Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation

Applied Science and Engineering

Degree Programs

Biomedical Engineering

Note: admissions to all fields have been administratively suspended; however, admissions to the program remain open. Students are not required to select a field to complete the program.


  • Fields:
    • Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine;
    • Engineering in a Clinical Setting;
    • Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology;
    • Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation


  • Fields:
    • Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine;
    • Engineering in a Clinical Setting;
    • Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology;
    • Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation
  • Emphases:
    • Engineering and Globalization;
    • Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology (ELITE);
    • Forensic Engineering


  • Fields:
    • Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine;
    • Clinical Engineering;
    • Engineering in a Clinical Setting;
    • Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology;
    • Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation

Clinical Engineering

MHSc (admissions have been administratively suspended)

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:


The Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME) offers facilities for research in biomedical engineering and for three educational programs leading to master’s and doctoral degrees.

Biomedical engineering is a multidisciplinary field that integrates engineering and biology/medicine. It uses methods, principles, and tools of engineering, physical sciences, and mathematics to solve problems in the medical and life sciences for the study of living systems; the enhancement and replacement of those systems; the design and construction of systems to measure basic physiological parameters; the development of instruments, materials, and techniques for biological and medical practice; and the development of artificial organs and other medical devices. By its nature, the majority of the institute’s work is interdisciplinary.

Contact and Address

Institute of Biomedical Engineering Academic Programs Office


Institute of Biomedical Engineering
University of Toronto
Room 407, Rosebrugh Building
164 College Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G9

MASc Program

Telephone: (416) 978-4841

PhD Program

Telephone: (416) 978-4841

MEng Program

Telephone: (416) 978-7209

Biomedical Engineering: Graduate Faculty

Full Members

Audet, Julie - MASc, PhD
Aung, Aereas - BS, PhD
Bardakjian, Berj - BSc, BEd, MASc, PhD
Biddiss, Elaine Alisa - MASc, PhD
Carlen, Peter - MD
Carneiro, Karina - BSc, PhD
Chan, Warren - BSc, PhD
Chau, Tom - PhD
Chen, Jean - PhD
Cheng, Hai-Ling - BSc, MS, PhD
Cheyne, Douglas - BSc, MA, PhD
Chou, Leo - PhD
Chow, Chung-Wai - MD, PhD
Davies, John - BSc, BDSc, PhD, DSc (Associate Director, Graduate Program)
Diller, Eric David - BS, MS, PhD
Drake, James McKenzie - BSE, MBChB, MSc
Fernandez-Gonzalez, Rodrigo - BSc, PhD
Fernie, Geoffrey - BSc, PhD
Finer, Yoav - MSc, MSc, DMD, PhD
Franklin, Daniel - PhD
Gilbert, Penney - PhD
Griffiths, John - BSc, MSc, PhD
Grynpas, Marc - MSc, PhD
Gu, Frank - BSc, PhD
Guerguerian, Anne Marie - MD
Haider, Masoom - BM, MD
Ibrahim, George - BS, MD, PhD
Kahrs, Lueder Alexander - MSc, PhD
Khan, Omar F. - PhD
Khan, Shehroz Saeed - PhD
Kumacheva, Eugenia - MSc, PhD
Kushki, Azadeh - DrEng
Laflamme, Michael - BS, MD, PhD
Lan, Freeman - BS, PhD
Lankarany, Milad - PhD
Levi, Ofer - BSc, MSc, PhD
Maikawa, Caitlin - BASc, PhD
Matsuura, Naomi - ME, PhD
McGuigan, Alison - MEng, PhD
Mihailidis, Alex - BASc, MASc, PhD
Milosevic, Luka - PhD
Montenegro Burke, Rafa - MSD
Naguib, Hani - BSc, ME, PhD, PEng
Popovic, Milos - DipIng, PhD (Director)
Prescott, Steven - BSc, MSc, MD, PhD
Radisic, Milica - BEng, PhD
Rocheleau, Jonathan - BSc, PhD
Santerre, Paul - BSc, MSc, PhD
Sefton, Michael - BASc, ScD
Shoichet, Molly - PhD
Simmons, Craig - BSc, MSc, PhD
Sone, Eli - BSc, MS, PhD
Sun, Yu - BS, MS, MS, PhD
Taati, Babak - PhD
Triverio, Piero - BScEE, MS, PhD
Truong, Kevin - BASc, PhD
Tsoi, Kim - BASc, MD, PhD
Valiante, Taufik - BSc, MD, PhD
Wheeler, Aaron - BS, PhD
Whyne, Cari - BSc, PhD
Wong, Willy - BSc, MSc, PhD
Yadollahi, Azadeh - DrEng
Yasufuku, Kazuhiro - DrMed, PhD
Yee, Albert - MSc, LMCC, MD
Yip, Christopher - BSc, PhD
Yoo, Paul - BASc, MSc, PhD
You, Lidan - BS, MS, PhD
Zandstra, Peter - BEng, PhD

Members Emeriti

Cobbold, Richard - PhD
Dolan, Alf - BSc, MSc
Frecker, Richard - BSc, MD, PhD
Kunov, Hans - MSc, PhD
Norwich, Kenneth - MSc, PhD
Pilliar, Robert - BASc, PhD

Associate Members

Bouwmeester, Chris - PhD
Kilkenny Rocheleau, Dawn - PhD
Labouta, Hagar - BSc, MSc, PhD
Li, Bowen - BScPhm, PhD
Podolsky, Dale - BS, BE, MD, PhD
Steinman, David - BASc, MASc, PhD

Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical Engineering MASc

The Master of Applied Science (MASc) program is a research-stream, thesis-based program which provides a strong academic foundation for students who want to become immersed in the discipline of biomedical engineering. This program is designed to offer students challenging and rewarding research opportunities within the context of using engineering principles to enhance the quality of our health-care system.

The MASc program is offered in the fields of 1) Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 2) Engineering in a Clinical Setting; 3) Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology; and 4) Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation. Note: admissions to the MASc fields have been administratively suspended; however, the program remains open to new enrolments.

MASc Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the institute’s additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A bachelor's degree in dentistry, engineering, medicine, or one of the physical or biological sciences from a recognized university with a minimum academic standing of mid-B or 3.0 grade point average (GPA) in the final two years of study or over senior-level courses.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. The program normally comprises at least 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) including:

    • Two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers

    • Two half-course electives relevant to the student's area of research (1.0 FCE).

  • Students must participate in:

    • Either BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar series.

    • JDE1000H Ethics in Research.

    • Health and safety training workshops.

  • Successful completion of a research thesis in at least one of the biomedical engineering research fields: 1) Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 2) Engineering in a Clinical Setting; 3) Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology; and 4) Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FW)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical Engineering MEng

The Master of Engineering (MEng) program is an accelerated, professional program with a focus on the design and commercialization of biomedical devices. Students will have the opportunity to take on applied design challenges and meet the growing demands of this industry through a four-month practical experience through internships, research projects, or practical course activities.

The MEng program is offered in the fields of 1) Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 2) Engineering in a Clinical Setting; 3) Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology; and 4) Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation. Note: admissions to the MEng fields have been administratively suspended; however, the program remains open to new enrolments.

The MEng program can be taken on a full-time, extended full-time, or part-time basis.

MEng Program (Full-Time and Part-Time Options)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IBME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A four-year bachelor's degree in engineering, medicine, dentistry, or one of the physical or biological sciences from a recognized university, with at least a mid-B average (3.0 grade point average [GPA]) in the final two years of study or over senior-level courses.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • At least 2.0 FCEs in biomedical engineering courses; these include all BME and joint BME course offerings.

    • At least 1.0 FCE in commercialization and entrepreneurship courses such as BME1800H, BME1801H, BME1802H, and BME1405H. Completion of either BME1800H or BME1801H is required for graduation.

    • A 1.0 FCE Practical Experience in Applied Research course in biomedical device development, usually over one session for a full-time placement (BME1899Y) or over three sessions for a part-time placement (BME1898Y). The placement must be in at least one of the following biomedical engineering research fields: 1) Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 2) Engineering in a Clinical Setting; 3) Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology; or 4) Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation. The practical experience course can be taken in academic research and teaching laboratories, government institutions, health-care facilities, in the industry, or in health-care consulting firms.

    • The remaining 1.0 FCE can be two half courses in either biomedical engineering, commercialization and entrepreneurship, or any graduate-level course the student is interested in.

  • All courses must be at the graduate level, which includes both 500- and 1000-level. Students can take a maximum of one 500-level course.

  • Health and safety training workshops.

  • Students have the option of completing an emphasis in Engineering and Globalization; Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology in Engineering (ELITE); or Forensic Engineering as part of their degree program. Please see details in the Biomedical Engineering Emphases section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS); 9 sessions part-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 2 years full-time; 6 years part-time


MEng Program (Extended Full-Time Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy IBME's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • A four-year bachelor's degree in engineering, medicine, dentistry, or one of the physical or biological sciences from a recognized university, with at least a mid-B average (3.0 grade point average [GPA]) in the final two years of study or over senior-level courses.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • At least 2.0 FCEs in biomedical engineering courses; these include all BME and joint BME course offerings.

    • At least 1.0 FCE in commercialization and entrepreneurship courses such as BME1800H, BME1801H, BME1802H, and BME1405H. Completion of either BME1800H or BME1801H is required for graduation.

    • A 1.0 FCE Practical Experience in Applied Research course in biomedical device development, usually over one session for a full-time placement (BME1899Y) or over three sessions for a part-time placement (BME1898Y). The placement must be in at least one of the following biomedical engineering research fields: 1) Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 2) Engineering in a Clinical Setting; 3) Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology; or 4) Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation. The practical experience course can be taken in academic research and teaching laboratories, government institutions, health-care facilities, in the industry, or in health-care consulting firms.

    • The remaining 1.0 FCE can be two half courses in either biomedical engineering, commercialization and entrepreneurship, or any graduate-level course the student is interested in.

  • All courses must be at the graduate level, which includes both 500- and 1000-level. Students can take a maximum of one 500-level course.

  • Health and safety training workshops.

  • Students have the option of completing an emphasis in Engineering and Globalization; Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology in Engineering (ELITE); or Forensic Engineering as part of their degree program. Please see details in the Biomedical Engineering Emphases section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical Engineering PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program offers courses and a strong research thesis component. Students emerge from this program ready to pursue careers in academia, medicine, industry, and government. Students with a particular interest in conducting biomedical engineering research with a primary clinical focus may pursue a field in clinical engineering within the Biomedical Engineering PhD program.

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of three routes: 1) following completion of an appropriate master's degree; 2) transfer from the University of Toronto MASc or MHSc program; or 3) direct entry following completion of an appropriate bachelor's degree.

Note: admissions to the PhD fields have been administratively suspended; however, the program remains open to new enrolments.

Fields: 1) Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 2) Engineering in a Clinical Setting; 3) Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology; 4) Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the institute’s additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants must have a master's degree in dentistry, engineering, medicine, or one of the physical or biological sciences with an overall average of at least B+ (3.3 grade point average [GPA]) from a recognized university.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Normally, students must complete at least 1.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) including:

    • Two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution;

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers; or

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers.

  • Students are also expected to pursue a thesis topic relevant to at least one of the following Biomedical Engineering research fields: 1) Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 2) Engineering in a Clinical Setting; 3) Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology; and 4) Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation.

  • Within 12 months of registration, students must pass a qualifying examination covering the broad field of biomedical engineering appropriate to their background.
  • Successful completion of a thesis, representing an original investigation in biomedical engineering.

  • Students will continue to meet with their supervisory committee at least once every 12 months until recommendation for the departmental oral examination is made. On the recommendation of the supervisory committee and special approval from their department Graduate Chair or Coordinator, candidates have the opportunity to waive the departmental oral examination and proceed directly to the Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • Students must participate in:

    • Either BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar series;

    • JDE1000H Ethics in Research;

    • Health and safety training workshops.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Transfer)

Transfer Requirements

  • Highly qualified master's students (MHSc students in Clinical Engineering or MASc students in any field) may be considered for transfer into the PhD program in any of the five fields. MASc and MHSc students who transfer to a PhD must fulfil the admission requirements listed under the specific field of the PhD program they are transferring to.

Completion Requirements

Program Requirements for MASc Transfer Students

  • Coursework. Students who transfer from the MASc program in Biomedical Engineering must complete the total course requirements for both degrees: 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) at the master's level plus 1.0 FCE at the PhD level, for a total of 3.0 FCEs:

    • Students must complete two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution;

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers; or

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers.

    • Elective courses relevant to the student's area of research (2.0 FCEs)

Program Requirements for MHSc Transfer Students

  • Coursework. Students who transfer from the MHSc program in Biomedical Engineering must complete the total course requirements for both degrees: 4.0 FCEs at the master's level plus 1.0 FCE at the PhD level, for a total of 5.0 FCEs:

    • BME1405H Clinical Engineering Instrumentation I and BME1436H Clinical Engineering Surgery.
    • Students must complete two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution;

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers; or

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers.

    • Two half-course electives relevant to the student's area of research (1.0 FCE).

    • BME4444Y Practical Experience Course in health-care facilities, the medical device industry, or health-care consulting firms. The practical experience course must total a minimum of 625 hours.

All PhD Students

  • Students are also expected to pursue a thesis topic relevant to at least one of the following Biomedical Engineering research fields: 1) Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 2) Engineering in a Clinical Setting; 3) Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology; and 4) Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation.

  • Within 12 months of registration, students must pass a qualifying examination covering the broad field of biomedical engineering appropriate to their background.

  • Successful completion of a thesis, representing an original investigation in biomedical engineering.

  • Students will continue to meet with their supervisory committee at least once every 12 months until recommendation for the departmental oral examination is made. On the recommendation of the supervisory committee and special approval from their department Graduate Chair or Coordinator, candidates have the opportunity to waive the departmental oral examination and proceed directly to the Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • Students must participate in:

    • Either BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar series;

    • JDE1000H Ethics in Research;

    • Health and safety training workshops.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


PhD Program (Direct-Entry)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the institute’s additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Direct entry with a bachelor's degree may be considered in exceptional circumstances. Applicants must have an undergraduate degree in dentistry, engineering, medicine, or one of the physical or biological sciences.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Normally, students must complete 3.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) including:

    • Two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution;

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers; or

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers.

  • Students are also expected to pursue a thesis topic relevant to at least one of the following Biomedical Engineering research fields: 1) Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 2) Engineering in a Clinical Setting; 3) Nanotechnology, Molecular Imaging and Systems Biology; and 4) Neural/Sensory Systems and Rehabilitation.

  • Successful completion of a thesis, representing an original investigation in biomedical engineering.

  • Students will continue to meet with their supervisory committee at least once every 12 months until recommendation for the departmental oral examination is made. On the recommendation of the supervisory committee and special approval from their department Graduate Chair or Coordinator, candidates have the opportunity to waive the departmental oral examination and proceed directly to the Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • Students must participate in:

    • Either BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar series;

    • JDE1000H Ethics in Research;

    • Health and safety training workshops.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical Engineering PhD; Field: Clinical Engineering

The PhD program offers courses and a strong research thesis component. Students emerge from this program ready to pursue careers in academia, medicine, industry, and government. Students with a particular interest in conducting biomedical engineering research with a primary clinical focus may pursue a field in clinical engineering within the Biomedical Engineering PhD program.

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of three routes: 1) following completion of an appropriate master's degree; 2) transfer from the University of Toronto MASc or MHSc program; or 3) direct entry following completion of an appropriate bachelor's degree.

Effective January 2021, admissions to this field have been administratively suspended.

Field: Clinical Engineering

Minimum Admission Requirements

PhD Program

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the institute's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Applicants must have a master's degree in dentistry, engineering, medicine, or one of the physical or biological sciences with an overall average of at least B+ (3.3 grade point average [GPA]) from a recognized university.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Normally, students must complete at least 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) including:

    • Two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution;

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers; or

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers.

    • If a student does not have a formal degree in clinical engineering, 0.5 FCE from one of the BME clinical engineering courses (BME1405H, BME1436H, BME1439H, or BME4444Y) is required. A student who possesses protracted professional engineering experience (five or more years) will be exempt from this requirement.

  • Students must (1) conduct their research in a clinical environment and (2) be co-supervised by both engineering and health science faculty. The primary supervisor must be BME-appointed; however, the co-supervisor could be from a clinical unit other than BME but must be appointed to SGS.

  • Within 12 months of registration, students must pass a qualifying examination covering the broad field of biomedical engineering appropriate to their background.

  • Successful completion of a thesis, representing an original investigation in biomedical engineering.

  • Students will continue to meet with their supervisory committee at least once every 12 months until recommendation for the departmental oral examination is made. On the recommendation of the supervisory committee and special approval from their department Graduate Chair or Coordinator, candidates have the opportunity to waive the departmental oral examination and proceed directly to the Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • Students must participate in:

    • Either BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar series;

    • JDE1000H Ethics in Research;

    • Health and safety training workshops.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Transfer)

Transfer Requirements

  • Highly qualified master's students (MHSc students in Clinical Engineering or MASc students in any field) may be considered for transfer into the PhD program in any of the five research fields. To be eligible to transfer to the PhD, Clinical Engineering MHSc students must complete 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) within the MHSc curriculum.

  • MHSc students who transfer to a PhD in the field of Clinical Engineering must fulfil the PhD program requirements listed below. MHSc students who transfer to the other PhD fields must fulfil the program requirements of the PhD field as described in the applicable section.

Completion Requirements

Program Requirements for MASc Transfer Students

  • Coursework. Students who transfer from the MASc program in Biomedical Engineering must complete the total course requirements for both degrees: 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) at the master's level plus 1.0 FCE at the PhD level, for a total of 3.0 FCEs:

    • Students must complete two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution;

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers; or

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers.

    • Elective courses relevant to the student's area of research (2.0 FCE's).

    • If a student does not have a formal degree in clinical engineering, 0.5 FCE from one of the BME clinical engineering courses (BME1405H, BME1436H, BME1439H, or BME4444Y) is required. A student who possess protracted professional engineering experience (five or more years) will be exempt from this requirement.

Program Requirements for MHSc Transfer Students

  • Coursework. Students who transfer from the MHSc program in Biomedical Engineering must complete the total course requirements for both degrees: 4.0 FCEs at the master's level plus 1.0 FCE at the PhD level, for a total of 5.0 FCEs:

    • BME1405 Clinical Engineering Instrumentation and BME1436 Clinical Engineering Surgery.
    • Students must complete two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution;

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers; or

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers.

    • Two half-course electives relevant to the student's area of research (1.0 FCE).

    • BME4444Y Practical Experience Course in health-care facilities, the medical device industry, or health-care consulting firms. The practical experience course must total a minimum of 625 hours.

All PhD Students

  • Students must (1) conduct their research in a clinical environment and (2) be co-supervised by both engineering and health science faculty. The primary supervisor must be BME-appointed; however, the co-supervisor could be from a clinical unit other than BME but must be appointed to SGS.

  • Within 12 months of registration, students must pass a qualifying examination covering the broad field of biomedical engineering appropriate to their background.

  • Successful completion of a thesis, representing an original investigation in biomedical engineering.

  • Students will continue to meet with their supervisory committee at least once every 12 months until recommendation for the departmental oral examination is made. On the recommendation of the supervisory committee and special approval from their department Graduate Chair or Coordinator, candidates have the opportunity to waive the departmental oral examination and proceed directly to the Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • Students must participate in:

    • Either BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar series;

    • JDE1000H Ethics in Research;

    • Health and safety training workshops.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


PhD Program (Direct-Entry)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the institute's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Direct entry with a bachelor's degree may be considered in exceptional cases. Applicants must have an undergraduate degree in dentistry, engineering, medicine, or one of the physical or biological sciences.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Normally, students must complete at least 3.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) including:

    • Two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution;

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers; or

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers.

    • Elective courses relevant to the student's area of research (2.0 FCEs).
    • If a student does not have a formal degree in clinical engineering, 0.5 FCE from one of the BME clinical engineering courses (BME1405H, BME1436H, BME1439H, or BME4444Y) is required. A student who possesses protracted professional engineering experience (five or more years) will be exempt from this requirement.

  • Students in the Clinical Engineering field must (1) conduct their research in a clinical environment and (2) be co-supervised by both engineering and health science faculty. The primary supervisor must be BME-appointed; however, the co-supervisor could be from a clinical unit other than BME but must be appointed to SGS.

  • Within 12 months of registration, students must pass a qualifying examination covering the broad field of biomedical engineering appropriate to their background.

  • Successful completion of a thesis, representing an original investigation in biomedical engineering.

  • Students will continue to meet with their supervisory committee at least once every 12 months until recommendation for the departmental oral examination is made. On the recommendation of the supervisory committee and special approval from their department Graduate Chair or Coordinator, candidates have the opportunity to waive the departmental oral examination and proceed directly to the Doctoral Final Oral Examination.

  • Students must participate in:

    • Either BME1010H or BME1011H Graduate Seminar series;

    • JDE1000H Ethics in Research;

    • Health and safety training workshops.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


Biomedical Engineering: Clinical Engineering MHSc

The MHSc program educates students on how to apply and implement medical technologies to optimize modern health-care delivery. This professional degree program consists of academic courses and a research thesis and provides students with real-world exposure through a practical experience course with a private sector company, a hospital, or a research facility.

Effective January 1, 2021, admissions have been administratively suspended.

Master of Health Science

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the institute’s additional admission requirements stated below.

  • Selected students with a four-year bachelor's degree in engineering, medicine, dentistry, or one of the physical or biological sciences from a recognized university, with a mid-B (3.0 grade point average [GPA]) or higher in the final two years of study or over senior-level courses.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must normally complete 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • BME1405H Clinical Engineering Instrumentation I and BME1436H Clinical Engineering Surgery.

    • Two of the following (1.0 FCE):

      • BME1477H Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution;

      • BME1478H Coding for Biomedical Engineers; or

      • BME1479H Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers.

    • Two half-course electives relevant to the student's area of research (1.0 FCE).

    • BME4444Y Practical Experience Course in health-care facilities, the medical device industry, or health-care consulting firms. The practical experience course must total a minimum of 625 hours.

  • Students must participate in:

  • Successful completion of a thesis.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Biomedical Engineering: Emphases

Engineering and Globalization

Participating Programs:
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng
  • Biomedical Engineering MEng
  • Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry MEng
  • Civil Engineering MEng
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering MEng
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MEng
  • Materials Science and Engineering MEng

MEng students must successfully complete four half courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) from the following lists, with at least two half courses (or one full course) taken from Group A.

Group A

APS510H1, APS530H1, APS1420H, JCR1000Y (full-year course).

Group B

APS1015H, APS1020H, APS1024H, CHL5700H, CIV1399H.

Note: Students who choose to pursue an MEng project in their home department that aligns with the Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN)'s disciplinary focus, as deemed by the CGEN Director, may count the project as one required Group B course.

Students who complete the requirements of the emphasis in Engineering and Globalization and wish to obtain a notation on their transcript should contact the Faculty Graduate Studies office.


Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology in Engineering

Participating Programs:
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng
  • Biomedical Engineering MEng
  • Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry MEng
  • Civil Engineering MEng
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering MEng
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MEng
  • Materials Science and Engineering MEng

MEng students must successfully complete any four of the following courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]):


TEP1010H, TEP1011H, TEP1026H, TEP1027H, TEP1029H, TEP1030H, TEP1501H, TEP1502H, TEP1601H.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

APS511H1, APS1012H, APS1013H, APS1015H, APS1023H, APS1033H, APS1035H, APS1036H, APS1041H, APS1061H, APS1088H.

Finance and Management

AER1601H, APS500H1, APS502H1, APS1001H, APS1004H, APS1009H, APS1016H, APS1017H, APS1020H, APS1022H, APS1028H, APS1032H, APS1043H, APS1049H, APS1050H, APS1051H, APS1052H.

Engineering and Society

APS510H1, APS1018H, APS1024H, APS1025H, APS1031H, APS1034H, APS1090H, APS1101H, APS1420H.


Forensic Engineering

Participating Programs:
  • Biomedical Engineering MEng
  • Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry MEng
  • Civil Engineering MEng
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MEng
  • Materials Science and Engineering MEng

MEng students must successfully complete four courses (one core course and three elective courses; 2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]).

Core Course

MSE1031H Forensic Engineering.

Elective Courses

APS1034H, APS1039H, APS1040H, APS1101H,
BME1480H, BME1800H, BME1801H, BME1802H,
CHE561H1, CHE568H1, CHE1213H, CHE1431H, CHE1432H, CHE1434H, CHE1436H,
CIV510H1, CIV518H1, CIV1163H, CIV1171H, CIV1174H, CIV1190H, CIV1201H, CIV1279H, CIV1282H, CIV1422H, CIV1429H,
MIE507H1, MIE533H1, MIE566H1, MIE1301H, MIE1303H, MIE1411H, MIE1414H, MIE1514H, MIE1616H, MIE17108H, MIE1714H, MIE1721H, MIE1727H, MIE1804H,
MSE1015H, MSE1016H, MSE1022H, MSE1032H, MSE1067H.


Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD, Clinical Engineering MHSc Courses

Not all courses are offered every year. Students should contact the BME office for information about course availability. Outlines of these and other closely related courses may be obtained from the BME office.

Course CodeCourse Title
Graduate Seminar
Graduate Seminar
BME1088HConcepts in Immunoengineering
Clinical Engineering Instrumentation I
Clinical Engineering Surgery
Clinical Engineering Instrumentation II
BME1452HPolymers for Biomedical Engineering
BME1453HGenomics and Synthetic Nucleic-Acid Technologies
Regenerative Medicine: Fundamentals and Applications
BME1457HBiomedical Nanotechnology
Protein Engineering
Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy: Theory and Application to Live Cell Imaging
Biological Image Analysis
Advanced Topics on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Rehabilitation Engineering
Fundamentals of Neuromodulation Technology and Clinical Applications
Acquisition and Processing of Bioelectric Signals
Biomedical Engineering Project Design and Execution
Coding for Biomedical Engineers
Statistical Discovery Techniques for Biomedical Researchers
BME1480HExperimental Design and Multivariate Analysis in Bioengineering
BME1500HTopics in Neuromodulation
Data Science for Biomedical Engineers
BME1520HApplications of Universal Design for Preventing Injury
BME1530HRobot Foundations and Programming for Biomedical Applications
BME1540HMethodological Approaches to the Design and Testing of Gaming Technologies for Rehabilitation
BME1550HRegenerative Medicine: Science, Manufacturing and Regulations
BME1560HArtificial Intelligence for Biomedical Engineering
BME1570HIntroduction to Digital Health
BME1580HApplication of Digital Technologies for Chronic Cardio-respiratory Conditions
Biomedical Product Development I
Biomedical Product Development II
Applying Human Factors to the Design of Medical Devices
Practical Experience in Applied Research PT
Practical Experience in Applied Research FT
Practical Experience Course
APS1043HWriting Your Own Patent Application
CHE1334HOrgan-on-a-Chip Engineering
Molecular Assemblies: Structure/Function/Properties
Medical Imaging
Neural Engineering
Sensory Communications
Biological and Bio-inspired Materials
Human Physiology as Related to Engineering II
JPB1071HAdvanced Topics: Computational Neuroscience
Biomaterials Science