Leadership, Higher and Adult Education

LHAE: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)

Degree Programs

Adult Education and Community Development

MA, MEd, and PhD

Educational Leadership and Policy

MA, MEd, EdD, and PhD

  • Fields:
    • Educational Leadership and Policy;
    • International Educational Leadership and Policy (EdD only)
    • School Leadership in Diverse Contexts (MEd only)

Higher Education


  • Field:
    • Higher Education


  • Fields:
    • Education in the Professions;
    • Higher Education;
    • Higher Education Leadership;
    • Student Development and Student Services in Higher Education


  • Field:
    • Higher Education


  • Field:
    • Higher Education

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:


Scholars in the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE) are engaged in a range of theoretical and practical areas: primary, secondary, and higher education leadership and administration; adult education; policy and change; social diversity; and community engagement. LHAE develops and organizes collaborative specializations in support of particular research areas of interest including those in policy, international development education, and workplace learning. These collaborative specializations can be taken in conjunction with most OISE graduate programs.

Contact and Address


Initial inquiries regarding admission to graduate studies in the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education should be made directly to:

Web: www.oise.utoronto.ca/registrar-students
Email: admissions.oise@utoronto.ca
Tel: (416) 978-4300
Fax: (416) 323-9964

Registrar’s Office and Student Experience
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West, Rm. 8-225
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6


Web: www.oise.utoronto.ca/lhae
Email: lhae.admissions@utoronto.ca
Tel: (Admissions and Programs): (416) 978-0729

Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West, 6th and 7th Floors
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6

LHAE: Graduate Faculty

Full Members

Bakan, Abigail - BA, MA, PhD
Bascia, Nina - PhD
Bisaillon, Laura - BA, MA, PhD
Boler, Megan - BA, PhD
Buckner, Elizabeth - BA, MA, PhD
Campbell, Carol - BA, PhD
Childs, Ruth - BS, MA, PhD
Chmielewski, Anna Katyn - BA, MA, PhD
Davies, Scott - BA, MA, PhD
Dhuey, Elizabeth Ann - BA, MEc, PhD
Diaz Rios, Claudia Milena - BA, MA, PhD
Flessa, Joseph - BA, MA, PhD
Georgis, Dina - PhD
Hayhoe, Ruth - BA, MA, PhD
Hildyard, Angela - BSc, MA, PhD
Janzen, Katharine - BS, BN, MEd, EdD
Jones, Glen - BA, BEd, MEd, PhD
Kuk, Hye-Su - BA, MA, PhD
Lavigne, Eric - BE, MEd, PhD
Lopez, Ann - BA, BE, MEd, PhD
Magnusson, Jamie-Lynn - BA, MA, PhD
McCready, Lance - BA, MA, PhD
Menashy, Francine - BA, BEd, MEd, PhD
Mirchandani, Kiran - BA, MPH, PhD
Mojab, Shahrzad - BA, MEd, EdD
Mundy, Karen - BA, MA, PhD
Sá, Creso - BA, MA, DPhil
Sawchuk, Peter - BSc, BEd, MA, PhD
Slotta, James - BS, MPsy, PhD
Vieta, Marcelo A. - BA, MA, PhD
Waterman, Stephanie - BA, MA, PhD
Wheelahan, Leesa - BA, MA, PhD
Zuker, Marvin - BA, LLB, MEd

Members Emeriti

Gaskell, Jane - BA, EdD
Joshee, Reva - BLitt, MA, PhD
Lang, Daniel - BA, MAT, PhD
Miles, Angela - BA, MA, PhD
Muzzin, Linda - BA, MA, MPsy, PhD
Ryan, James - BEd, MEd, PhD

Associate Members

Acton, Karen - BSc, MSc, DPhil
Blaauw-Hara, Mark - BA, MA, PhD
Bowen, Tracey - BFA, MEd, PhD
Drinkwater, Mary - BA, BEd, MPA, PhD
Entigar, Katherine - BA, MA, PhD
Evans-Tokaryk, Tyler - PhD
Gingras, Jacqui - PhD
Knight, Jane - PhD
Manion, Caroline - BA, MA, PhD
Moodie, Gavin - PhD
Mosher, Janet - LLB
Pan, Julia - BA, MEd, PhD
Parzen, Maurine - BNSc, MS, PhD
Pinto, Laura Elizabeth - BEd, BCom, MEd, PhD
Rawle, Fiona - PhD
Restoule, Jean-Paul - BA, MA, DPhil
Scully-Stewart, Coleen - BA, MEd, PhD
Sharratt, Lyn - BA, MEd, EdD
Stickel, Micah - BASc, MASc, PhD
Sumner, Jennifer - BA, PhD
Williams, Andrea - MA, PhD

LHAE: Adult Education and Community Development MA

The MA is a research-based thesis degree program which can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis. The MA program focuses on learning that happens individually and collectively among adults in communities, workplaces, social movements, the street, and the virtual world — any place where people come together to create social change. The program serves individuals seeking to develop skills for education, community, and organizational roles in a wide range of settings in public, private, and voluntary sectors. Graduates work with newcomers, youth, women’s groups, LGBTQ agencies, organized labour, racialized people, and disenfranchised communities in positions that involve community engagement and education, policy development, leadership, mentorship, and organizational development. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds.

This program is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

Master of Arts

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline or professional program from a recognized university, with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • Either LHA1100H Introduction to Adult Education or LHA1102H Introduction to Community Development, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • LHA1183H Master's Thesis Seminar.

    • At least one research methods course (0.5 FCE).

    • At least 2.0 FCEs must be from the Adult Education and Community Development program. Additional courses may be required of some students.

  • A thesis based on original research, which may lay the groundwork for doctoral research.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS); 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


LHAE: Adult Education and Community Development MEd

The MEd is a non-thesis, course-based professional degree program which can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis. The MEd program focuses on learning that happens individually and collectively among adults in communities, workplaces, social movements, the street, and the virtual world — any place where people come together to create social change. It serves individuals seeking to develop skills for education, community, and organizational development roles in a wide range of settings in public, private, and voluntary sectors. Graduates work with newcomers, youth, women's groups, LGBTQ agencies, organized labour, racialized people, and disenfranchised communities in positions that involve community engagement and education, policy development, leadership, mentorship, and organizational development. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds.

This program is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

Master of Education

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline or professional program from a recognized university, with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • Either LHA1100H Introduction to Adult Education or LHA1102H Introduction to Community Development, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • At least 2.5 FCEs must be from the Adult Education and Community Development program.

    • One research methods course is recommended (0.5 FCE).

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-F); 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


LHAE: Adult Education and Community Development PhD

The PhD is a research-based thesis degree program which can be taken on a full-time or flexible-time basis. Designed to provide opportunities for advanced study in the theoretical foundations of adult education and community development and in the application of such knowledge to practice, the PhD focuses on learning that happens individually and collectively among adults in communities, workplaces, social movements, the street, and the virtual world — any place where people come together to create social change.

This program is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

Except for the time to completion, requirements for both the full-time and flexible-time programs are the same. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds.

Applicants to the flexible-time option should be active professionals who demonstrate connections between their professional work and their proposed course program, and/or between their professional work and their proposed research. Capacity to secure blocks of time to enable concentrated study is required.

PhD Program (Full-Time Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate master's degree from a recognized university in a relevant discipline or professional program, with a minimum standing equivalent to a University of Toronto B+.

  • In addition to responses to the Faculty questions in the online admissions application, a sample of written work is required, which will help the admissions committee to assess an applicant's readiness to succeed in rigorous coursework and to conduct systematic research for the PhD. Applicants typically submit a master's-level Major Research Paper or thesis as their sample of written work. Applicants who do not have a Major Research Paper or thesis must provide a sample of written work that showcases their ability to write clearly and analytically about issues related to adult education and community development. The admissions committee will look for evidence that applicants understand how to craft an academic document, define a research problem, devise an appropriate focus for an inquiry, assemble and analyze evidence and/or academic literatures, and develop conclusions in a rigorous manner. Examples include a master's-level course paper or professional publication.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA3102H Doctoral Thesis Seminar, recommended to be taken in the first session of the program.

    • At least 1.5 FCEs must be from the Adult Education and Community Development program. Students with little background in the area of Adult Education and Community Development may be required to complete an additional 0.5 FCE providing such background.

    • At least one research methods course (0.5 FCE).

  • Comprehensive requirement. Normally, a major paper between 7,000 and 12,000 words in length (including tables, figures, and references), which consists of a comprehensive discussion of one or more literatures and/or debates of significance to Adult Education and Community Development.

  • Thesis.

  • Students must register continuously and pay the full-time fee until all degree requirements have been fulfilled.

  • Students cannot transfer between the full-time and flexible-time PhD options.

  • Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Flexible-Time Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate master's degree from a recognized university in a relevant discipline or professional program, with a minimum standing equivalent to a University of Toronto B+.

  • In addition to responses to the Faculty questions in the online admissions application, a sample of written work is required, which will help the admissions committee to assess an applicant's readiness to succeed in rigorous coursework and to conduct systematic research for the PhD. Applicants typically submit a master's-level Major Research Paper or thesis as their sample of written work. Applicants who do not have a Major Research Paper or thesis must provide a sample of written work that showcases their ability to write clearly and analytically about issues related to adult education and community development. The admissions committee will look for evidence that applicants understand how to craft an academic document, define a research problem, devise an appropriate focus for an inquiry, assemble and analyze evidence and/or academic literatures, and develop conclusions in a rigorous manner. Examples include a master’s-level course paper or professional publication.

  • Applicants must demonstrate that they are active professionals engaged in activities related to their proposed program of study.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA3102H Doctoral Thesis Seminar, recommended to be taken in the first session of the program.

    • At least 1.5 FCEs must be from the Adult Education and Community Development program. Students with little background in the area of Adult Education and Community Development may be required to complete an additional 0.5 FCE providing such background.

    • At least one research methods course (0.5 FCE).

  • Comprehensive requirement. Normally, a major paper between 7,000 and 12,000 words in length (including tables, figures, and references), which consists of a comprehensive discussion of one or more literatures and/or debates of significance to Adult Education and Community Development.

  • Thesis.

  • Students must register continuously until all degree requirements have been fulfilled. They register full-time during the first four years and may continue as part-time students thereafter, with their department's approval.

  • Students cannot transfer between the full-time and flexible-time PhD options.

  • Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 8 years full-time


LHAE: Educational Leadership and Policy MA

The Master of Arts (MA) program in Educational Leadership and Policy is a thesis-based program that best serves students who are committed to scholarship and research on policy, leadership, change, and social diversity in elementary and secondary schools and other educational settings for children and youth. A combination of theory and real-world practice will enable students to tackle the complex challenges of current education policy, leadership, and reform. Program strengths include:

  • A focus on equity, anti-oppression, and educational justice;

  • Deep expertise in both the Ontario educational context and in comparative, international, and global contexts; and

  • Training in advanced qualitative and quantitative research methods.

The MA program is designed to develop critical and highly skilled researchers, educational leaders, and policy analysts who will advance knowledge in the field and make positive change in schools, school boards (districts), government ministries, foundations, nongovernmental agencies, and international organizations in Canada and around the world.

This program is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

The MA is available through both full-time and part-time studies. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds and experiences.

Master of Arts

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education’s additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university in a relevant discipline or professional program, with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto B+ or better in the final year.

  • Two letters of reference: one academic, the other either academic or professional.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1003H Designing Master's Research Proposals.

    • LHA1004H Research Literacy in Educational Leadership and Policy.

    • LHA1040H Introduction to Educational Leadership and Policy: Policy, Leadership, Change, and Diversity.

    • 0.5 FCE in research methods, to be selected in consultation with the thesis supervisor.

    • 2.0 elective FCEs, of which 0.5 must be from the Educational Leadership and Policy program, normally at the 1000 level or 5000 special topics level. Educational Leadership and Policy program course codes typically have a "0" in the second digit, for example "LHA10XX" and "LHA50XX." The following courses also count as Educational Leadership and Policy program courses: EDP3045H, EDP3145H, JOI3043H, JOI3048H, and JOI3049H. Additional courses may be required of some students.

  • Thesis, to be developed under the guidance of a faculty member.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS); 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


LHAE: Educational Leadership and Policy MEd

The Master of Education (MEd) program in Educational Leadership and Policy is designed for aspiring or current education professionals who are interested in developing their practice in policy, leadership, change, and social diversity in elementary and secondary schools and other educational settings for children and youth. A combination of theory and real-world practice will enable students to tackle the complex challenges of current education policy, leadership and reform. Program strengths include:

  • A focus on equity, anti-oppression, and educational justice;

  • Deep expertise in both the Ontario educational context and in comparative, international, and global contexts; and

  • An emphasis on cutting-edge, research-informed practice.

The MEd program is designed to develop critical and highly skilled educational leaders, and policy analysts, and public servants who make positive change in schools, school boards (districts), government ministries, foundations, nongovernmental agencies, and international organizations in Canada and around the world.

The MEd degree can be pursued on a part-time or full-time basis. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds and experiences. Students may take the MEd without a field or through the field in School Leadership in Diverse Contexts.

There are two MEd options available:

  1. Coursework Only Option and

  2. Coursework Plus Major Research Paper Option.

Students initially apply to and register in the Coursework Only Option. For registration in the Coursework Plus Major Research Paper Option, department permission is required. The field in School Leadership in Diverse Contexts is online and course-based. Please see the description of the field below for more information.

This program is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

The Coursework Only Option is available in two* delivery models:

  1. Regular MEd stream: students are accepted every year and can register on a full-time or part-time basis.

  2. Online/Hybrid (part-time) cohort-based stream: *Admissions to this option have been administratively suspended, effective September 2024. The option will close in August 2027. Students interested in an online MEd program should apply to the Educational Leadership and Policy MEd; Field: School Leadership in Diverse Contexts.

MEd Program (Coursework Only Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university in a relevant discipline with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

  • Two letters of reference: one academic, the other either academic or professional.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1004H Research Literacy in Educational Leadership and Policy, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • LHA1040H Introduction to Educational Leadership and Policy: Policy, Leadership, Change, and Diversity, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • 4.0 other FCEs, of which at least 2.0 FCEs must be from the Educational Leadership and Policy program, normally at the 1000 level or 5000 special topics level. Educational Leadership and Policy program course codes typically have a "0" in the second digit, for example "LHA10XX" and "LHA50XX." The following courses also count as Educational Leadership and Policy program courses: EDP3045H, EDP3145H, JOI3043H, JOI3048H, and JOI3049H. Students may choose to focus on one of the four research areas: Policy, Leadership, Change, or Social Diversity.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-F); 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


MEd Program (Coursework Only Option [Online/Hybrid Delivery, Part-Time Only])

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university in a relevant discipline with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

  • Two letters of reference. Whenever possible, one should be written by an educational professional for whom the applicant has worked. The second should be by a referee who can attest to the applicant's academic ability.

  • Applicants must have the equivalent of 12 months of successful, relevant, professional experience.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1004H Research Literacy in Educational Leadership and Policy, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • LHA1040H Introduction to Educational Leadership and Policy: Policy, Leadership, Change, and Diversity, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • 4.0 other FCEs, of which at least 2.0 FCEs must be from the Educational Leadership and Policy program, normally at the 1000 level or 5000 special topics level. Educational Leadership and Policy program course codes typically have a "0" in the second digit, for example "LHA10XX" and "LHA50XX." The following courses also count as Educational Leadership and Policy program courses: EDP3045H, EDP3145H, JOI3043H, JOI3048H, and JOI3049H. Students may choose to focus on one of the four research areas: Policy, Leadership, Change, or Social Diversity.

Mode of Delivery: Online, Hybrid
Program Length: 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 6 years part-time


MEd Program (Coursework Plus Major Research Paper Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university in a relevant discipline with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

  • Two letters of reference: one academic, the other either academic or professional.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1003H Designing Master's Research Proposals. Part-time students are recommended to take this course towards the end of their program; full-time students are recommended to take it in Year 1.

    • LHA1040H Introduction to Educational Leadership and Policy: Policy, Leadership, Change, and Diversity, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • 3.0 other FCEs, of which at least 1.5 FCEs must be from the Educational Leadership and Policy program, normally at the 1000 level or 5000 special topics level. Educational Leadership and Policy program course codes typically have a "0" in the second digit, for example "LHA10XX" and "LHA50XX." The following courses also count as Educational Leadership and Policy program courses: EDP3045H, EDP3145H, JOI3043H, JOI3048H, and JOI3049H. Students may choose to focus on one of the four program strands: Policy, Leadership, Change, or Social Diversity. LHA1004H Research Literacy in Educational Leadership and Policy is strongly recommended, as is an appropriate research methods (RM) course selected in consultation with the Faculty MRP supervisor.

  • Major Research Paper (MRP): LHA2001Y Major Research Paper to be carried out under the guidance of a faculty member.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FW); 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


LHAE: Educational Leadership and Policy MEd; Field: School Leadership in Diverse Contexts (Effective Fall 2025)

The field in School Leadership in Diverse Contexts within the MEd program in Educational Leadership and Policy is an online, course-based professional master's field designed for aspiring or current educational leaders working in elementary or secondary schools or other educational settings for children and youth. This field will engage educational professionals in opportunities to critically analyze and understand the practices and issues involved in the administration and leadership of schools with diverse student populations.

All required courses in the School Leadership in Diverse Contexts field are offered online. This field is offered part-time only.

MEd Program; Field: School Leadership in Diverse Contexts

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university in a relevant discipline with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

  • Two letters of reference. Whenever possible, one should be written by an educational professional for whom the applicant has worked. The second should be by a referee who can attest to the applicant's academic ability.

  • Applicants must have the equivalent of 12 months of successful, relevant, professional experience.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1004H Research Literacy in Educational Leadership and Policy, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • LHA1040H Introduction to Educational Leadership and Policy: Policy, Leadership, Change, and Diversity, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • LHA1042H Educational Leadership and Diversity.

    • 3.5 other FCEs, of which at least 1.5 FCEs must be from the Educational Leadership and Policy program, normally at the 1000 level or 5000 special topics level. Educational Leadership and Policy program course codes typically have a "0" in the second digit, for example "LHA10XX" and "LHA50XX." The following courses also count as Educational Leadership and Policy program courses: EDP3045H, EDP3145H, JOI3043H, JOI3048H, and JOI3049H. Students are encouraged to focus in the areas of Leadership and Social Diversity; and may also choose to explore courses in the areas of Policy and Change.

Mode of Delivery: Online, Hybrid
Program Length: 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 6 years part-time


LHAE: Educational Leadership and Policy EdD

The Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership and Policy is designed for working professional educators who are interested in developing their skills as research-informed scholar-practitioners in policy, leadership, change, and social diversity in elementary and secondary schools and other educational settings for children and youth. The EdD culminates in a dissertation in practice involving the application of theory and research to a problem of practice. Program strengths include:

  • A focus on equity, anti-oppression, and educational justice;

  • Deep expertise both in the Ontario educational context and in comparative, international, and global contexts; and

  • Training in advanced qualitative and quantitative research methods.

The EdD program is designed to develop critical and highly skilled educational leaders, policy analysts, and public servants who will make positive change in schools, school boards (districts), government ministries, foundations, nongovernmental agencies, and international organizations in Canada and around the world.

The EdD degree is offered full-time in a cohort format specifically designed for working professional educators. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds and experiences.

Delivery options — although not all elective and research methods courses are offered in each modality, students may be able to complete the EdD degree program through one of two delivery modes:

  • In-person: students will mainly complete their coursework and other program requirements in-person, with up to one-third of their coursework online; and

  • Hybrid: students will experience a mix of modes of engagement, with some of their coursework and other program requirements in-person and between one-third and two-thirds of their coursework online, depending on their choice of elective and research methods courses, or an (optional) collaborative specialization.

The next intake for this program will be Fall 2025. Applications for the EdD in Educational Leadership and Policy for the 2025-26 admissions cycle are set to open early October 2024.

Doctor of Education

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Master's degree in the area of Educational Leadership and Policy or an equivalent degree with high academic standing from a recognized university.

  • In addition to responses to the Faculty questions in the online admissions application, a supplementary writing sample is required, which will help the admissions committee to assess an applicant's readiness to succeed in rigorous coursework and to conduct systematic research for the EdD. Applicants typically submit a master's-level Major Research Paper or thesis as their writing sample. Applicants who do not have a Major Research Paper or thesis must provide a writing sample that showcases their ability to write clearly and analytically about educational issues. Examples include a master's-level course paper, a policy document, and a professional publication.

  • The applicant must be in a leadership position in education, or must have held a leadership position, or must demonstrate potential for leadership.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 4.0 core full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA3003H Designing Research Proposals in Educational Leadership and Policy.

    • LHA3007H Reviewing the Literature.

    • LHA3009H Professional Development Seminar for the EdD.

    • LHA3040H People and Power in Organizations.

    • 1.0 FCE in research methods, to be chosen in consultation with the faculty advisor.

    • 1.0 elective FCE.

  • Comprehensive examination. Successful oral defence of a written paper that critically reviews and synthesizes the literature related to the problem of practice to be addressed in the student's dissertation in practice, selected by the student in consultation with the supervisor/advisor. The comprehensive exam is normally taken at the end of Year 2, and must be taken no later than the end of Year 3. Students will be informed of their status (pass or fail) at the end of the oral exam. Students who are not successful in their first attempt will be permitted one additional attempt to pass.

  • Thesis (dissertation in practice) proposal hearing.

  • Thesis (dissertation in practice): The thesis (dissertation in practice) is the culminating component of the Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership and Policy that shall include an identification and investigation of a problem of practice, the application of theory and research to the problem of practice, and a design for action to address the problem of practice. Specifically, the thesis (dissertation in practice) consists of original research in the form of a written proposal or plan for innovative and impactful educational policy, guideline, advocacy, development project, or activism within or beyond a traditional educational setting, aimed at improving practice at local, regional, national, or international levels.

  • Students are full-time and must maintain continuous registration full-time and pay full-time fees until all degree requirements, including the thesis (dissertation in practice), are completed.

  • Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Mode of Delivery: In person, Hybrid
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


LHAE: Educational Leadership and Policy EdD; Field: International Educational Leadership and Policy

Within the Educational Leadership and Policy EdD program, the field in International Education Leadership and Policy offers a robust, world-class program of study structured for professionals working within international settings in positions of leadership and policymaking who want to create impact in their field and mobilize new solutions to real-world problems.

The EdD program is offered full-time in a cohort format and will be delivered in a hybrid modality with short on-campus Institutes. The majority of courses will be offered online. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds.

EdD Program; Field: International Educational Leadership and Policy

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Master's degree in the area of Educational Leadership and Policy or an equivalent degree with high academic standing from a recognized university.

  • Responses to the Faculty questions in the online admissions application: applicants will demonstrate experience and interest in studying international issues in education policy and leadership. In addition, a supplementary writing sample is required, which will help the admissions committee to assess an applicant's readiness to succeed in rigorous coursework and to conduct systematic research for the EdD. Applicants typically submit a master's-level Major Research Paper or thesis as their writing sample. Applicants who do not have a Major Research Paper or thesis must provide a writing sample that showcases their ability to write clearly and analytically about educational issues. Examples include a master's-level course paper, a policy document, and a professional publication.

  • The applicant must be in a leadership position in education in an international setting, or must have held a leadership position, or must demonstrate the relevance of the program to their position or professional development in international education policy.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 4.0 core full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA3003H Designing Research Proposals in Educational Leadership and Policy

    • LHA3005H Introduction to Research Methods for the EdD (RM)

    • LHA3006H Data Analysis for the Education Doctorate-RM

    • LHA3007H Reviewing the Literature

    • LHA3040H People and Power in Organizations

    • LHA3041H Doctoral Seminar on Policy Issues in Education

    • 0.5 elective FCE chosen from 1000, 3000, or 6000-level courses as available online or

      • individual reading course (LHA3052H Individual Reading and Research in Educational Leadership and Policy) or

      • practicum course (CIE1002H Practicum for Comparative, International, and Development Education)

    • LHA3008H Professional Seminar and Dissertation Workshop in International Educational Leadership and Policy

    • Courses will be offered in specialized sections for the International Educational Leadership and Policy field cohort with course syllabi adapted to reflect the international educational policy focus.

    • Attendance in an on-campus Institute will be required to allow face-to-face delivery of one course in each of Years 1, 2, and 3. The Institute will foster cohort engagement and exchange; orientation to the OISE professors, the University of Toronto, and the program.

    • All other courses will be offered online using synchronous and asynchronous modalities.

  • Comprehensive examination. Successful oral (using video conferencing) defence of a written paper that critically reviews and synthesizes the literature related to the problem of practice to be addressed in the student's dissertation in practice, selected by the student in consultation with the supervisor/advisor. The comprehensive exam is normally taken at the end of Year 2, and must be taken no later than the end of Year 3. Students will be informed of their status (pass or fail) at the end of the oral exam. Students who are not successful in their first attempt will be permitted one additional attempt to pass.

  • Thesis (dissertation in practice) proposal hearing.

  • Thesis (dissertation in practice): The thesis (dissertation in practice) is the culminating component of the Doctor of Education degree in International Educational Leadership and Policy that shall include an identification and investigation of a problem of practice, the application of theory and research to the problem of practice, and a design for action to address the problem of practice. Specifically, the thesis (dissertation in practice) consists of original research in the form of a written proposal or plan for innovative and impactful educational policy, guideline, advocacy, development project, or activism within or beyond a traditional educational setting, aimed at improving practice at local, regional, national, or international levels.

  • Students are full-time and must maintain continuous registration full-time and pay full-time fees until all degree requirements, including the thesis (dissertation in practice), are completed.

  • Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Mode of Delivery: Hybrid
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


LHAE: Educational Leadership and Policy PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in Educational Leadership and Policy is a thesis-based program that best serves students who are committed to scholarship and research on policy, leadership, change, and social diversity in elementary and secondary schools and other educational settings for children and youth. A combination of theory and real-world practice will enable students to tackle the complex challenges of current education policy, leadership, and reform. Program strengths include:

  • A focus on equity, anti-oppression, and educational justice;

  • Deep expertise in both the Ontario educational context and in comparative, international, and global contexts; and

  • Training in advanced qualitative and quantitative research methods.

The PhD program is designed to develop critical and highly skilled researchers, educational leaders, and policy analysts who will advance knowledge in the field and make positive change in schools, school boards (districts), government ministries, foundations, nongovernmental agencies, and international organizations in Canada and around the world.

This program is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

The program offers both full-time and flexible-time options. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds and experiences.

PhD Program (Full-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate master's degree, from a recognized university in a relevant discipline or professional program, with a minimum standing equivalent to a University of Toronto A–.

  • In addition to responses to the Faculty questions in the online admissions application, a supplementary writing sample is required, which will help the admissions committee to assess an applicant's readiness to succeed in rigorous coursework and to conduct systematic research for the PhD. Applicants typically submit a master's-level Major Research Paper or thesis as their writing sample. Applicants who do not have a Major Research Paper or thesis must provide a writing sample that showcases their ability to write clearly and analytically about educational issues. The admissions committee will look for evidence that applicants understand how to, or have the potential to, craft an academic document, display an ability to define a research problem, devise an appropriate focus for an inquiry, assemble and analyze evidence, and develop conclusions in a rigorous manner. Examples include a master's-level course paper, a policy document, and a professional publication.

  • Two letters of reference: one academic, the other either academic or professional.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA3040H People and Power in Organizations.

    • 1.0 FCE in research methods, to be chosen in consultation with the faculty advisor (excluding LHA1003H and LHA1004H, which may not be counted towards this requirement). Students who have already attained an acceptable level of competence in research methodology may be authorized to choose a course in a different area of study.

    • At least 0.5 FCE at the 3000 level or the 6000 Special Topics level from the Educational Leadership and Policy program. Educational Leadership and Policy program course codes typically have a "0" in the second digit, for example "LHA30XX" and "LHA60XX." The following courses also count as Educational Leadership and Policy program courses: EDP3045H, EDP3145H, JOI3043H, JOI3048H, and JOI3049H.

  • Comprehensive examination. Successful oral defence of a written paper that critically reviews and synthesizes the literature in the student’s proposed thesis area, selected by the student in consultation with the supervisor/advisor. The comprehensive exam is normally taken at the end of Year 2, and must be taken no later than the end of Year 3. Students will be informed of their status (pass or fail) at the end of the oral exam. Students who are not successful in their first attempt will be permitted one additional attempt to pass.

  • Thesis proposal hearing.

  • Thesis.

  • Students must register continuously and pay the full-time fee until all degree requirements have been fulfilled.

  • Students cannot transfer between the full-time and flexible-time PhD options.

  • Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Flexible-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate master's degree, from a recognized university in a relevant discipline or professional program, with a minimum standing equivalent to a University of Toronto A–.

  • In addition to responses to the Faculty questions in the online admissions application, a supplementary writing sample is required, which will help the admissions committee to assess an applicant's readiness to succeed in rigorous coursework and to conduct systematic research for the PhD. Applicants typically submit a master's-level Major Research Paper or thesis as their writing sample. Applicants who do not have a Major Research Paper or thesis must provide a writing sample that showcases their ability to write clearly and analytically about educational issues. The admissions committee will look for evidence that applicants understand how to, or have the potential to, craft an academic document, display an ability to define a research problem, devise an appropriate focus for an inquiry, assemble and analyze evidence, and develop conclusions in a rigorous manner. Examples include a master's-level course paper, a policy document, and a professional publication.

  • Two letters of reference: one academic, the other either academic or professional.

  • Applicants must demonstrate that they are active professionals engaged in activities related to their proposed program of study. Capacity to secure blocks of time to enable concentrated study is required.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA3040H People and Power in Organizations.

    • 1.0 FCE in research methods, to be chosen in consultation with the faculty advisor (excluding LHA1003H and LHA1004H, which may not be counted towards this requirement). Students who have already attained an acceptable level of competence in research methodology may be authorized to choose a course in a different area of study.

    • At least 0.5 FCE at the 3000 level or the 6000 Special Topics level from the Educational Leadership and Policy program. Educational Leadership and Policy program course codes typically have a "0" in the second digit, for example "LHA30XX" and "LHA60XX." The following courses also count as Educational Leadership and Policy program courses: EDP3045H, EDP3145H, JOI3043H, JOI3048H, and JOI3049H.

  • Comprehensive examination. Successful oral defence of a written paper that critically reviews and synthesizes the literature in the student’s proposed thesis area, selected by the student in consultation with the supervisor/advisor. The comprehensive exam is normally taken at the end of Year 3, and must be taken no later than the end of Year 4. Students will be informed of their status (pass or fail) at the end of the oral exam. Students who are not successful in their first attempt will be permitted one additional attempt to pass.

  • Thesis proposal hearing.

  • Thesis.

  • Students must register continuously until all degree requirements have been fulfilled. They register full-time during the first four years and may continue as part-time thereafter, with their department's approval.

  • Students cannot transfer between the full-time and flexible-time PhD options.

  • Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


LHAE: Higher Education MA

The MA in Higher Education is a research-stream program that focuses on higher education as a field of study. It best serves students seeking the knowledge and research skills needed to pursue administrative and policy careers related to higher education. The MA program also prepares students to pursue doctoral studies in higher education and related fields.

This program is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

The MA is available through both full-time and part-time studies. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds.

Master of Arts

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA3803H Doctoral Seminar: Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • 0.5 FCE in research methods approved by the faculty advisor.

    • 3.0 other FCEs, of which 1.5 FCEs must be from the Higher Education program.

  • Thesis.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS); 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


LHAE: Higher Education MEd

The Master of Education is a course-based, professional degree designed primarily for higher education professionals seeking to advance their understanding of the issues confronting their institution and the postsecondary system. It best serves students seeking research-informed knowledge on how colleges and universities work in order to pursue or advance administrative and policy careers related to higher education.

The program can be pursued on a full-time or part-time basis. Note that the field in Higher Education Leadership is offered part-time only.

The Master of Education is offered in four fields: 1) Education in the Professions; 2) Higher Education; 3) Higher Education Leadership; and 4) Student Development and Student Services in Higher Education.

Field: Education in the Professions

The Education in the Professions field is a course-based professional master’s designed for individuals working in areas such as the health professions, law and law enforcement, engineering, and public services, who are planning a career in educational administration, teaching, and leadership. This field introduces the broader area of higher education as well as current issues and research methods in education research in the professions.

Two options are offered: 1) Coursework Only Option; and 2) Coursework Plus Major Research Paper Option. Students initially apply to and register in the Coursework Only Option. For registration in the Coursework Plus Major Research Paper Option, departmental permission is required.

Field: Higher Education

The Higher Education field is focused on the issues confronting higher education institutions and the postsecondary education system. It is intended for students seeking research-informed knowledge on how colleges and universities work in order to pursue and advance their administrative and policy careers in higher education. Students are accepted every year and can register on a full-time or part-time basis.

Field: Higher Education Leadership

The Higher Education Leadership field is specifically designed for professionals working in higher education at entry to mid-levels, who seek to build their careers in higher education. With a focus on leadership skills for both the college and university contexts, the field is aimed to bridge the understanding and collaboration of leaders across both sectors. Students move through the Higher Education field as a cohort and register part-time. Classes are generally offered in a compressed format to suit working professionals. Applicants are accepted to the field every other year.

Field: Student Development and Student Services in Higher Education

The Student Development and Student Services in Higher Education field is designed for student development and student services professionals who are seeking to acquire the knowledge and skills that are evidence- and experientially based to provide leadership in various types of postsecondary institutions.

LHAE: Higher Education MEd; Field: Education in the Professions

The Master of Education in Higher Education is a course-based, professional degree designed primarily for higher education professionals seeking to advance their understanding of the issues confronting their institution and the postsecondary system. It best serves students seeking research-informed knowledge on how colleges and universities work in order to pursue or advance administrative and policy careers related to higher education. The program can be pursued on a full-time or part-time basis.

Within the MEd program, the field in Education in the Professions is a course-based professional master's designed for individuals working in areas such as the health professions, law and law enforcement, engineering, and public services, who are planning a career in educational administration, teaching, and leadership. This field introduces the broader area of higher education as well as current issues and research methods in education research in the professions.

The required courses in this field are offered online.

Application Requirements

  • Current resumé.

  • Transcript(s) from each postsecondary institution attended.

  • One academic and one professional reference letter.

  • Responses to Faculty questions in the online admissions application describing the applicant's motivation for wishing to take the program, as well as how previous qualifications and professional work experience support their interest in the program and the field.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1803H Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education

    • LHA1812H Education and the Professions

    • LHA1819H Governance in Higher Education

    • LHA1823H Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

    • LHA1844H The Student Experience in Postsecondary Education

    • LHA1848H Innovative Curricula in Higher Education and Professional Programs

    • 0.5 FCE in research methods (RM). Course will vary according to instructor availability.

    • 1.5 elective FCEs in the general Higher Education program.

Mode of Delivery: Online
Program Length: 4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-F); 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


LHAE: Higher Education MEd; Field: Higher Education

The Master of Education in Higher Education is a course-based, professional degree designed primarily for higher education professionals seeking to advance their understanding of the issues confronting their institution and the postsecondary system. It best serves students seeking research-informed knowledge on how colleges and universities work in order to pursue or advance administrative and policy careers related to higher education. The program can be pursued on a full-time or part-time basis.

Within the MEd program, the field in Higher Education focuses on the issues confronting higher education institutions and the postsecondary education system. It is intended for students seeking research-informed knowledge on how colleges and universities work in order to pursue and advance their administrative and policy careers in higher education.

This field is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

Students are accepted every year and can register on a full-time or part-time basis.

Application Requirements

  • Current resumé.

  • Transcript(s) from each postsecondary institution attended.

  • One academic and one professional reference letter.

  • Responses to Faculty questions in the online admissions application describing the applicant's motivation for wishing to take the program, as well as how previous qualifications and professional work experience support their interest in the program and the field.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1803H Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • 0.5 FCE in research methods.

    • 4.0 FCEs in electives, of which 1.5 FCEs must be from the Higher Education field.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-F); 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


LHAE: Higher Education MEd; Field: Higher Education Leadership

The Master of Education in Higher Education is a course-based, professional degree designed primarily for higher education professionals seeking to advance their understanding of the issues confronting their institution and the postsecondary system. It best serves students seeking research-informed knowledge on how colleges and universities work in order to pursue or advance administrative and policy careers related to higher education.

Within the MEd program, the field in Higher Education Leadership is specifically designed for professionals working in higher education at entry to mid-levels, who seek to build their careers in higher education. With a focus on leadership skills for both the college and university contexts, the field is aimed to bridge the understanding and collaboration of leaders across both sectors. Students move through the Higher Education field as a cohort and register part-time. Classes are generally offered in a compressed format to suit working professionals.

This field is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

Applicants are accepted every other year. This field is offered part-time only.

Application Requirements

  • Current resumé.

  • Transcript(s) from each postsecondary institution attended.

  • One academic and one professional reference letter.

  • Responses to Faculty questions in the online admissions application describing the applicant's motivation for wishing to take the program, as well as how previous qualifications and professional work experience support their interest in the program and the field.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1803H Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • LHA1809H Administration of Colleges and Universities.

    • LHA1811H Organizational Change in Higher Education.

    • LHA1815H Economics and Finance of Higher Education.

    • LHA1836H Critical Analysis of Research in Higher Education.

    • LHA1847H Human Resource and Diversity Issues in Higher Education.

    • LHA1860H Capstone Project for Higher Education Leadership Cohort Option.

    • 1.5 FCEs in elective courses.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 6 years part-time


LHAE: Higher Education MEd; Field: Student Development and Student Services in Higher Education

The Master of Education in Higher Education is a course-based, professional degree designed primarily for higher education professionals seeking to advance their understanding of the issues confronting their institution and the postsecondary system. It best serves students seeking research-informed knowledge on how colleges and universities work in order to pursue or advance administrative and policy careers related to higher education. The program can be pursued on a full-time or part-time basis.

Within the MEd program, the field in Student Development and Student Services in Higher Education is designed for student development and student services professionals who are seeking to acquire the knowledge and skills that are evidence- and experientially based to provide leadership in various types of postsecondary institutions.

This field is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

Application Requirements

  • Current resumé.

  • Transcript(s) from each postsecondary institution attended.

  • One academic and one professional reference letter.

  • Responses to Faculty questions in the online admissions application describing the applicant's motivation for wishing to take the program, as well as how previous qualifications and professional work experience support their interest in the program and the field.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university with a grade equivalent to a University of Toronto mid-B or better in the final year.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1803H Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • LHA1845H Indigenous Student Perspectives in Higher Education.

    • 1.5 FCEs in Student Development and Student Services:

      • LHA1844H The Student Experience in Postsecondary Education.

      • LHA1854H Student Development Theory.

      • LHA1856H Advanced Student Development Theories in Higher Education.

    • 2.5 FCEs including:

      • 0.5 FCE in research methods.

    • Depending on an individual student's professional experience, students may be advised to take LHA1853H Introduction to Student Services.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-F); 10 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


LHAE: Higher Education EdD

The Doctor of Education (EdD) program in Higher Education is intended to shape highly competent professionals in leadership positions in higher education administration or policy. It best serves students seeking the knowledge and research skills needed to pursue research-grounded professional careers in colleges, universities, government agencies, professional associations, and international organizations.

This program is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

The EdD program can be pursued either on a part-time or full-time basis. The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds.

Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Doctor of Education

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Relevant and acceptable MEd or MA. In individual cases, students with a highly relevant master's degree or other equivalent graduate degree may be admitted, but additional courses in Higher Education will be required.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA1803H Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education.

    • At least 1.0 other FCE in Higher Education.

    • 0.5 FCE in research methods approved by the faculty advisor.

    • 1.0 FCE selected either in Higher Education or in another graduate program at OISE or, with the approval of the faculty advisor, in another graduate department at the University of Toronto.

    • Supervised applied research practicum (0.5 FCE).

    • Collaborative proseminar (0.5 FCE).

  • Comprehensive examination. The objective of the doctoral comprehensive examination is to ensure that all students master at least one substantive research area in Higher Education and have the capacity to develop their own written analysis of selected issues within this area. The examination is designed to ensure that students are familiar with the literature and concepts associated with their special area of study within the field of Higher Education.

  • Thesis reporting the results of original research on an applied topic in postsecondary education.

  • Students may begin their EdD degree on a full-time or a part-time basis but must maintain continuous registration. They must register full-time for a minimum of two consecutive sessions, not including Summer, of on-campus study. Once enrolled full-time, students must maintain continuous registration full-time and pay full-time fees until all degree requirements, including the thesis, are completed.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous); 6 years part-time
Time Limit: 6 years full-time; 6 years part-time


LHAE: Higher Education PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in Higher Education fosters research-grounded study of higher education administration and policy. It best serves students seeking the knowledge and research skills needed to pursue careers in colleges, universities, government agencies, professional associations, and international organizations as a higher education expert.

This program is delivered in person, which means that while the program may offer some courses online, a student will take less than one-third of their courses online.

The program offers both full-time and flexible-time options.

The program is available in two delivery models:

  • Regular PhD stream: students are accepted every year into the full-time or flexible-time program.

  • The Community College Leadership (CCL) Cohort: available in select years. The CCL Cohort is designed for emerging college leaders and focuses specifically on the college system. The CCL is mostly offered in compressed mode, mainly on weekends, to suit working professionals pursuing a flexible-time program. Applicants must specify their interest in the CCL Cohort in their responses to Faculty questions in the online admissions application.

The department welcomes applicants with diverse but relevant backgrounds.

PhD Program (Full-Time Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Relevant and acceptable MEd or MA. In individual cases, students with a highly relevant master's degree or other equivalent graduate degree may be admitted, but additional courses in Higher Education may be required.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a minimum 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA3803H Doctoral Seminar: Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • LHA3804H Doctoral Research Seminar in Postsecondary Education, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • At least 1.0 other FCE in Higher Education.

    • 0.5 FCE in research methods approved by the faculty advisor.

    • 0.5 FCE selected either in Higher Education or in another graduate program at OISE, or, with the approval of the faculty advisor, in another graduate department at the University of Toronto.

  • Comprehensive examination. The objective of the doctoral comprehensive examination is to ensure that all students master at least one substantive research area in Higher Education and have the capacity to develop their own written analysis of selected issues within this area. The examination is designed to ensure that students are familiar with the literature and concepts associated with their special area of study within the field of Higher Education.

  • Thesis reporting the results of original research in postsecondary education.

  • Students must register continuously and pay the full-time fee until all degree requirements have been fulfilled.

  • Students cannot transfer between the full-time and flexible-time PhD options.

  • Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Flexible-Time Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Relevant and acceptable MEd or MA. In individual cases, students with a highly relevant master's degree or other equivalent graduate degree may be admitted, but additional courses in Higher Education may be required.

  • Applicants must demonstrate that they are currently employed and are active professionals engaged in activities related to their proposed program of study. Applicants should have capacity to secure blocks of time to enable concentrated study.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete a minimum 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • LHA3803H Doctoral Seminar: Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • LHA3804H Doctoral Research Seminar in Postsecondary Education, to be taken at the beginning of the program.

    • At least 1.0 other FCE in Higher Education.

    • 0.5 FCE in research methods approved by the faculty advisor.

    • 0.5 FCE selected either in Higher Education or in another graduate program at OISE, or, with the approval of the faculty advisor, in another graduate department at the University of Toronto.

  • Comprehensive examination. The objective of the doctoral comprehensive examination is to ensure that all students master at least one substantive research area in Higher Education and have the capacity to develop their own written analysis of selected issues within this area. The examination is designed to ensure that students are familiar with the literature and concepts associated with their special area of study within the field of Higher Education.

  • Thesis reporting the results of original research in postsecondary education.

  • Students must register continuously until all degree requirements have been fulfilled. They must register full-time during the first four years and may continue as part-time thereafter, with their department's approval.

  • Students cannot transfer between the full-time and flexible-time PhD options.

  • Students cannot transfer between the EdD and PhD programs.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 years full-time
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


LHAE: Adult Education and Community Development MA, MEd, PhD Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please review the course schedule on the Registrar’s Office and Student Experience website.

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Adult Education
Program Planning in Adult Education
Introduction to Community Development
Introduction to Research Methods in Adult Education (RM)
Introduction to Qualitative Research: Part I (RM)
Introduction to Qualitative Research: Part II (RM)
LHA1107HDeveloping and Leading High Performing Teams: Theory and Practice
Adult Learning
Challenging Systems of Power and Oppression through Creative Approaches
Approaches to Teaching Adults
Working with Survivors of Trauma
Gender and Race at Work
Commons, Community and Social Justice
LHA1115HLearning for the Global Economy
Creating a Learning Organization
LHA1120HProfessions, Learning, and Work
Practicum in Adult Education and Community Development
Young Adulthood in Crisis: Learning, Transitions, and Activism
Introduction to Feminist Perspectives on Society and Education
Queer Interventions: Tools for Community Organizing
LHA1145HParticipatory Research in the Community and the Workplace (RM)
Women, War, and Learning
Migration, Resettlement, and Learning
Introduction to Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy
Precarity and Dispossession: Urban Poverty and Rebel Cities
Critical Perspectives on Organizational Change
Individual Reading and Research in Adult Education: Master’s Level
Indigenous Worldviews: Implications for Education
Embodied Learning and Alternative Approaches to Community Wellness
Nonprofits, Co-operatives, and the Social Economy: An Overview
Master’s Research Seminar
Indigenous Knowledge: Implications for Education
Community Healing and Peacebuilding
Adult Education for Sustainability
Cyberliteracy and Adult Education
Technology @Work: The Internet in Workplace Learning and Change
Walking Together, Talking Together: The Praxis of Reconciliation
The Pedagogy of Food
Doctoral Thesis Seminar
Individual Reading and Research in Adult Education: Doctoral Level
LHA3182HParticipatory Democracy, Activism, and Citizenship Learning
Introduction to Institutional Ethnography (RM)
Indigenous Research Methodologies (RM)
LHA5100H to LHA5120HSpecial Topics in Adult Education and Community Development: Master’s Level
LHA6100H to LHA6110HSpecial Topics in Adult Education and Community Development: Doctoral Level
Introduction to Comparative, International, and Development Education
Practicum in Comparative, International, and Development Education
CIE1006HTransnational Perspectives on Democracy, Human Rights, and Democratic Education in an Era of Globalization
CIE6000HSpecial Topics in Comparative, International, and Development Education
WPL1131HIntroduction to Workplace Learning and Social Change
WPL3930HPractitioner Communities in Workplace Learning
Advanced Studies in Workplace Learning and Social Change

Interprogram Courses

The following course is accepted for credit in the Adult Education and Community Development program and will satisfy the program’s requirement. For descriptions, see the relevant programs.

Course CodeCourse Title
Indigenous Knowledge and Decolonization: Pedagogical Implications

LHAE: Educational Leadership and Policy MA, MEd, EdD, PhD Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please review the course schedule on the Registrar’s Office and Student Experience website.

Some sections of existing courses are offered off campus and online in order to make them available to students in localities far from Toronto.

Course CodeCourse Title
EDP3045HEducational Policy Analysis
EDP3145HMethodological Approaches for Researching Education Policy (RM)
JOI3043HDevelopment and Use of Surveys in Education Research (RM)
JOI3048HIntermediate Statistics in Educational Research: Multiple Regression Analysis (RM)
JOI3049HMultilevel and Longitudinal Modelling in Educational Research (RM)
JOI3050HQuantitative Research Practicum (RM)
Designing Master's Research Proposals
Research Literacy in Educational Leadership and Policy
LHA1006HIntroduction to Statistics for Educational Research (RM)
Organizational Culture and Decision Making
LHA1013HDeveloping and Organizing People in Education
School Program Development and Implementation
Political Skill in the Education Arena
Diversity and the Ethics of Educational Leadership and Policy
Teachers and Educational Change
The Legal Context of Education
LHA1035HSociology of Education
Introduction to Educational Leadership and Policy: Policy, Leadership, Change, and Diversity
Social and Policy Contexts of Schooling
Educational Leadership and Diversity
LHA1043HDecolonizing and Antiracist Approaches to Educational Leadership
Managing Changes in Classroom Practice
Educational Leadership and School Improvement
Themes and Issues in Policy, Leadership, Change, and Social Diversity
Individual Reading and Research in Educational Leadership and Policy: Master’s Level
School Leadership Seminar 1
School Leadership Seminar 2
Global Educational Equity and Quantitative Policy Research
LHA1066HComparative and International Perspectives on Gender and Education Policy and Practice
LHA1067HComparative Politics of Education Policy
LHA1070HInternship in Educational Leadership and Policy
Major Research Paper
LHA3003HDesigning Research Proposals in Educational Leadership and Policy
LHA3004HResearch Literacy for the EdD Program
LHA3005HIntroduction to Research Methods for the EdD (RM)
LHA3006HData Analysis for the Education Doctorate (RM)
LHA3007HReviewing the Literature
LHA3008HProfessional Seminar and Dissertation Workshop in International Educational Leadership and Policy
Advanced Legal Issues in Education
People and Power in Organizations
Doctoral Seminar on Policy Issues in Education
Field Research in Educational Leadership and Policy (RM)
Internship/Practicum in Educational Leadership and Policy
Research Seminar on Leadership and Educational Change
Individual Reading and Research in Educational Leadership and Policy: Doctoral Level
LHA3055HDemocratic Values, Student Engagement, and Democratic Leadership
LHA3064HGlobal Governance and Educational Change: the Politics of International Cooperation in Education
LHA5000H to LHA5020HSpecial Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy: Master's Level
LHA6000H to LHA6021HSpecial Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy: Doctoral Level

Interprogram Courses

The following course is accepted for credit in the Educational Leadership and Policy program and will satisfy that program’s requirement. For a description, see the relevant program.

Course CodeCourse Title
LHA1815HEconomics and Finance of Higher Education

LHAE: Higher Education MA, MEd, EdD, PhD Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Please review the course schedule on the Registrar’s Office and Student Experience website.

Course CodeCourse Title
Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education
LHA1804HIssues in Medical/Health Professional Education
The College Sector
Systems of Higher Education
System-Wide Planning and Policy for Higher Education
Administration of Colleges and Universities
LHA1811HOrganizational Change in Higher Education
Education and the Professions
LHA1814HLifelong Learning and Professional and Vocational Education
Economics and Finance of Higher Education
LHA1816HSociology of Higher Education
LHA1818HPolitics of Higher Education
LHA1819HGovernance in Higher Education
LHA1822HTeaching and Learning in Higher Education
LHA1823HScholarship of Teaching and Learning
Comparative Education Theory and Methodology (RM)
Comparative Higher Education
Evaluation in Higher Education (RM)
Qualitative Research in Higher Education (RM)
LHA1835HLogics and Strategies of Case Study Research (RM)
Critical Analysis of Research in Higher Education (RM)
The Student Experience in Postsecondary Education
LHA1845HIndigenous Students in Higher Education
Internationalization of Higher Education in a Comparative Perspective
LHA1847HHuman Resource and Diversity Issues in Higher Education
Innovative Curricula in Higher Education and Professional Programs
LHA1849HFaculty in Colleges and Universities
Individual Reading and Research in Higher Education: Master’s Level
Introduction to Student Services
Student Development Theory
LHA1855HCapstone in Student Development and Student Services
Advanced Student Development Theories in Higher Education
LHA1858HInternship in Student Services 1
LHA1859HInternship in Student Services 2
LHA1860HCapstone Project for Higher Education Leadership Cohort Option
LHA3803HDoctoral Seminar: Recurring Issues in Postsecondary Education
LHA3804HDoctoral Research Seminar in Higher Education
International Academic Relations
Individual Reading and Research in Higher Education: Doctoral Level
LHA5800H to LHA5825HSpecial Topics in Higher Education: Master's Level
LHA6800H to LHA6810HSpecial Topics in Higher Education: Doctoral Level

Interprogram Course

The following course is accepted for credit in the Higher Education program and will satisfy that program’s requirement. For a description, see the relevant program.

Course CodeCourse Title
SJE2941HBourdieu: Theory of Practice in Social Sciences