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Classics: Classics MA; Field: Ancient History and Material Culture

Applicants may be admitted to either the two-year MA program or the one-year advanced-standing option, depending on their level of preparation. At the time of application, students are encouraged to indicate their preference for one of the two fields offered: 1) Ancient History and Material Culture or 2) Greek and Roman Literature and Culture. The MA program may be taken on a part-time basis.

Part-Time, Part-Time, Advanced-Standing, Full-Time Language Requirement (Exam / Translation Exercise / Etc. assessing proficiency in a language other than English)
Classics: Classics MA; Field: Greek and Roman Literature and Culture

Applicants may be admitted to either the two-year MA program or the one-year advanced-standing option, depending on their level of preparation. At the time of application, students are encouraged to indicate their preference for one of the three fields offered: 1) Ancient History and Material Culture or 2) Greek and Roman Literature and Culture. The MA program may be taken on a part-time basis.

Part-Time, Part-Time, Advanced-Standing, Full-Time Major Research Paper / Project, Language Requirement (Exam / Translation Exercise / Etc. assessing proficiency in a language other than English)
Classics: Classics PhD

The Department of Classics offers a diverse program of graduate studies leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. With one of the largest graduate faculty in North America, the department offers a combination of rigorous training and engagement with a range of diverse and innovative methodologies. The program offers the opportunity to pursue study in several fields of specialization within the broad ambit of Classical Studies. Visit the departmental website for…

Classics: Classics PhD; Field: Ancient History and Material Culture
Direct-Entry, Full-Time Qualifying Exam (Comprehensive / Departmental / Oral), Language Requirement (Exam / Translation Exercise / Etc. assessing proficiency in a language other than English)
Classics: Classics PhD; Field: Ancient Philosophy
Direct-Entry, Full-Time Qualifying Exam (Comprehensive / Departmental / Oral), Language Requirement (Exam / Translation Exercise / Etc. assessing proficiency in a language other than English)
Classics: Classics PhD; Field: Greek and Roman Literature and Culture
Direct-Entry, Full-Time Qualifying Exam (Comprehensive / Departmental / Oral), Language Requirement (Exam / Translation Exercise / Etc. assessing proficiency in a language other than English)
Community Development: Courses

Core Course

Course CodeCourse Title
Community Development

In addition to the core course (UCS1000H), students must take an additional 1.0 FCE in the subject area of the collaborative specialization, to be approved by the collaborative specialization director. The following is a list of the currently approved courses; the list is…

Community Development: Master's Level

Admissions to this collaborative specialization have been administratively suspended.

Comparative Literature: Comparative Literature MA

The Comparative Literature MA program is a course-based program that accommodates a diverse range of students’ interests. The interdisciplinary and transnational character of the program is reflected in the fact that students may take up to half their courses in other departments of their choice. Students work in languages other than English, and their study may include work in a non-literary discipline. The COL1000H The Bases for Comparison provides a basis for study in the program. All incoming students take this seminar course…

Comparative Literature: Comparative Literature MA, PhD Courses

Students should consult the Comparative Literature website for the list of currently offered courses.

Course CodeCourse Title
The Bases for Comparison
COL1900HReading and Research for the MA
Special Topics Course…