Faculty Affiliation
Degree Programs
Biomedical Communications
- Fields:
- Biomedical Media Design;
- Biomedical Visualization Design
Medical Science
MSc and PhD
- Fields:
- Bioethics;
- Biomedical Science;
- Clinical Science;
- Health Professions Education;
- Population Health/Health Services;
- Radiation Oncology
Combined Degree Programs
Collaborative Specializations
The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:
- Addiction Studies
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Aging, Palliative and Supportive Care Across the Life Course
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Bioethics
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Biomedical Engineering (admissions have been administratively suspended)
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Cardiovascular Sciences
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Developmental Biology
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Environment and Health
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Genome Biology and Bioinformatics
- Medical Science, PhD
- Global Health (U of T Global Scholar)
- Medical Science, PhD
- Health Services and Policy Research
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Knowledge Media Design
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Musculoskeletal Sciences
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Neuromodulation
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Neuroscience
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Psychology, Psychiatry and Engineering
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Toxicology
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
- Women's Health
- Medical Science, MSc, PhD
Diploma Programs
Graduate Diploma in Health Research
With over 600 faculty and 550 students, the Institute of Medical Science (IMS) was established to foster education and scholarship in the Clinical Departments of the Faculty of Medicine. IMS specializes in translational research with a strong emphasis on bench-to-bedside clinical applications. Degree candidates have the opportunity to conduct research in one of four training areas: bio-medical science; clinical science; health systems and services; and population health. Graduates have been appointed to positions as academics and health-care professionals in universities, government, and industry.
Contact and Address
Medical Science Program
Web: ims.utoronto.ca/core-team
Telephone: (416) 946-8286
Fax: (416) 971-2253
Institute of Medical Science
University of Toronto
Medical Sciences Building
Room 2374, 1 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8
Biomedical Communications Program
Web: bmc.med.utoronto.ca
Email: bmc.info@utoronto.ca
Telephone: (905) 569-4849
Master of Science in Biomedical Communications
University of Toronto Mississauga
HSC 308, 3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6
Graduate Diploma in Health Research
Web: md.utoronto.ca/graduate-diploma-health-research-gdiphr
Email: gdip.hres@utoronto.ca
Telephone: (416) 946-7866
Graduate Diploma in Health Research
University of Toronto
Medical Sciences Building
Room 2256, 1 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8