Search Graduate Faculty Members

Name Graduate Unit
Brooks, Dina - BSc(PT), MSc, PhD Physical Therapy
Brooks, Dina - BSc(PT), MSc, PhD Rehabilitation Science
Brooks, Jennifer - BSc, MS, PhD Public Health Sciences
Brooks, Leonard - BCom, MBA, CA, CPA Management, Tri-campus
Brooks, Leonard - BCom, MBA, CA, CPA Management & Innovation
Broucke, Mireille - BScEE, MS, PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brousseau, Anne-Marie - PhD Linguistics

Brousseau, Anne-Marie - PhD

French Language and Literature
Broverman, Samuel - BSc, MSc, PhD Statistical Sciences

Brown, Adalsteinn - AB, PhD (Dean)

Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Brown, Brookes - BA, JD, PhD Philosophy
Brown, Elspeth - MA, PhD Cinema Studies
Brown, Elspeth - MA, PhD History
Brown, Elspeth - MA, PhD Women and Gender Studies
Brown, Grant - BSc, PhD Biochemistry
Brown, Gregory - BCh, MD, DrMed Medical Science
Brown, Hilary Kathryn - BA, MSc, PhD Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Brown, Hilary Kathryn - BA, MSc, PhD Public Health Sciences
Brown, James - BA, MA, PhD, FRSC Philosophy
Brown, Kevin - BA, MSc, PhD Public Health Sciences
Brown, Laura - BSc, MSc, PhD Environment
Brown, Laura - BSc, MSc, PhD Geography and Planning
Brown, Martha - BSc, MSc, PhD Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Brown, Martha - BSc, MSc, PhD Molecular Genetics
Brown, Patrick - BA, MSc, PhD Statistical Sciences
Brown, Stephen - BSE, MASc, PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brown, Theodore - BSc, PhD Medical Science
Brown, Theodore - BSc, PhD Physiology
Brownell, Cassie - BA, MEd, PhD Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
Brownell, John - BFA, MMus, MusD Music