
Kinesiology: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation

Kinesiology and Physical Education

Degree Programs


MA, MSc, and PhD

Professional Kinesiology

MPK (admissions have been administratively suspended)

  • Concentrations:
    • Adapted Physical Activity
    • Exercise as Medicine
    • Health and Wellness
    • High Performance Strength and Conditioning

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:


The field of Kinesiology is interdisciplinary. All degree programs are for students interested in research, academic, and professional careers relating to:

  • Applied/exercise/environmental physiology
  • Biomechanics and ergonomics
  • Health-care provision as a kinesiologist
  • Metabolic and endocrinological aspects of physical activity
  • Motor control and motor learning
  • Muscle physiology
  • Physical cultural aspects of sport and physical activity
  • Physical fitness and athletic strength and conditioning
  • Psychological aspects of sport and physical activity
  • Psychophysiological aspects of exercise and stress
  • Women's health and physical activity.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 946-3645
Fax: (416) 971-2118

Graduate Department of Kinesiology
Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education
University of Toronto
55 Harbord Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2W6

Kinesiology: Graduate Faculty

Full Members

Arbour, Kelly - BSc, MSc, PhD
Atkinson, Michael - BA, MA, PhD
Baker, Joseph - PhD
Bentley, Robert Francis - DPhil
Burkhart, Timothy - DrEng
Chen, Joyce - BSc(PT), BPHE, PhD, ScD
Darnell, Simon - BA, MA, PhD
Fusco, Caroline - BA, MSc, PhD
Gillen, Jenna - BPHE, PhD
Hutchison, Michael - BPHE, MSc, PhD
Jacobs, Ira - MHK, MSD, DipPE
Joseph, Janelle - BSc, MSc
Kerr, Gretchen - BPHE, MA, PhD (Dean)
Kirkham, Amy - DSc
Locke, Marius - BA, BSc, PhD
Mainwaring, Lynda - BA, BHK, MHK, PhD, CPsych
McGuire-Adams, Tricia - MA, PhD
Moore, Daniel - BASc, PhD
Sabiston, Catherine - BS, MA, PhD
Santa Mina, Daniel - BSc, MSc, PhD
Tamminen, Katherine - BA, MA, PhD (Associate Dean, Graduate Education)
Tremblay, Luc - BSc, MSc, PhD
Trinh, Linda - AB, MA, PhD
Welsh, Timothy - BPHE, MSc, PhD (Associate Dean, Research)

Members Emeriti

Donnelly, Peter - BA, MS, PhD
Goodman, Jack - BPHE, MSc, PhD
Kidd, Bruce - BA, AM, MA, PhD, OC
MacNeill, Margaret - BPHE, MA, PhD
Thomas, Scott - BSc, MSc, PhD

Associate Members

AL Sinani, Yousra - BPHE, MEd, PhD
Amara, Catherine - BSc, MSc, PhD
Bernstein, Lori - BA, MA, MPH, PhD
Bremer, Emily - BHSc(PT), MHSc
Bundon, Andrea - BSc, MPE
Catapano, Michael - MD
Cavallerio, Francesca - BSc, MSc, MSc
Edmonds, Shaun - BA, MA, PhD
Fraser-Thomas, Jessica - BA, BPHE, BEd, MPH
Frost, David - BA, BPHE, BScEE, MSc, DPhil
Hayhurst, Lyndsay - BA, MA, PhD
Howarth, Samuel
Jarvie, Grant - PhD
Karlinsky, April Davis - BHK
Lawrence, Danielle Michelle - BASc
Lawrence, David Wyndham - MPH, MD
Mack, Diane - BA, MA, PhD
Mazzucco, Marcus - BPHE, JD
Mittal, Nimish - MD
Mutha, Pratik K. - BE, MS
Neyedli, Heather Fern
Oh, Paul - MSc, MD
Orr, Madeleine - BS, MS, MS, DPhil
Peers, Danielle - BPHRE, MPE
Pila, Eva - BS, MHSc
Richards, Doug - MD
Stirling, Ashley - BPHE, MS, PhD (Vice-Dean, Programs)
Taha, Timur - BA, MEd, PhD
Teetzel, Sarah - BS, MA, DPhil
Trimbur, Lucia - PhD
Wattie, Nick - BPHRE, BSc, AM
West, Daniel - BSc
Wilson, Brian - BPHE, MA, PhD

Kinesiology: Kinesiology MA

The purpose of the Master of Arts (MA) program is to provide advanced-level education and research training in social sciences and humanities within the field of kinesiology. The MA program is intended to broaden students' understanding of the various aspects of kinesiology from a social sciences and/or humanities disciplinary perspective, as well as to provide them with the necessary scholarly and technical research skills so that they may pursue a high-quality research project. Applicants interested in the MSc in Kinesiology should refer to the MSc program section.

The MA program can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.

MA Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Graduate Department of Kinesiology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, from the University of Toronto or from another recognized university.

  • A background in kinesiology or a discipline compatible with the research interests and interdisciplinary nature of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education is preferred.

  • An academic standing equivalent to a University of Toronto B+ (76% to 79%) in the last five full-course equivalents of relevant, senior-level courses.

  • Proficiency in the English language must be demonstrated by all applicants educated outside Canada whose primary language is not English and who graduate from a university where the language of instruction and examination was not English. The Faculty prefers the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with the following minimum scores:

    • paper-based test: 600 with 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE) and 50 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE)

    • Internet-based test: 100/120 overall and 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Successful completion of 2.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows. All courses must be approved in advance by the student's supervisor and the Graduate Department of Kinesiology.

    • 1.0 FCE in Kinesiology category A courses:

      • KIN1150H Safeguarding Youth in Sport

      • KIN5507H Power, Pleasure/s and the Body: Issues for Physical Cultural Studies

      • KIN5518H Physical Cultural Studies and Social Theory

      • KIN5534H Sport, Politics, and Social Development

      • KIN5537H Health, Media, and Social Change

      • KIN5544H Decolonizing Sport Studies

      • KIN7001H Directed Reading in Kinesiology

      • KIN7002H Directed Research Project in Kinesiology

      • KIN8233H Sport Ecology

    • 0.5 FCE in Methods or Methodology:

      • KIN5510H Qualitative Inquiry and Physical Cultural Studies

      • KIN5515H Quantitative Research Methods in Kinesiology

      • KIN5536H Qualitative Inquiry in Sport and Physical Activity

      • KIN5540H Narrative Methods in Health Research

    • 1.0 FCE in other courses.

  • SRM3335H Master's Seminar Series — Compulsory Attendance, a graduate seminar in Kinesiology.

  • A thesis proposal written under the supervision of a thesis committee and its oral defence before an examination committee.

  • A thesis written under the supervision of a thesis committee and its oral defence before an examination committee.

  • The student's annual program plan must be approved by the supervisor.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS); 12 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


Kinesiology: Kinesiology MSc

The Master of Science (MSc) program is intended to broaden students' understanding of the various interdisciplinary aspects of kinesiology as well as to provide them with the necessary scholarly and technical research skills so that they may pursue a high-quality research project.

The MSc program can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.

MSc Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Graduate Department of Kinesiology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, from the University of Toronto or from another recognized university.

  • A background in kinesiology or a discipline compatible with the research interests and interdisciplinary nature of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education is preferred.

  • An academic standing equivalent to a University of Toronto B+ (76% to 79%) in the last five full-course equivalents of relevant, senior-level courses.

  • Proficiency in the English language must be demonstrated by all applicants educated outside Canada whose primary language is not English and who graduate from a university where the language of instruction and examination was not English. The Faculty prefers the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with the following minimum scores:

    • paper-based test: 600 with 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE) and 50 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE)

    • Internet-based test: 100/120 overall and 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Successful completion of 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows. All courses must be approved in advance by the student's supervisor and the Graduate Department of Kinesiology.

    • 0.5 FCE in Kinesiology Category C course:

      • KIN1150H Safeguarding Youth in Sport

      • KIN1152H Psychological Issues in Sport-Related Concussion

      • KIN5503H Adaptations to Habitual Activity

      • KIN5505H Neuromotor Behaviour

      • KIN5509H Applied Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry

      • KIN5513H Current Issues in Exercise Psychology

      • KIN5514H Human Sensory and Motor Neurophysiology

      • KIN5525H Quantitative Motion Analysis

      • KIN5531H Skeletal Muscle Plasticity

      • KIN5533H Sport Psychology

      • KIN5534H Sport, Politics, and Social Development

      • KIN5535H Neurorehabilitation and Exercise

      • KIN5538H Special Topics in Exercise Oncology

      • KIN5539H Advanced Disordered Movement and Neurorehabilitation

      • KIN5541H Advanced Exercise Metabolism

      • KIN5542H Special Topics in Sport-Related Concussion

      • KIN5543H Lifestyle Toxicity and Chronic Disease

      • KIN5545H Developing and Reviewing Research Protocols

      • KIN5546H Oxygen Delivery and Exercise Performance

      • KIN5547H Instrumentation and Signal Processing

      • KIN7001H Directed Reading in Kinesiology

      • KIN7002H Directed Research Project in Kinesiology

      • KIN8240H Emerging Issues in Sport Analytics and Data Modelling

    • 0.5 FCE Statistics or Methodology course

    • 1.0 FCE from either Kinesiology or another department.

  • SRM3335H Master's Seminar Series — Compulsory Attendance, a graduate seminar in Kinesiology.

  • A thesis proposal written under the supervision of a thesis committee and its oral defence before an examination committee.

  • A thesis written under the supervision of a thesis committee and its oral defence before an examination committee.

  • The student's annual program plan must be approved by the supervisor.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS); 12 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


Kinesiology: Kinesiology PhD

Doctoral students are encouraged to develop a program of study that will enhance their basic understanding of critical areas of study within kinesiology and have a direct impact on their research program. Students are also expected to further develop their scholarly and technical research skills so that they may pursue a high-quality research project.

Applicants may enter the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program via one of two routes: 1) following completion of an MSc degree; or 2) direct entry following completion of a BA, BSc, or BKin degree.

The PhD program can be taken on a full-time or flexible-time basis.

PhD Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Graduate Department of Kinesiology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A master's degree from the University of Toronto or a recognized university. Formal graduate training in kinesiology is preferred.

  • Successful defence of a master's thesis at a recognized university.

  • An academic standing equivalent to a University of Toronto A– (80% to 84%) in the master's degree completed.

  • A potential supervisor identified from the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. A supervisor is not required at the time of application, but applicants are encouraged to begin their search early. See the full list of faculty members. Only applicants who have a supervisor will be admitted to the program.

  • Proficiency in the English language must be demonstrated by all applicants educated outside Canada whose primary language is not English and who graduated from a university where the language of instruction and examination was not English. The Faculty prefers the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with the following minimum scores:

    • paper-based test: 600 with 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE) and 50 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE)

    • Internet-based test: 100/120 overall and 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections.

Completion Requirements

  • Full-time registration (Fall, Spring, Summer sessions) throughout the entire doctoral program.

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 1.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 1.0 FCE from either Kinesiology or another department

    • 0.5 FCE Statistics or Methodology course

  • SRD4445H Doctoral Seminar Series — Compulsory Attendance, a graduate seminar in Kinesiology.

  • All courses must be approved in advance by the student's supervisor.

  • The student's annual program plan must be approved by the supervisor.

  • Successful completion of a comprehensive examination.

  • Writing of a thesis under the supervision of a thesis committee (supervisor plus at least three additional faculty members) and its defence before an examination committee appointed by the Graduate Department of Kinesiology.

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee approved by the School of Graduate Studies.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Direct-Entry)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Graduate Department of Kinesiology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate Bachelor of Kinesiology degree or its equivalent from the University of Toronto or from another recognized university.

  • A background in kinesiology or a discipline compatible with the research interests and interdisciplinary nature of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education is preferred.

  • An academic standing equivalent to a University of Toronto A– (80% to 84%) in the last five full-course equivalents of relevant, senior-level courses.

  • A potential supervisor identified from the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. A supervisor is not required at the time of application, but applicants are encouraged to begin their search early. See the full list of faculty members. Only applicants who have a supervisor will be admitted to the program.

  • Proficiency in the English language must be demonstrated by all applicants educated outside Canada whose primary language is not English and who graduated from a university where the language of instruction and examination was not English. The Faculty prefers the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with the following minimum scores:

    • paper-based test: 600 with 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE) and 50 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE)

    • Internet-based test: 100/120 overall and 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections.

Completion Requirements

  • Full-time registration (Fall, Spring, Summer sessions) throughout the entire doctoral program.

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 2.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows. All courses must be approved in advance by the student's supervisor.

    • 2.0 FCEs from either Kinesiology or another department

    • 0.5 FCE Statistics or Methodology course

  • SRD4445H Doctoral Seminar Series — Compulsory Attendance, a graduate seminar in Kinesiology.

  • All courses must be approved in advance by the student's supervisor.

  • The student's annual program plan must be approved by the supervisor.

  • Successful completion of a comprehensive examination.

  • Writing of a thesis under the supervision of a thesis committee (supervisor plus at least three additional faculty members) and its defence before an examination committee appointed by the Graduate Department of Kinesiology.

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee approved by the School of Graduate Studies.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


PhD Program (Flexible-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Graduate Department of Kinesiology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A master's degree from the University of Toronto or a recognized university. Formal graduate training in kinesiology is preferred.

  • Successful defence of a master’s thesis at a recognized university.

  • An academic standing equivalent to a University of Toronto A– (80% to 84%) in the master's degree completed.

  • A potential supervisor identified from the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. A supervisor is not required at the time of application, but applicants are encouraged to begin their search early. See the full list of faculty members. Only applicants who have a supervisor will be admitted to the program.

  • Proficiency in the English language must be demonstrated by all applicants educated outside Canada whose primary language is not English and who graduated from a university where the language of instruction and examination was not English. The Faculty prefers the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with the following minimum scores:

    • paper-based test: 600 with 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE) and 50 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE)

    • Internet-based test: 100/120 overall and 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections.

Completion Requirements

  • With the approval of the Director, Graduate Studies, some applicants may be admitted to a flexible-time PhD program. This program will benefit mature students with career and/or familial obligations.

  • Degree requirements for the flexible-time program are identical to those listed above for the full-time PhD program; however, students have up to eight years to complete the program.

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 1.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 1.0 FCE from either Kinesiology or another department

    • 0.5 FCE Statistics or Methodology course

  • SRD4445H Doctoral Seminar Series - Compulsory Attendance, a graduate seminar in Kinesiology.

  • All courses must be approved in advance by the student's supervisor.

  • The student's annual program plan must be approved by the supervisor.

  • Successful completion of a comprehensive examination.

  • Writing of a thesis under the supervision of a thesis committee (supervisor plus at least three additional faculty members) and its defence before an examination committee appointed by the Graduate Department of Kinesiology.

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee approved by the School of Graduate Studies.

  • Flexible-time students must register full-time for the first four years of the program. Thereafter, they may register part-time.

  • A plan of study and research activities will be negotiated at initial registration, to be reviewed and updated annually.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 8 years full-time


Kinesiology: Professional Kinesiology MPK

Admissions to this program have been administratively suspended.

The first master's-level program of its kind in Ontario, the Master of Professional Kinesiology (MPK) degree program offers students an opportunity to gain advanced knowledge and skills in the professional practice of kinesiology. The MPK provides unparalleled learning environments for hands-on practice working alongside leading practitioners. This program is suitable for those who are just beginning their careers, and those who have experience as registered kinesiologists and are looking for advanced professional development. The MPK program may be completed with a concentration or without a concentration.

MPK Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies.

  • Applicants must also satisfy the Graduate Department of Kinesiology's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants must have a four-year bachelor's degree in kinesiology, physical education, human kinetics, or a complementary degree in health science, life science, and/or movement/rehabilitation science. In order to be eligible for admission with a complementary degree, practical experience in the area of kinesiology is required.

  • Applicants may also be considered for admission with a four-year bachelor’s degree in an area not described above, with at least 5 years of work experience in the area of kinesiology, and evidence of professional training or certification in the area of kinesiology (for example, strength and conditioning certification, physical literacy certification).

  • Regardless of the admission pathway, all applicants must have a minimum mid-B average (73% to 76%) in the final year.

  • Resumé.

  • Two letters of reference. At least one letter must be from an academic referee.

  • Letter of intent which identifies the area of interest and reasons for pursuing the program.

  • Proficiency in the English language must be demonstrated by all applicants educated outside Canada whose primary language is not English and who graduated from a university where the language of instruction and examination was not English. The Faculty prefers the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), with the following minimum scores:

    • paper-based test: 600 with 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE) and 50 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE);

    • Internet-based test: 100/120 overall and 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 12.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as listed below. Consult the department for more details on sequence and timing of courses.

    • MPK4000Y Introduction to Professional Kinesiology

    • MPK4001Y Clinical Assessment and Interventions

    • MPK4002Y Biophysical Assessment and Interventions

    • MPK4003Y Behavioral Assessment and Interventions

    • MPK4004Y Physical, Culture, Health, and Social Environments

    • MPK4005Y Strength Based Professional Practice

    • MPK4006H Interprofessional Practice

    • MPK4007Y Movement for Health and Wellness

    • MPK4008Y Evidence Supported Practice

    • MPK4009H Business of Kinesiology and Entrepreneurship

    • MPK4010H Professional Practice

    • MPK4012Y Capstone Project: Improving Kinesiology Practice

    • MPK4015H Practice and Program Evaluation

    • MPK8002H Placement 1 (300 hours)

    • MPK8003H Placement 2 (300 hours).

  • Within the 12.0 FCEs required to complete the program, students have the option to complete the requirements of a concentration.


  • Adapted Physical Activity

  • Exercise as Medicine

  • Health and Wellness

  • High Performance Strength and Conditioning

Concentration Requirements

  • Students must follow departmental application procedures and can apply to only one MPK concentration.

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in the area of concentration, including:

    • in at least 1.5 FCEs of MPK courses, complete a major course assignment in the area of concentration

    • a minimum of 300 placement hours in the area of concentration (0.5 FCE)

    • a final capstone project in the area of concentration (1.0 FCE).

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-F)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Kinesiology: Kinesiology MA, MSc, PhD Courses

Graduate courses in the Department of Kinesiology are divided into A, B, and C course categories. Multidisciplinary courses may be coded in more than one category.

Category A courses include courses on the sociology of sport, sport history, cultural studies of sport, sport policy studies, sport and health ethics, social determinants of health, critical race studies, sport, equity and social justice issues, and in some instances socio-psychological studies of sport.

Category B includes research methodology and methods courses offered in the Graduate Department of Kinesiology.

Category C courses include courses on biophysical, behavioural and clinical aspects of sport, exercise and health, motor behaviour and control, biomechanics, neurorehabilitation, muscle plasticity and sport and exercise psychology.

Not all courses are offered every year. Please visit the departmental website for course timetables.

Category A

Course CodeCourse Title
Safeguarding Youth in Sport
Power, Pleasure/s and the Body: Issues for Physical Cultural Studies
Physical Cultural Studies and Social Theory
Sport, Politics, and Social Development
Health, Media, and Social Change
KIN5544HDecolonizing Sport Studies
Directed Reading in Kinesiology
Directed Research Project in Kinesiology
KIN8233HSport Ecology

Category B

Course CodeCourse Title
Qualitative Inquiry and Physical Cultural Studies
Quantitative Research Methods in Kinesiology
Qualitative Inquiry in Sport and Physical Activity
Narrative Methods in Health Research

Category C

Course CodeCourse Title
Safeguarding Youth in Sport
Psychological Issues in Sport-Related Concussion
Adaptations to Habitual Activity
Neuromotor Behaviour
Applied Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry
Current Issues in Exercise Psychology
Human Sensory and Motor Neurophysiology
Quantitative Motion Analysis
Skeletal Muscle Plasticity
Sport Psychology
Sport, Politics, and Social Development
Neurorehabilitation and Exercise
Special Topics in Exercise Oncology
Advanced Disordered Movement and Neurorehabilitation
KIN5541HAdvanced Exercise Metabolism
KIN5542HSpecial Topics in Sport-Related Concussion
KIN5543HLifestyle Toxicity and Chronic Disease
KIN5545HDeveloping and Reviewing Research Protocols
KIN5546HOxygen Delivery and Exercise Performance
KIN5547HInstrumentation and Signal Processing
KIN5548HAthlete Development and Human Performance
Directed Reading in Kinesiology
Directed Research Project in Kinesiology
KIN8240HEmerging Issues in Sport Analytics and Data Modelling


Course CodeCourse Title
SRM3335HMaster’s Seminar Series — Compulsory Attendance
SRD4445HDoctoral Seminar Series — Compulsory Attendance