Development Policy and Power

Development Policy and Power: Introduction

Lead Faculty of the Collaborative Specialization

University of Toronto Scarborough

Participating Degree Programs

Anthropology — MA, MSc
Environmental Science — MEnvSc
Geography — MA
Political Science — MA
Public Health Sciences — MPH (field in Social and Behavioural Health Sciences)
Social Justice Education — MA, MEd
Sociology — MA
Women and Gender Studies — MA

Supporting Unit

Department of Global Development Studies


The Collaborative Specialization in Development Policy and Power is designed to provide master's students with a critical and historicized understanding of the nature of some of the main policy debates within the field of international development. These include: power dynamics and their shifts over time within particular development policy domains at the global, national, and local levels of analysis; the role of the power struggles around development policy making in the processes of program design and implementation; and the ways in which these power struggles shape the institutionalization of policies that are (or are not) equitable and social justice oriented.

In addition to examining contestations around the development field’s major historical and theoretical threads, students will be immersed in thematic discussions around development policy fields such as: trade, financialization, and (illicit) financial flows; food, agriculture, and land struggles; political ecology and extractivism; the politics of sustainability and environmental survival; inclusive social policies; health governance and health inequities; displacement, immigration, and citizenship; foreign aid and South-South cooperation; Indigenous resistance and popular mobilization against racism, patriarchy, and class oppression; political economy of knowledge production; commodity booms, poverty reduction, and the exercise of state power; neoliberal globalization and corporate power; and associated resistance and popular mobilization, writ large.

The graduate programs listed above participate in the Collaborative Specialization in Development Policy and Power at the University of Toronto. The collaborating graduate units contribute courses and provide facilities, support, and supervision for master's-level research and practicum placements.

Upon successful completion of the master's degree requirements of the participating home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization, students will receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specialization in Development Policy and Power” on their transcript.

Contact and Address

Department of Global Development Studies:
Development Policy and Power:
Telephone: (416) 287-71113

Collaborative Specialization in Development Policy and Power
Department of Global Development Studies
University of Toronto Scarborough
1265 Military Trail
Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4

Development Policy and Power: Master's Level

Minimum Admission Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Meet the admission requirements of both the home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization.

  • Be enrolled in, or applying to, a participating master's degree program.

  • Submit a copy of their CV/resumé.

  • Submit a one-page essay describing why and how their interests coincide with the Collaborative Specialization in Development Policy and Power.

Optional Preparation

  • The Department of Global Development Studies will provide students interested in the collaborative specialization with a Summer Reading list of key background readings. Students with no critical development studies exposure through their undergraduate studies, a placement or internship, or relevant work experience are strongly encouraged to review the material identified in the list. Students with a critical development background are encouraged to review texts to which they have not been exposed.

Completion Requirements

MA and MSc in Anthropology;
MA in Geography;
MA in Political Science (Fields: Political Economy of International Development; Political Science);
Master of Public Health (Field: Social and Behavioural Health Sciences);
Social Justice Education (MA; MEd Coursework Plus Major Research Paper Option; MEd Coursework Plus Thesis Option);
MA in Sociology (Research Paper Option);
MA in Women and Gender Studies

  • Students must meet all the respective degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and the participating graduate unit.

  • Students must meet the requirements of the collaborative specialization as follows:

    • IDS1000H Development Policy and Power: a core course meeting every other week throughout the academic year involving a mix of classes covering a substantive theme.

    • Participate regularly and actively in SRM3333H Master's Seminar Series.

    • The major research paper, thesis, or practicum placement in the participating degree program will be on a topic in critical development studies, approved by the collaborative specialization committee.

  • Collaborative specialization courses may be taken as electives for the purpose of satisfying home program requirements.

MEd in Social Justice Education (Coursework Only Option)

  • Students must meet all the respective degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and the participating graduate unit.

  • Students must meet the requirements of the collaborative specialization as follows:

    • IDS1000H Development Policy and Power: a core course meeting every other week throughout the academic year involving a mix of classes covering a substantive theme.

    • Participate regularly and actively in the SRM3333H Master's Seminar Series.

    • 1.0 elective FCE related to development policy and power.

  • Collaborative specialization courses may be taken as electives for the purpose of satisfying home program requirements.

MA in Sociology (Coursework Only Option)

  • Students must meet all the respective degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and the participating graduate unit.

  • Students must meet the requirements of the collaborative specialization as follows:

    • IDS1000H Development Policy and Power: a core course meeting every other week throughout the academic year involving a mix of classes covering a substantive theme.

    • Participate regularly and actively in SRM3333H Master's Seminar Series.

    • 0.5 elective FCE related to development policy and power.

  • Collaborative specialization courses may be taken as electives for the purpose of satisfying home program requirements.

Master of Environmental Science (Research Paper Option)

  • Students must meet all the respective degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and the participating graduate unit.

  • Students must meet the requirements of the collaborative specialization as follows:

    • IDS1000H Development Policy and Power: a core course meeting every other week throughout the academic year involving a mix of classes covering a substantive theme. This course must be taken in addition to the 5.5 FCEs required for the MEnvSc program.

    • Participate regularly and actively in the SRM3333H Master's Seminar Series.

    • The major research paper in the participating degree program will be on a topic in critical development studies, approved by the collaborative specialization committee.

  • Collaborative specialization courses may be taken as electives for the purpose of satisfying home program requirements.

Master of Environmental Science (Internship Option)

  • Students must meet all the respective degree requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and the participating graduate unit.

  • Students must meet the requirements of the collaborative specialization as follows:

    • IDS1000H Development Policy and Power: a core course meeting every other week throughout the academic year involving a mix of classes covering a substantive theme. This course must be taken in addition to the 5.5 FCEs required for the MEnvSc program.

    • Participate regularly and actively in the SRM3333H Master's Seminar Series.

    • 1.5 elective FCEs from the following: EES1122H Global Environmental Security and Sustainable Development, EES1134H Climate Change Policy, EES1135H Environmental Change and Human Health, EES3002H Conservation Policy.

  • Collaborative specialization courses may be taken as electives for the purpose of satisfying home program requirements.


Development Policy and Power: Courses

Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Development Policy and Power
Master's Seminar Series

Elective Courses by Graduate Unit

These courses may have prerequisites and enrolment limits and may not be offered every year. Students may take courses not listed here with approval of the collaboration specialization director.


Course CodeCourse Title
Anthropology of Neoliberalism
Medical Anthropology II

Comparative, International and Development Education

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Comparative, International, and Development Education
Transnational Perspectives on Democracy, Human Rights, and Democratic Education in an Era of Globalization

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

Course CodeCourse Title
Education and Social Development

Geography and Planning

Course CodeCourse Title
Special Topics: Geographies of Postcoloniality and Development: Exploring the 'Infrastructure Turn'
Natural Resources, Difference, and Conflict
Political Ecology of Food and Agriculture
Global Urbanism and Cities of the Global South
Contested Geographies of Class-Race Formation
Violence and Security

Physical and Environmental Sciences

Course CodeCourse Title
Global Environmental Security and Sustainable Development
Climate Change Policy
Environmental Change and Human Health
Conservation Policy

Political Science

Course CodeCourse Title
Topics in International Politics I
Human Rights, Politics, and International Relations
Ethics and International Relations
Topics in Comparative Politics II
Politics of Growth in Developing Countries
Topics in International Politics III
Topics in International Politics IV
Topics in Latin American Politics
Political Economy of International Development
POL2418HTopics in Middle East Politics

Public Health Sciences

Course CodeCourse Title
Global Migration and Health
History of International Health
Selected Topics in Public Health Issues

Social Justice Education

Course CodeCourse Title
Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice 1
Marginality and the Politics of Resistance


Course CodeCourse Title
Network Analysis I
Ethnicity I
Sociological Theory II
Gender Relations II
Political Sociology III

Women and Gender Studies

Course CodeCourse Title
WSG1010HSpecial Topics in Feminist Studies 2
WSG1013HSpecial Topics in Feminist Theory 1
WSG1014HSpecial Topics in Feminist Theory 2
WSG1016HMigration, Mobility, and Displacement in Contemporary Africa
WSG1017HSpecial Topics in Feminist Studies
WSG1019HSpecial Topics in Feminist Studies
WSG1020HGender and Globalization: Transnational Perspectives