenous Health that runs in August annually.

  • Students who have previously taken the core course CHL5520H Indigenous Health during their master's program are required to take a different course, approved by the collaborative specialization director, during their doctoral program.
  • Students must participate in at least 80% of the Research Seminar Series, held monthly, as well as participate in at least one Indigenous land-based activity

  • Students must complete the requirements of the collaborative specialization in addition to those requirements for the degree program in their home graduate unit.


Indigenous Health: Courses

Core Course

CHL5520H Indigenous Health