Health Policy, Management and Evaluation

HPME: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation

Public Health

Degree Programs

Health Policy, Management and Evaluation


  • Concentrations:
    • Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research;
    • Health Systems Leadership and Innovation;
    • Health Systems Research
      • Emphases:
        • Health Economics;
        • Health Informatics Research;
        • Health Policy;
        • Health Systems Artificial Intelligence;
        • Health Technology Assessment;
        • Organization and Management Studies;
        • Outcomes and Evaluation Studies
    • Quality Improvement and Patient Safety.


  • Concentrations:
    • Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research;
    • Health Professions Education Research;
    • Health Systems Research
      • Emphases:
        • Health Economics;
        • Health Informatics Research;
        • Health Policy;
        • Health Technology Assessment;
        • Organization and Management Studies;
        • Outcomes and Evaluation Studies.

Health Administration


Health Informatics


Combined Degree Programs

STG, Health Administration, MHSc / MSW (admissions have closed)

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:


The Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) brings together researchers from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds. Broad research themes include Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research; Health Systems Research including Health Informatics Research, Health Economics, Health Policy, Health Services Organization and Management Studies, Health Services Outcomes and Evaluation, Health Technology Assessment, and Knowledge Translation; Health Administration; Health Systems Leadership and Innovation; and Quality Improvement and Patient Safety.

More than 400 faculty members from a variety of disciplines are represented in IHPME. At least 130 senior health care executives serve as adjunct faculty.

Please note the application deadlines.

November 15

  • MSc in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation concentrations: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research; Health Systems Research
  • PhD in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation concentrations: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research; Health Professions Education Research; Health Systems Research

November 30

  • MSc in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation concentration: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

January 15

  • MSc in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation concentration: Health Systems Leadership and Innovation (Undergraduate Medical students and physicians [trainees and practicing physicians])

February 1

  • Master of Health Informatics
  • MHSc in Health Administration

March 1

  • Master of Health Informatics (executive option)

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 978-4326
Fax: (416) 978-7350

Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
University of Toronto
4th Floor, 155 College Street
Toronto, Ontario M5T 3M6

HPME: Graduate Faculty

Full Members

Abrahamyan, Lusine - MPH, MD, PhD
Anderson, Geoff - MD
Baker, G. Ross - AB, MA, PhD
Baxter, Nancy - DrMed, PhD
Bayoumi, Ahmed - MSc, MD
Berta, Whitney - BS, MBA, PhD
Birken, Catherine - MSc, MD
Booth, Gillian - MD
Bronskill, Susan - MSc
Brown, Adalsteinn - AB, PhD (Dean)
Brown, Hilary Kathryn - BA, MSc, PhD
Cockerill, Rhonda W. - BA, MA, PhD
Cohen, Eyal - MSc, MD
Colantonio, Angela - BA, BSc(OT), MHSc, PhD
Coyte, Peter C. - BA, MA, PhD
Deber, Raisa - BS, MS, PhD
Detsky, Allan - BS, MD, PhD
Dobrow, Mark - PhD
Feldman, Brian - MD
Gagliardi, Anna - BSc, BE, MSc, MLS, PhD
Gershon, Andrea - MSc, MD
Gibson, Jennifer - PhD
Guttmann, Astrid - BA, AB, MSc, MSc, MDCM
Hansen, Bettina Elisabeth - MSc, PhD
Hogg-Johnson, Sheilah - BMath, MMath, PhD
Ko, Dennis - MD
Krzyzanowska, Monika - MPH, MD
Kulkarni, Abhaya - BSc, MD, PhD
Laporte, Audrey - BA, MA, PhD
Loutfy, Mona - MPH, MD
Marchildon, Gregory - PhD
McCrindle, Brian - MD
Miller, Fiona - BIS, MA, DPhil
Moulton, Carol-Anne - MSc, DrMed
Mylopoulos, Maria - BS, MA, PhD
Nauenberg, Eric - AB, MPH, PhD
Naylor, C. David - MD, PhD
O'Sullivan, Julia - BA, MA, PhD
Parekh, Rulan - MD
Ratnapalan, Savithiri - MBBS, MEd
Redelmeier, Donald - MS, MD
Rochon, Paula - MD
Sale, Joanna
Sander, Beate - PhD
Saunders, Natasha - MD, MPH, MS
Seto, Emily - PhD
Shachak, Aviv - PhD (Graduate Coordinator)
Stabile, Mark - BA, MA, PhD, PhD
Stinson, Jennifer - BScN, MSc, PhD
Straus, Sharon Elizabeth - MSc, MD
Stukel, Therese - BS, PhD
Sutradhar, Rinku - BSc, MMath, PhD
Tavares, Walter - BSc, MSc, PhD
Trbovich, Patricia L. - BA, MA, PhD, PhD
Tricco, Andrea - MSc, PhD
Ungar, Wendy - BA, MSc, PhD
Wei, Xiaolin - MD, MPH, PhD
Whitehead, Cynthia - AB, MD, MHSc, PhD
Widdifield, Jessica - BSc, PhD
Wijeysundera, Duminda - MD, MSc
Wiljer, David - PhD
Wodchis, Walter - MA, PhD

Associate Members

Abbey, Susan - BSc, MD
Abdel-Qadir, Husam Mohamed - MD, PhD
Adhikari, Neill - MDCM
Alba, Ana Carolina - DrMed, PhD
Amir, Eitan - MBChB
Axler, Renata - BA, MA, PhD
Azarpazhooh, Amir - MSc, DDS, PhD
Bains, Jatinder - MHSc
Barnett Tapia, Carolina - DrMed
Berger, Ken - JD, MD
Bethell, Jennifer Margaret - PhD
Bezjak, Andrea - MS, MDCM
Bhat, Mamatha - MMed, MD
Bhatia, Anuj - MBBS
Bingham, Kathleen - BSc, MD, PhD
Blackstien-Hirsch, Paula - MHSA, MHSA, MHSc
Borkhoff, Cornelia - BSc, MSc, PhD
Buchan, Sarah A.W. - MSc, PhD
Cammisa, Giuseppe - MBA
Chadi, Ahmed - BS, MS, MD
Chan, Ben - BSc, MPH, MPA, MD
Chan, Vincy - DPhil
Chartier, Lucas - DrMed
Chiu, Maria - BE, BA, MSc, PhD
Covelli, Andrea - BS, MD, PhD
Craven, Beverley Catharine - MD
Denburg, Avram Ezra - MD
Desveaux, Laura - PhD
Dubinsky, Isser - BSc, MD, MD
Esensoy, Ali - PhD
Eskander, Antoine - MSc, MD
Evans, Jenna - PhD
Fralick, Michael - MD, PhD
Gaudette, Etienne - PhD
Gien, Lilian - BSc, MHPE, MD
Ginzburg, Amir - BSc, MD
Gomez Jaramillo, David - MD, PhD
Grewal, Keerat - MSc, MSc, MD
Guerriere, Denise - PhD
Hall, Justin - MBA, MPH, MSc, MD
Hameed, Usmaan - BS, MD
Hayeems, Robin - DPH
Hoang-Kim, Amy - PhD
Holloway, Kelly J. - PhD
Irish, Jonathan - MSc, MD
Kaster, Tyler - BSc, MD, PhD
Kiss, Alexander - PhD
Klein, David - MD
Lalloo, Chitra - PhD
Liu, Kuan - BSc, MMath, PhD
Lo, Alexander - BSc, MD
Lok, Charmaine - MSc, MD
Lotfollahi Shabestari, Omid - MD, PhD
Luo, Zhong-Cheng - BM, MMed, PhD
Maetzel, Andreas - MSc, PhD
Manlhiot, Cedric - BS, PhD
McCredie, Victoria - MBChB, DPhil
Munce, Sarah - BSc, MSc, PhD
Munshi, Laveena - MSc, DrMed
Nelson, Michelle - BA, MA, PhD
Paprica, Alison - DSc
Paterson, Michael - MS
Perreira, Tyrone - BPHE, MEd, PhD
Perruccio, Anthony - BSc, MHSc, PhD
Piggott, Katrina - MD, MD
Pitzul, Kristen - PhD
Quinn, Kieran - MD
Roza da Costa, Bruno Cezar - PhD
Rueda, Sergio - MSc, AM, PhD
Schull, Michael - MD
Sejdic, Ervin - PhD, PhD
Shakeri Hossein Abad, Zahra - PhD
Shankardass, Ketan - BSc, MHSc, PhD
Shea, Christine - PhD
Sinclair, Douglas - BSc, MD
Smith, Tina - BSc, MHSc
Sriharan, Abi - BSc, MSc, PhD, PhD
Stergiopoulos, Vicky - MHSc, MD
Stricker Naimer, Michelle - BS, MHSc, DrMed
Tan, Darrell - BSc, MD, PhD
Targownik, Laura - MD
Teare, Gary - MSc, DrMedVet, PhD
Vyas, Manav - MBBS, MSc, PhD
Waddell, Andrea - MD
Wald, Ron - MPH, MDCM
Watt, Jennifer - MD, MD
Wickens, Christine - BSc, MA, PhD
Wilson, Jefferson - BS, MD, PhD
Wolfstadt, Jesse - BS, MS, MD
Wright, Sarah Robin - PhD
Zakaria, Nur Camellia - BSc, PhD
Zywiel, Michael - BS, MS, MD

HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc

The HPME graduate program offers the following concentrations leading to the MSc degree:

  • Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research;

  • Health Systems Leadership and Innovation;

  • Health Systems Research; and

  • Quality Improvement and Patient Safety.

The MSc program can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.

HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

Master of Science; Concentration: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research (Thesis Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants require an overall B+ average or higher in the last two years of an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university. For applicants to this concentration, a degree in a health profession (for example, MD, BScN, BScOT, BScPT, DDM, MScN) from a recognized university with a B+ average in the final two years is required.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

  • A thesis written under the supervision of a thesis committee (supervisor and at least one, and preferably two, additional graduate faculty members) and its defence before an examination committee.

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.
Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS); 6 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


HPME MSc; Concentration: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research (Coursework Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants require an overall B+ average or higher in the last two years of an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university. For applicants to this concentration, a degree in a health profession (for example, MD, BScN, BScOT, BScPT, DDM, MScN) from a recognized university with a B+ average in the final two years is required.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of 5.0 FCEs as follows, including at least one research practicum:

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.
Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS); 6 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Health Systems Leadership and Innovation

The concentration in Health Systems Leadership and Innovation consists of coursework only. Students begin this concentration in the Summer session.

Master of Science; Concentration: Health Systems Leadership and Innovation

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants require an overall B+ average or higher in the last two years of an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university.

  • Applicants must have health-care experience and demonstrate aptitude for innovation and health systems.

  • Preference will be given to medical trainees in a Canadian Faculty of Medicine or to early-career physicians. Undergraduate medical trainees who are accepted must register part-time; post-graduate medical education trainees who are accepted may register full-time or part-time.

Completion Requirements

  • ​​Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • ​​​​2.5 required FCEs: HAD2001H, HAD2006H, HAD2007H, HAD2012H, and either HAD2009H or HAD2013H.

    • 1.0 required FCE in experiential learning: HAD2040Y.

    • 1.5 elective FCEs; please consult with the department about electives.

    • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: S-FW); 7 sessions part-time (typical registration sequence: S-FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Master of Science; Concentration: Health Systems Research (Thesis Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants require an overall B+ average or higher in the last two years of an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university. For applicants to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research, a degree in a health profession (for example, MD, BScN, BScOT, BScPT, DDM, MScN) from a recognized university with a B+ average in the final two years is required.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 1.0 FCE in research methodology courses

    • 1.0 FCE in health systems research courses:

      • HAD5011H Canada's Health System and Health Policy

      • 0.5 FCE from other health systems research courses

    • 1.0 FCE in electives.

  • A thesis written under the supervision of a thesis committee and its defence before an examination committee.

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.
Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS); 6 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


HPME MSc; Concentration: Health Systems Research (Coursework Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants require an overall B+ average or higher in the last two years of an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university. For applicants to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research, a degree in a health profession (for example, MD, BScN, BScOT, BScPT, DDM, MScN) from a recognized university with a B+ average in the final two years is required.

Completion Requirements

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS); 6 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

Master of Science; Concentration: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (Thesis Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants require an overall B+ average or higher in the last two years of an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of 3.0 FCEs as follows:

  • A thesis written under the supervision of a thesis committee (comprising the supervisor and at least one additional graduate faculty member, preferably two) and its defence before an examination committee.

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.
Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


HPME MSc; Concentration: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (Coursework Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants require an overall B+ average or higher in the last two years of an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of 5.0 FCEs as follows, including completion of at least one research practicum:

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.
Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD

The HPME graduate program offers three concentrations leading to the PhD degree: 1) Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research; 2) Health Professions Education Research; and 3) Health Systems Research.

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of two routes: 1) following completion of an MA or MSc degree; 2) transfer from the University of Toronto MSc transfer program.

The PhD program can be taken on a full-time or flexible-time basis. Some applicants may be admitted to a flexible-time PhD option with approval of the Graduate Chair. The flexible-time PhD option benefits mature students with career and/or familial obligations. The degree requirements for the flexible-time PhD option are identical to those listed for the full-time PhD option.

HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD; Concentration: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

PhD Program; Concentration: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research (Full-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to this concentration must have a degree in a health profession (for example, MD, BScN, BScOT, BScPT, DDM, MScN, or equivalent).

  • Satisfactory references pertaining to the applicant's academic and research abilities.

  • Outstanding students with a non-thesis master's degree may be admitted to the full-time PhD upon the recommendation of the appropriate IHPME committee, if the applicant has the appropriate background preparation and research experience or publications which can be considered equivalent to a master's thesis.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of a comprehensive course.

  • Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), which must include:

    • 2.0 FCEs in compulsory courses:

      • HAD5301H Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

      • HAD5307H Introduction to Applied Biostatistics

      • HAD5311H Comprehensive/Synthesis (one year)

      • HAD5316H Biostatistics II: Advanced Techniques in Applied Regression Methods

    • 2.0 recommended FCEs from the following Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research courses:

      • HAD5302H Measurement in Clinical Research

      • HAD5303H Controlled Clinical Trials

      • HAD5304H Clinical Decision Making and Cost Effectiveness

      • HAD5305H Evidence-Based Guidelines

      • HAD5306H Introduction to Health Services Research and the Use of Health Administrative Data

      • HAD5308H Evidence Synthesis: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

      • HAD5309H Observational Studies: Theory, Design, and Methods

      • HAD5310H Pragmatic Issues in Conduct of Controlled Trials

      • HAD5730H Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research

      • HAD5760H Advanced Health Economics and Policy Analysis.

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.

  • Writing of a PhD thesis under the supervision of an approved thesis committee (supervisor plus at least two additional graduate faculty members).

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program; Concentration: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research (Transfer)

Transfer Requirements

  • To be considered for admission to the PhD transfer option, applicants must be admitted to the MSc program in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation in the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research concentration.

  • Within 24 months of registration in the MSc program, applicants must notify the CEHCR Program Director of their interest in applying to transfer to the PhD program.

  • Transfer to the PhD program is contingent upon successful completion of sufficient master’s coursework (normally, 2.5 full-course equivalents [FCEs]), and the preparation and defence of a PhD thesis proposal.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of a comprehensive course.

  • Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), which must include:

    • 2.0 FCEs in compulsory courses:

      • HAD5301H Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

      • HAD5307H Introduction to Applied Biostatistics

      • HAD5311H Comprehensive/Synthesis (one year)

      • HAD5316H Biostatistics II: Advanced Techniques in Applied Regression Methods

    • 2.0 recommended FCEs from the following Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research courses:

      • HAD5302H Measurement in Clinical Research

      • HAD5303H Controlled Clinical Trials

      • HAD5304H Clinical Decision Making and Cost Effectiveness

      • HAD5305H Evidence-Based Guidelines

      • HAD5306H Introduction to Health Services Research and the Use of Health Administrative Data

      • HAD5308H Evidence Synthesis: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

      • HAD5309H Observational Studies: Theory, Design, and Methods

      • HAD5310H Pragmatic Issues in Conduct of Controlled Trials

      • HAD5730H Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research

      • HAD5760H Advanced Health Economics and Policy Analysis.

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.

  • Writing of a PhD thesis under the supervision of an approved thesis committee (supervisor plus at least two additional graduate faculty members).

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


PhD Program; Concentration: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research (Flexible-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants to this concentration must have a degree in a health profession (for example, MD, BScN, BScOT, BScPT, DDM, MScN, or equivalent).

  • Satisfactory references pertaining to the applicant's academic and research abilities.

  • Outstanding students with a non-thesis master's degree may be admitted to the flexible-time PhD upon the recommendation of the appropriate IHPME committee, if the applicant has the appropriate background preparation and research experience or publications which can be considered equivalent to a master's thesis.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must register full-time for the first four years of their program (Fall, Spring, Summer sessions); thereafter, they may register part-time.

  • Completion of a comprehensive course.

  • Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), which must include:

    • 2.0 FCEs in compulsory courses:

      • HAD5301H Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

      • HAD5307H Introduction to Applied Biostatistics

      • HAD5311H Comprehensive/Synthesis (one year)

      • HAD5316H Biostatistics II: Advanced Techniques in Applied Regression Methods

    • 2.0 recommended FCEs from the following Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research courses:

      • HAD5302H Measurement in Clinical Research

      • HAD5303H Controlled Clinical Trials

      • HAD5304H Clinical Decision Making and Cost Effectiveness

      • HAD5305H Evidence-Based Guidelines

      • HAD5306H Introduction to Health Services Research and the Use of Health Administrative Data

      • HAD5308H Evidence Synthesis: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

      • HAD5309H Observational Studies: Theory, Design, and Methods

      • HAD5310H Pragmatic Issues in Conduct of Controlled Trials

      • HAD5730H Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research

      • HAD5760H Advanced Health Economics and Policy Analysis.

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.

  • Writing of a PhD thesis under the supervision of an approved thesis committee (supervisor plus at least two additional graduate faculty members).

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 8 years full-time


HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD; Concentration: Health Professions Education Research

PhD Program; Concentration: Health Professions Education Research (Full-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A master's degree (MA or MSc) requiring a thesis with a B+ average or higher.

  • Satisfactory references pertaining to the applicant's academic and research abilities.

  • Outstanding students with a non-thesis master's degree may be admitted to the full-time PhD upon the recommendation of the appropriate IHPME committee, if the applicant has the appropriate background preparation and research experience or publications which can be considered equivalent to a master's thesis.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of a comprehensive course.

  • Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), which must include:

    • 2.5 FCEs in compulsory courses:

      • HAD5011H Canada's Health System and Health Policy

      • HAD6500H Essential Skills in HPER

      • HAD6501H Introduction to Methods/Methodologies for HPER

      • HAD6502H Survey of Critical and Interpretive Social Science Theory for HPER or HAD6503H Survey of Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences Theory for Health Professions Education Research

      • HAD6504H Intermediate Critical and Interpretive Social Science Methods or HAD6505H Intermediate Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences Methods/Methodologies for Health Professions Education Research

    • 0.5 FCE: HAD6560H Health Professions Education Research (HPER) Comprehensive Exam.

    • 2.0 recommended FCEs from the following Health Professions Education Research concentration courses:

      • HAD6506H Assessment in Health Professions Education

      • HAD6507H Identity and Professional Life for Health Professions Education Research

      • HAD6508H Sociology of the Professions

      • HAD6509H The Examination: The Technology that Shapes What We Can Know, Do, and Be

      • HAD6510H Academic Medicine: From the Global to the Virtual

      • HAD6560H Health Professions Education Research (HPER) Comprehensive Exam.

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.

  • Writing of a PhD thesis under the supervision of an approved thesis committee (supervisor plus at least two additional graduate faculty members).

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program; Concentration: Health Professions Education Research (Flexible-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A master's degree (MA or MSc) requiring a thesis with a B+ average or higher.

  • Satisfactory references pertaining to the applicant's academic and research abilities.

  • Outstanding students with a non-thesis master's degree may be admitted to the flexible-time PhD upon the recommendation of the appropriate IHPME committee, if the applicant has the appropriate background preparation and research experience or publications which can be considered equivalent to a master's thesis.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must register full-time for the first four years of their program (Fall, Spring, Summer sessions); thereafter, they may register part-time.

  • Completion of a comprehensive course.

  • Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs), which must include:

    • 2.5 FCEs in compulsory courses:

      • HAD5011H Canada's Health System and Health Policy

      • HAD6500H Essential Skills in HPER

      • HAD6501H Introduction to Methods/Methodologies for HPER

      • HAD6502H Survey of Critical and Interpretive Social Science Theory for HPER or HAD6503H Survey of Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences Theory for Health Professions Education Research

      • HAD6504H Intermediate Critical and Interpretive Social Science Methods or HAD6505H Intermediate Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences Methods/Methodologies for Health Professions Education Research

    • 0.5 FCE: HAD6560H Health Professions Education Research (HPER) Comprehensive Exam.

    • 2.0 recommended FCEs from the following Health Professions Education Research concentration courses:

      • HAD6506H Assessment in Health Professions Education

      • HAD6507H Identity and Professional Life for Health Professions Education Research

      • HAD6508H Sociology of the Professions

      • HAD6509H The Examination: The Technology that Shapes What We Can Know, Do, and Be

      • HAD6510H Academic Medicine: From the Global to the Virtual

      • HAD6560H Health Professions Education Research (HPER) Comprehensive Exam.

  • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. See the CR/NCR-eligible courses in the course list section.

  • Writing of a PhD thesis under the supervision of an approved thesis committee (supervisor plus at least two additional graduate faculty members).

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 8 years full-time


HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD; Concentration: Health Systems Research

PhD Program; Concentration: Health Systems Research (Full-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A master's degree (MA or MSc) requiring a thesis with a B+ average or higher.

  • Satisfactory references pertaining to the applicant's academic and research abilities.

  • Outstanding students with a non-thesis master's degree may be admitted to the PhD upon the recommendation of the appropriate IHPME committee, if the applicant has the appropriate background preparation and research experience or publications which can be considered equivalent to a master's thesis.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must select one of six emphases and complete the required emphasis courses listed below.

  • Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) including:

    • A comprehensive course (0.5 FCE) specified as part of the requirements for each emphasis below.

    • 2.0 FCEs as follows:

      • HAD5011H Canada's Health Care System and Health Policy (Doctoral Stream)

      • HAD5772H Intermediate Statistics for Health Systems Researchers (or equivalent if specified in the selected emphasis)

      • HAD6760H Introduction to Health Services and Systems Research Theory and Methods

      • HAD6770H Applying Health Services and Systems Research Methods.

  • Writing of a PhD thesis under the supervision of an approved thesis committee (supervisor plus at least two additional graduate faculty members).

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program; Concentration: Health Systems Research (Transfer)

Transfer Requirements

  • To be considered for admission to the PhD transfer option, applicants must be admitted to the MSc program in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation.

  • At the time of application to the MSc program, applicants must indicate in their Letter of Intent their interest in applying to transfer to the PhD program.

  • Transfer to the PhD program is contingent upon:

    • Successful completion of a minimum 2.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) of master's coursework.

    • Achieving a minimum grade of B+ in all courses and an overall average of A– in their program.

    • Obtaining a letter of support from the applicant's supervisor.

    • The preparation and defence of a PhD-quality thesis proposal.

Completion Requirements

  • Once students have successfully transferred to the PhD program, they must study under one of six emphases and complete the required emphasis courses listed below.

  • Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) including:

    • A comprehensive course (0.5 FCE) specified as part of the requirements for each emphasis below.

    • 2.0 FCEs as follows:

      • HAD5011H Canada's Health Care System and Health Policy (Doctoral Stream)

      • HAD5772H Intermediate Statistics for Health Systems Researchers (or equivalent if specified in the selected emphasis)

      • HAD6760H Introduction to Health Services and Systems Research Theory and Methods

      • HAD6770H Applying Health Services and Systems Research Methods.

  • Writing of a PhD thesis under the supervision of an approved thesis committee (supervisor plus at least two additional graduate faculty members).

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


PhD Program; Concentration: Health Systems Research (Flexible-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A master's degree (MA or MSc) requiring a thesis with a B+ average or higher.

  • Satisfactory references pertaining to the applicant's academic and research abilities.

  • Outstanding students with a non-thesis master's degree may be admitted to the PhD upon the recommendation of the appropriate IHPME committee, if the applicant has the appropriate background preparation and research experience or publications which can be considered equivalent to a master's thesis.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must register full-time for the first four years of their program (Fall, Spring, Summer sessions); thereafter, they may register part-time.

  • Students must select one of six emphases and complete the required emphasis courses listed below.

  • Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) including:

    • A comprehensive course (0.5 FCE) specified as part of the requirements for each emphasis below.

    • 2.0 FCEs as follows:

      • HAD5011H Canada's Health Care System and Health Policy (Doctoral Stream)

      • HAD5772H Intermediate Statistics for Health Systems Researchers (or equivalent if specified in the selected emphasis)

      • HAD6760H Introduction to Health Services and Systems Research Theory and Methods

      • HAD6770H Applying Health Services and Systems Research Methods.

  • Writing of a PhD thesis under the supervision of an approved thesis committee (supervisor plus at least two additional graduate faculty members).

  • Oral defence of the thesis before an examination committee.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 8 years full-time


HPME: Health Administration MHSc

The Master of Health Science (MHSc) program is geared to health managers and professionals who wish to acquire a graduate education in health administration. The program's modular format allows learners to complete the degree without interrupting their careers.

MHSc Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Normally, the equivalent of a University of Toronto B+ average or higher in each of the last two years of an appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university. Applicants are strongly advised to have some prior preparation in quantitative courses such as statistics, accounting, and economics.

  • Full-time, relevant work experience.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of 10.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 9.0 FCEs are required subjects, which include a minimum of 1.0 FCE in a field placement:

      • HAD5010H Canada's Health System and Health Policy: Part I

      • HAD5020H Canada's Health System and Health Policy: Part II

      • HAD5711H Theory and Practice of Strategic Planning and Management in Health Services Organization

      • HAD5713H Introduction to Population Health Management

      • HAD5721H Strategic Management of Quality and Organizational Behaviour in Health Services Organizations

      • HAD5723H Health Services Accounting

      • HAD5724H Quantitative Methods for Health Services Management and Policy

      • HAD5725H Health Economics

      • HAD5731H Translating Leadership Into Practice

      • HAD5733H Health Services Finance

      • HAD5741H Health Law and Ethics

      • HAD5761H Introduction to eHealth: Informatics, Innovations, and Information Systems

      • HAD5769H Human Resources Management in the Health Field

      • HAD5770H Program Planning and Evaluation

      • HAD5775H Competition, Cooperation, and Strategy in Health Care

      • HAD5800H The Fundamentals of Health Services Leadership

      • HAD6010Y Health Care Leadership Practicum.

    • The remaining 1.0 FCE are elective courses.

    • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FW)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


HPME: Health Informatics MHI

The Master of Health Informatics (MHI) is a professional program which provides graduates with expertise in clinical information and communication technologies (ICTs) required to lead organizational and health system change. The MHI degree program prepares health informaticians to bridge the gaps between clinicians and ICT specialists.

There are two options available to complete the MHI:

  • Regular MHI option: This is designed for individuals who are not currently in a health informatics profession and are seeking a career in the field. Applicants to this option should not be employed full-time. The regular MHI option is offered in person.

  • Executive MHI option: This is designed for individuals with at least five years of work experience in the health-care sector and are interested in pursuing leadership positions and other career development. This program option enables students to continue professional employment and sustain career momentum while gaining specialized health informatics knowledge. The Executive MHI option is offered through online delivery. Students are required to be on campus for two residencies of 10 days each in February of Year 1 and February of Year 2.

Regular MHI Option

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university. Eligible undergraduate degrees include those in a health sciences or social sciences specialty, Regulated Health Professions in Ontario, or a computer science or information science specialty with the equivalent of a minimum mid-B average in the last academic year.

  • Applicants whose primary language is not English and who graduated from a university where the language of instruction and examination was not English must demonstrate proficiency in English. See General Regulations section 4.3 for requirements.

  • Successful applicants normally have relevant professional experience as a health services professional (for example, manager or administrator) or health sciences/clinical practitioner with demonstrated basic literacy and/or programming skills in computer applications relevant to the health sector, or a computer or information technician within a health-care setting or health software vendor.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of 10.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • Required coursework (7.5 FCEs)

      • MHI1001H Information and Communication Technology in Health Informatics

      • MHI1002H Complexity of Clinical Care

      • MHI2001H Fundamentals of Health Informatics

      • MHI2002H Emergent Topics in Health Informatics

      • MHI2003H Emerging Applications in Consumer, Public, and Global Health Informatics

      • MHI2004H Human Factors and Systems Design in Health Care

      • MHI2006H Advanced Topics in Health Informatics (Strategic Frameworks for Solution Architecture)

      • MHI2007H Quantitative Skills in Health Informatics

      • MHI2008H Project Management for Health Informatics

      • MHI2009H Evaluation and Performance Measurements in Health Care

      • MHI2017H Systems Analysis and Process Innovation in Healthcare

      • MHI2018H Knowledge Management and Information Systems Design

      • MHI2021H Canada's Health System and Digital Health Policy

      • MHI2022H Economics and Value Design in Health Informatics

      • MHI2023H Data Governance and Interoperability

    • Elective coursework (0.5 FCE). Students are encouraged to select an elective that allows them to focus on their individual areas of interest in health informatics. For this reason, the MHI program does not impose a selection of electives. Students are free to choose from all graduate courses across all disciplines at the University of Toronto. All selections are subject to approval in advance by the Program Director and the IHPME Chair. Students can choose from the following MHI electives:

      • MHI2010H Extended Health Informatics Practicum

      • MHI2013H Data Visualization in Health Care

      • MHI2020H Leadership for Digital Health Transformation

      • MHI2024H Advanced Topics in Data Governance in Health Informatics

      • MHI3000H Independent Reading for Health Informatics.

    • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis.

    • A four-month, full-time practicum or field placement (MHI2005Y).

  • Degree requirements will be completed in 16 months across four consecutive sessions.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-F)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Executive MHI Option

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IHPME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Appropriate bachelor's degree from a recognized university. Eligible undergraduate degrees include those in a health sciences or social sciences specialty, Regulated Health Professions in Ontario, or a computer science or information science specialty with the equivalent of a minimum mid-B average in the last academic year.

  • Applicants whose primary language is not English and who graduated from a university where the language of instruction and examination was not English must demonstrate proficiency in English. See General Regulations section 4.3 for requirements.

  • Successful applicants normally have relevant professional experience (at least five years) as a health services professional (for example, manager or administrator) or health sciences/clinical practitioner with demonstrated basic literacy and/or programming skills in computer applications relevant to the health sector, or a computer or information technician within a health-care setting or health software vendor.

  • Successful applicants may be actively employed in a health informatics role or capacity.

Completion Requirements

  • Completion of 10.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • Required coursework (7.5 FCEs)

      • MHI1001H Information and Communication Technology in Health Informatics

      • MHI1002H Complexity of Clinical Care

      • MHI2001H Fundamentals of Health Informatics

      • MHI2002H Emergent Topics in Health Informatics

      • MHI2003H Emerging Applications in Consumer, Public, and Global Health Informatics

      • MHI2004H Human Factors and Systems Design in Health Care

      • MHI2006H Advanced Topics in Health Informatics (Strategic Frameworks for Solution Architecture)

      • MHI2007H Quantitative Skills in Health Informatics

      • MHI2008H Project Management for Health Informatics

      • MHI2009H Evaluation and Performance Measurements in Health Care

      • MHI2017H Systems Analysis and Process Innovation in Healthcare

      • MHI2018H Knowledge Management and Information Systems Design

      • MHI2021H Canada's Health System and Digital Health Policy

      • MHI2022H Economics and Value Design in Health Informatics

      • MHI2023H Data Governance and Interoperability.

    • Elective coursework (1.0 FCE). Students are encouraged to select two electives that allow them to focus on their individual areas of interest in health informatics. For this reason, the MHI program does not impose a selection of electives. Students are free to choose from all graduate courses across all disciplines at the University of Toronto. All selections are subject to approval in advance by the Program Director and the IHPME Chair. Students can choose from the following MHI electives:
      • MHI2013H Data Visualization in Health Care

      • MHI2016H Health Informatics Project Extension

      • MHI2020H Leadership for Digital Health Transformation

      • MHI2024H Advanced Topics in Data Governance in Health Informatics

      • MHI3000H Independent Reading for Health Informatics.

    • Students may elect to take up to 0.5 FCE on a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) basis.

    • A four-month, employer-sponsored or mentor-supervised Health Informatics Project (MHI2015Y).

  • The Executive MHI degree requirements will be completed in 22 months across six consecutive sessions.

  • The Executive MHI option is offered through online delivery. Students are required to be on campus for two residencies of 10 days each in February of Year 1 and February of Year 2.

Mode of Delivery: Online
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: S-FWS-FW)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation: Emphases

Health Economics

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students in the thesis option of the Health Systems Research concentration have the option to complete an emphasis by completing 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in a given area. The emphasis requirements will also count toward their 3.0 FCE concentration requirements.

Students must complete 2.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5730H Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research.

  • HAD5744H Quantitative Methods in HSR I.

  • HAD5746H Quantitative Methods in HSR II.

  • HAD5760H Advanced Health Economics and Policy Analysis.


Health Economics

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students enrolled in the Health Systems Research concentration of the PhD program must study under one of six emphases, described below, and complete six courses (3.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) related to their declared emphasis.

Students must complete 3.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5730H Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research.

  • HAD5744H Quantitative Methods in HSR I.

  • HAD5746H Quantitative Methods in HSR II.

  • HAD5760H Advanced Health Economics and Policy Analysis.

  • HAD6750H Advanced Health Economics and Policy Analysis II.

  • 0.5 FCE from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration.


Health Informatics Research

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students enrolled in the Health Systems Research concentration of the PhD program must study under one of six emphases, described below, and complete six courses (3.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) related to their declared emphasis.

Students must complete 3.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5726H Evaluation and Research Design in Health Informatics.

  • HAD5747H Cognitive, Social, and Information Science Theory in Health Informatics Research.

  • HAD6764H Health Informatics Research Comprehensive Course.

  • Three courses (1.5 FCEs) from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration, Master of Health Informatics program, or other relevant graduate courses as approved by the Graduate Coordinator.


Health Policy

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students in the thesis option of the Health Systems Research concentration have the option to complete an emphasis by completing 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in a given area. The emphasis requirements will also count toward their 3.0 FCE concentration requirements.

Students must complete 2.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5778H Comparative Health Systems and Policy.

  • 1.5 FCEs from the following list:

    • CHL3020H Ethics and Artificial Intelligence for Health

    • CHL4004H Global Health Policy

    • CHL5300H Public Health Policy

    • CHL5624H Historical, Ethical, and Philosophical Foundations of Public Health

    • PHM1139H Diagnosing Corruption in the Health Sector and Anti-Corruption Policies and Tools

    • Other health policy research course as appropriate, for example:

      • CHL5702H History of International Health​ or

      • CHL5704H International Human Rights Law and Global Health: The Right to Health in Theory and Practice.


Health Policy

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students enrolled in the Health Systems Research concentration of the PhD program must study under one of six emphases, described below, and complete six courses (3.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) related to their declared emphasis.

Students must complete 3.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5778H Comparative Health Systems and Policy.

  • HAD6763H Health Policy Comprehensive Course.

  • 0.5 FCE from the following list:

    • CHL3020H Ethics and Artificial Intelligence for Health

    • CHL4004H Global Health Policy

    • CHL5300H Public Health Policy

    • CHL5624H Historical, Ethical, and Philosophical Foundations of Public Health

    • PHM1139H Diagnosing Corruption in the Health Sector and Anti-Corruption Policies and Tools

    • Other course as appropriate, for example:

      • CHL5702H History of International Health

      • CHL5704H International Human Rights Law and Global Health: The Right to Health in Theory and Practice.

  • 0.5 FCE from the following list:

    • HAD5742H Mixed Methods for Health Systems Research

    • HAD5781H Case Study Research for Health Services, Systems, and Policy

    • HSR1001H Introduction to Qualitative Methods for Health Systems and Policy Research

    • Other courses from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration in the area of policy-relevant methods.

  • 0.5 FCE from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration, or other HPME concentrations as approved by the HPME graduate coordinator.


Health Systems Artificial Intelligence

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students in the thesis option of the Health Systems Research concentration have the option to complete an emphasis by completing 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in a given area. The emphasis requirements will also count toward their 3.0 FCE concentration requirements.

Students in the Vector pathway within the Health Systems Research concentration must complete the emphasis in Health Systems Artificial Intelligence and complete their remaining 1.0 FCE concentration requirements by taking HAD5011H Canada's Health System and Health Policy and HAD5772H Intermediate Statistics for Health Systems Researchers.

  • Students must complete 2.0 FCEs as follows:

    • CHL3020H Ethics and AI in Health

    • CHL5230H Applied Machine Learning for Health Data (research methods course)

    • MHI2002H Emergent Topics in Heath Informatics

    • 0.5 FCE from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration or the Master of Health Informatics program. Recommended: HAD5726H Evaluation and Research Design in Health Informatics.


Health Technology Assessment

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students in the thesis option of the Health Systems Research concentration have the option to complete an emphasis by completing 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in a given area. The emphasis requirements will also count toward their 3.0 FCE concentration requirements.

Students must complete 2.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5301H Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research or equivalent.

  • HAD5307H Introduction to Applied Biostatistics.

  • 0.5 FCE from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration.

  • 0.5 FCE from the following list:

    • HAD5730H Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research

    • HAD5771H Resource Allocation Ethics

    • HAD5779H Evidence Synthesis for Health Services, Systems, and Policy Research or HAD5308H Evidence Synthesis: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis.


Health Technology Assessment

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students enrolled in the Health Systems Research concentration of the PhD program must study under one of six emphases, described below, and complete six courses (3.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) related to their declared emphasis.

Students must complete 3.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5301H Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research.

  • HAD6765H Health Technology Assessment Comprehensive Course (Credit/No Credit).

  • Three courses (1.5 FCEs) from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration.

  • One course (0.5 FCE) from the following list:

    • HAD5730H Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research.

    • HAD5771H Resource Allocation Ethics.

    • HAD5779H Evidence Synthesis for Health Services, Systems, and Policy Research or HAD5308H Evidence Synthesis: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis.


Organization and Management Studies

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students in the thesis option of the Health Systems Research concentration have the option to complete an emphasis by completing 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in a given area. The emphasis requirements will also count toward their 3.0 FCE concentration requirements.

Students must complete 2.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5773H Introduction to Theories of Organizational Behaviour and Applications to the Health Care Sector.

  • 1.5 FCEs from the following list:

    • HAD5727H Knowledge Transfer and Exchange

    • HAD5737H Tools for Implementation Science

    • HAD5740H Intermediate Level Qualitative Methods

    • HAD5742H Mixed Methods for Health Systems Research

    • HAD5744H Applied Health Econometrics I

    • HSR1001H Introduction to Qualitative Methods for Health Systems and Policy Research.


Organization and Management Studies

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students enrolled in the Health Systems Research concentration of the PhD program must study under one of six emphases, described below, and complete six courses (3.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) related to their declared emphasis.

Students must complete 3.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5742H Mixed Methods for Health Systems Research.

  • HAD5750H Seminar in Organizational Behaviour.

  • HAD5773H Introduction to Theories of Organizational Behaviour and Applications to the Health Care Sector.

  • HAD6762H Organization and Management Studies Comprehensive Course.

  • HSR1001H Introduction to Qualitative Methods for Health Systems and Policy Research.

  • One course (0.5 FCE) from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration.


Outcomes and Evaluation Studies

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students in the thesis option of the Health Systems Research concentration have the option to complete an emphasis by completing 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in a given area. The emphasis requirements will also count toward their 3.0 FCE concentration requirements.

Students must complete 2.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5720H Evaluation I

  • 0.5 FCE from the following list:

  • 0.5 FCE from the following list:

    • CHL5202H Biostatistics II

    • HAD5316H Biostatistics II: Advanced Techniques in Applied Regression Methods

    • HAD5772H Intermediate Statistics for Health Systems Researchers

  • 0.5 elective FCE from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration.


Outcomes and Evaluation Studies

Participating Programs:
  • Health Policy, Management and Evaluation PhD; Concentration: Health Systems Research

Students enrolled in the Health Systems Research concentration of the PhD program must study under one of six emphases, described below, and complete six courses (3.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) related to their declared emphasis.

Students must complete 3.0 FCEs as follows:

  • HAD5743H Evaluation II.

  • HAD6761H Outcomes and Evaluation Studies Comprehensive Course.

  • HSR1001H Introduction to Qualitative Methods for Health Systems and Policy Research.

  • Two courses (1.0 FCE) from the following list:

    • HAD2003H Learning Health Systems Part 1: Identifying Opportunities for System Change and Designing Sound Innovations.

    • HAD5720H Evaluation I.

    • HAD5728H Performance Measurement in Health Care: Theory and Application.

    • HAD5730H Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research.

    • HAD5740H Intermediate Level Qualitative Methods.

    • HAD5742H Mixed Methods for Health Systems Research.

    • HAD5763H Advanced Methods in Health Services Research.

    • HAD5779H Evidence Synthesis for Health Services, Systems, and Policy Research or HAD5308H Evidence Synthesis: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis.

    • HAD5781H Case Study Research for Health Services, Systems and Policy.

  • One course (0.5 FCE), generally an advanced methods course, from the course listing for the Health Systems Research concentration.

PhD students in the Health Systems Research concentration who are pursuing the emphasis in Outcomes and Evaluation Studies may fulfil the concentration requirements by replacing HAD5772H Intermediate Statistics for Health Systems Researchers with CHL5202H Biostatistics II or HAD5316H Biostatistics II: Advanced Techniques in Applied Regression Methods.


HPME: Health Administration MHSc Courses

Students in the Master of Health Science program may elect to be assessed on a Credit/No Credit basis in courses up to a total of 0.5 FCE.

Required Courses

All courses are offered in modular format unless marked otherwise.

Course CodeCourse Title
Canada's Health System and Health Policy: Part I
Canada's Health System and Health Policy: Part II
Theory and Practice of Strategic Planning and Management in Health Services Organization
Introduction to Population Health Management
Strategic Management of Quality and Organizational Behaviour in Health Services Organizations
Health Services Accounting
Quantitative Methods for Health Services Management and Policy
Health Economics
Translating Leadership Into Practice
Health Services Finance
Health Law and Ethics
Introduction to eHealth: Informatics, Innovations, and Information Systems
Human Resources Management in the Health Field
Program Planning and Evaluation
HAD5775HCompetition, Cooperation, and Strategy in Health Care
HAD5800HThe Fundamentals of Health Services Leadership
Health Care Leadership Practicum

Elective Courses

Non-modular electives may be taken subject to program approval.

Course CodeCourse Title
Operations Research Tools for Quantitative Health Care Decision Making
HAD5767HHealth Services Marketing
HAD5777HLeading and Managing Change: Building Adaptive Capacity
HAD6011HHealth Care Leadership Practicum Extension

HPME: Health Policy, Management and Evaluation MSc, PhD Courses

Students in the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy programs may elect to be assessed on a Credit/No Credit basis in courses up to a total of 0.5 FCE.

Concentration: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

Compulsory Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research
Introduction to Applied Biostatistics
Comprehensive/Synthesis (one year)
Biostatistics II: Advanced Techniques in Applied Regression Methods

Recommended Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Measurement in Clinical Research
Controlled Clinical Trials
Clinical Decision Making and Cost Effectiveness
Evidence-Based Guidelines
Introduction to Health Services Research and the Use of Health Administrative Data
Evidence Synthesis: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
Observational Studies: Theory, Design, and Methods
Pragmatic Issues in Conduct of Controlled Trials
Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research
Advanced Health Economics and Policy Analysis

Elective Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Decision Modelling for Clinical Policy and Economic Evaluation
Advanced Design and Analysis Issues in Clinical Trials
Applied Bayesian Methods in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research
Advanced Topics in Measurement
Biostatistics II: Advanced Techniques in Applied Regression Methods
HAD5317HQualitative Design and Techniques
HAD5318HAdvanced Evidence Synthesis
HAD5319HBiostatistics III: Advanced Biostatistical Techniques for Observational Studies
HAD5320HWriting Mentorship
Required Research Practicum in Clinical Epidemiology
Optional Research Practicum in Clinical Epidemiology
Reading Course

Other IHPME courses or extra-departmental courses may be considered as elective courses and are subject to approval of the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation.

Concentration: Health Professions Education Research (HPER)

Required Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Canada's Health System and Health Policy
HAD6500HEssential Skills in HPER
Introduction to Methods/Methodologies for HPER
Survey of Critical and Interpretive Social Science Theory for HPER or
Survey of Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences Theory for Health Professions Education Research
Intermediate Critical and Interpretive Social Science Methods or
Intermediate Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences Methods/Methodologies for Health Professions Education Research
Health Professions Education Research (HPER) Comprehensive Exam

Elective Courses

Students are encouraged to select electives that allow them to focus on their individual areas of interest in health professions education research (HPER). For this reason, the HPER program does not impose a selection of electives. Students are free to choose from all graduate courses across all disciplines at the University of Toronto. All selections are subject to approval in advance by the Program Director and the IHPME Graduate Chair. Students can also choose from the following HPER electives:

Course CodeCourse Title
HAD6506HAssessment in Health Professions Education
HAD6507HIdentity and Professional Life for Health Professions Education Research
HAD6508HSociology of the Professions
HAD6509HThe Examination: The Technology that Shapes What We Can Know, Do, and Be
HAD6510HAcademic Medicine: From the Global to the Virtual

Concentration: Health Systems Leadership and Innovation

Required Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Strategic Vision and Planning for Health System Change
HAD2006HLeading and Evaluating Health Professional Education
Learning Health Systems Innovation and Transformation
HAD2009HHealth Economics
Leading and Innovating in Canada's Digital Health Ecosystem
Fundamentals of Health Economics and Policy

Experiential Learning Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
HAD2040YSystems Innovation Capstone Project

Elective Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
HAD2002HLearning Health Systems Part 2: Implementation and Evaluation of System Innovations
HAD2003HLearning Health Systems Part 1: Identifying Opportunities for System Change and Designing Sound Innovations
HAD2004HChallenges and Opportunities for Physician Leadership and Competency Development
HAD2005HQuality Improvement Skills for Healthcare Leaders
HAD2008HHuman Factors, Strategy, and Innovation Leadership
HAD2010HHealth Systems Leadership Practicum (Individual)
HAD2030HSystems Innovation Capstone Paper

Concentration: Health Systems Research

Course CodeCourse Title
HAD2002HLearning Health Systems Part 2: Implementation and Evaluation of System Innovations
HAD2003HLearning Health Systems Part 1: Identifying Opportunities for System Change and Designing Sound Innovations
Canada's Health System and Health Policy
HAD5012HPatient and Caregiver Engagement in Research
HAD5013HGraduate Seminar in Emotions and Ethics
HAD5022HPolitics, Policy, Public Health, and Health Technology
Evaluation and Research Design in Health Informatics
Knowledge Transfer and Exchange
Performance Measurement in Health Care: Theory and Application
Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Systems Research
Tools for Implementation Science 
Advanced Methods in Economic Evaluation
Intermediate Level Qualitative Methods
Mixed Methods for Health Systems Research
Evaluation II
Quantitative Methods in HSR I
HAD5746HQuantitative Methods in HSR II
HAD5747HCognitive, Social, and Information Science Theory in Health Informatics Research
HAD5748HIntroduction to Survey Design and Psychometrics
HAD5749HKnowledge to Action: Disseminating and Implementing Evidence into Practice
HAD5750HSeminar in Organizational Behaviour
HAD5751HAI Development and Implementation in Health Care
HAD5752HIntroduction to Knowledge Translation and Implementation Science
HAD5753HTraining for Impact: Art and Science of Health System Leadership
HAD5754HGlobal Quality of Care in Health Systems
Health Economics Graduate Seminar Series
Advanced Health Economics and Policy Analysis
Advanced Methods in Health Services Research
Resource Allocation Ethics
Intermediate Statistics for Health Systems Researchers
Introduction to Theories of Organizational Behaviour and Applications to the Health Care Sector
HAD5777HLeading and Managing Change: Building Adaptive Capacity
HAD5778HComparative Health Systems and Policy
HAD5779HEvidence Synthesis for Health Services, Systems and Policy Research
HAD5781HCase Study Research for Health Services, Systems and Policy
HAD6506HAssessment in Health Professions Education
Advanced Health Economics and Policy Analysis II
Introduction to Health Services and Systems Research Theory and Methods
Outcomes and Evaluation Studies Comprehensive Course
Organization and Management Studies Comprehensive Course
Health Policy Comprehensive Course
Health Informatics Research Comprehensive Course
HAD6765HHealth Technology Assessment Comprehensive Course
Applying Health Services and Systems Research Methods
Reading Course
Health Care Settings, Site, and Human Well Being
Home and Community Care Knowledge Translation

Concentration: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

Required Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Fundamentals of Improvement Science
HAD3020HQuality Improvement Methods
HAD3030HConcepts and Strategies in Patient Safety
HAD3040YProject Practicum
HAD3041YDesign and Methods for Thesis Research
HAD3050HLeading and Managing Change
HAD3060HQuality Improvement in Health Systems
HAD3070HHealth Law and Risk Management for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

Practicum Course

Course CodeCourse Title
HAD3080HExternal Practicum

Elective Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
HAD3025HTeaching QI and Patient Safety
HAD3035HHuman Factors and Healthcare Quality and Safety
HAD3090HThe Application of Lean in Healthcare
HAD4000HReading Course
HAD5777HLeading and Managing Change: Building Adaptive Capacity

Cross-Listed Courses

These courses are limited to certain program students in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. Please check the IHPME website.

Course CodeCourse Title
CHL5300HPublic Health Policy
Introduction to Qualitative Methods for Health Systems and Policy Research
Health Services Research Seminar
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Molecular Biology and Heart Signal Transduction
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Hormones
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Heart Function
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Vascular